Getting comfortable

Crystal Evans

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
Being at hogwarts was good for Crystal, she liked the castle, the libery and the rooms there. But something she did not have, was a friend. It was hard to fit in, sometimes. Crystal was happy to hear the word Hufflepuf at the sorting ceremony. Crystal her mom was also sorted into Hufflepuf, so it was very special for her. Before she was going to hogwarts, Crystal talked a lot about the history of Helga Hufflepuf, with her grandmother. Her grandmother was also a formal Hufflepuf student, so it was a family full. She missed her grandmother, so she was sending a lot of letters towards her. Her grandmother was the one who raised her, from four years at age. Crystal never had a friend before, and did not know how it was feeling to have one. She was a very sweet and friendly girl, that was not were she was scared of. But she was scared of the reactions of people, maybe they think that she was weak and always sad, people will have a opinion about her past, that was so tragic. Crystal do have met some people, from her own house. It were kind people and loyal to their house, that was something Crystal liked. Hufflepuf house was so warm and kind towards each other. But still she had no relationship to anybody, it was not that she was even trying. She was afraid to make a first step, and she was fine alone, but now at this time. She would like a friend a girl or boy, just to laugh again and have fun.

Crystal was early out of bed, she did read in the libery and making some homework. After this she decided to take some air, she did not have a place in her head to go. She just walked and came out by the Lakefront. It was beautiful there, it was a nice day, with no rain. Crystal walked towards the water, she picked some stones from the ground. And started throwing them in the water, she loved to see the circles of them. It made her calm, she needed this. She saw some students walking all in groups, Crystal always walked by her own. At this moment she would love to have a conversation with anyone, even a slytherin maybe.

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