Closed Getting Saved

Aika Chen

Quiet | Better | Software Engineer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
2043 (20)
Aika rarely was out of the common room as she preferred being there but with an evening coming along slowly, there was a crowd so she decided to come along to the fourth floor corridor. She wore something better than she usually did in the common room. And while hanging out here, she decided to sew up her skirt that had ripped a little, not a lot, just a very little that could be easily solved by her. Aika really didn't want to ask her dad for any help or money to buy a new one, she was quite sure that she could just get everything done with what she had, so she didn't ask anything.
Silas was excited to have his daily walk around the castle. He usually used it as a break from school work or to keep his mind off stressful situations or to muse or to stretch out his legs. Really, Silas used this opportunity to just chill, not that he necessarily needed for chill. As he made his way around the door, he meandered down the hallway, waving to his favorite painting before noticing a girl fussing with some clothing nearby. He recognized her from the mixed classes they had had and thought she was in Slytherin. But Silas was kind of terrible at remembering those things. He walked a little closer, noticing her busy hands fixing the skirt, which drew his eyes to her outfit. It was definitely a vibe. "Love the monochromatic moment you are having," he said kindly, stopping a few feet from her, giving her space if she wasn't interested in conversing.
Aika was just getting almost done with her skirt as she heard a voice and looked up. The boy really was complimenting her outfit? Honestly, it quite threw her off guard but she smiled at shyly. "You look colorful, it's cool," she tried to compliment him back as she continued to keep on a little smile. "I mean, your outfit is wonderful," she loved fashion and indeed, he looked awesome.
Silas gave a soft smile as she tried a few poses in the large hallway, manuevering his glasses off his face and back on. "Definitely trying to give off a positive vibe today," he grinned before looking back at her skirt. "I know we're in the same year, but I'm so horrible with names. I'm Silas, and you.... are...." he said trying very hard to remember her name from anything. Someone could speak to him everyday, and he could easily forget their name. "Aika, right?" It seemed right, but then again, maybe there was an Aika in Hufflepuff.
Aika giggled a little as he posed. "You totally do. With glasses on almost looks like in a fashion week, with glasses off more of a casual fancy look," she commented with a smile. Then she just waited for him to at least a little remember her name. She didn't expect him to honestly, she didn't really talk with people, so she wouldn't mind if he didn't know or couldn't remember. "I am Aika indeed," she nodded and politely put out a hand for him to shake. She usually preferred not to touch people but this time it felt like the right thing to do.
Silas appreciated anyone else who could compliment looks as eloquently as he could. Taking Aika's hand, he softly shook it, something he knew he probably needed to work on but didn't really care about. If people couldn't tell he was confident from his general demanor, they weren't going to learn much from a handshake. "Aika. I like it," he complimented. Names were pretty neat. "So, you're into clothes and fashion, I gather? Or maybe sewing or crafting?"
Aika politely smiled at Silas as he accepted her hand and shook it. "Thank you, it's Japanese origin," she added as he said that he liked her name. "I would prefer to say both. I love fashion, I care about my looks a big deal and also I quite enjoy crafting, including sewing, cutting, and everything else. And you? You're into fasion more than creating it, aren't you?" he didn't seem like the guy to enjoy making clothes more than puttingg them together. But if he did, then she would definitely love to hang out with him more often.

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