Georgia Rose

Georgia Rose

OOC First Name
Curly 14 1/2" Sturdy Alder Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Georgia Rose!

Full Name:
Georgia-Marie Safran Rose

Date of Birth:
5th June 2021

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Georgia is of average height for her age, though she is a little on the slim side, as she grew quite a bit over the last year, and hasn't really made up for it weight wise. She has long dark brown hair, and darkly tanned skin. Her eyes are a light brown, she has large eyes, with long black eyelashes. She has naturally more pink lips, and a fairly small nose.

Georgia has had a tricky upbringing. She wasn't mistreated, though being left alone fairly often in her house, Georgia can be very distant. She is friendly enough when she wants to be. She just keeps everyone at a very seeable way. She is very independent and will do anything and everything by herself. She is incredibly bad at accepting help, or even advice. She works very hard at everything, and is always quite happy to help others. She would be more inclined to help people than she would ever accept help from them.

Adopted - Fraser Rose. Muggle.
Fraser was born and raised in Switzerland by his english parents who both worked as bankers in Switzerland. He attended an international school in Geneva, and excelled in Economics, and specifically investment banking. He married at 26 to his still current wife, though he has been anything but faithful to her. He never really had much interest in having children but, was happier to adopt an already slightly older girl. Fraser has pale skin, and hazel brown eyes, with a large amount of dirty blonde hair which is turning grey as he enters into his early forties. He doesn't have much time for Georgia between work and various other things. Unknown to Fraser he actually has three biological children to three different women.

Adopted - Sophie Kriesi-Rose. Muggle
Sophie was born into a family that was incredibly poor. She was neither the youngest or the oldest child, but was somewhere in the middle, nearer to the bottom, as Sophie has six blood relations, 4 half siblings, and 2 step siblings. Her mother died when she was 12, and her father remarried to a woman who was incredibly well off, and whose husband had left her his entire fortune. Sophie was raised in the German speaking area of Switzerland, and went to university to study Engineering. Where she quickly became the best in her year. She married just after she turned 25, to her current husband. She like her husband has been relatively unfaithful, but can not have kids of her own. Which was why she decided it would be best if they adopted. She like her husband is incredibly busy and actually has very little time with Georgia.

She has no idea that she has siblings, since it's just the three of them in the home together.

No pets, since both her adoptive parents work too much to be able to care for a pet while Georgia is at school.

Area of Residence:
Monte Carlo, Monaco

Blood Status:
She has never met her birth parents so she has no clue what her blood status is, but her father is pureblood and her mother mixed blood.

Since she has never met her biological parents, she has no idea about her heritage. Though both her parents were of italian origin. Her mother was born and raised in Georgia, but her parents were both raised in Sardinia, Italy.

Special Abilities:
Georgia has always been very athletic, she's an incredibly good runner, and is also a very good dancer.

Interests or Hobbies:
Georgia has always enjoyed muggle sports, cars and dancing. She sings a lot of the time but she doesn't really consider that a hobby or anything.

Additional Skills:
A very good dancer

Dancing, sports. Reciting things. Learning. helping others before herself. Never backing down from a fight.

Emotionally distant, not really easy to properly get to know, sometimes finds it easier to just not bother with people. Not quite at terms with her parents leaving her.

Describe your character in three words:
Independent, Smart, Loyal

Favourite place to be:
On the pier outside, an old friend of her's house in Monte Carlo. It was one of her first friends from the foster home who got adopted by a great set of parents, and Georgia used to go round to visit her incredibly often. They'd sit together and have fun. It was always really simple and it was the best kind of fun.

Georgia has a lot of friends in school, she doesn't have many close friends and she has very little interest in getting close to any one else getting close. She's been shifted around alot, and hasn't had much luck making any firm friends. She is not unpopular, and she is not unfriendly, but she doesn't have any one she would regard as close.

Hogwarts House:
Since she attends Beauxbatons she does not have a house. But if she did, she'd probably either get Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, and she'd be happy with either.

Beauxbatons Hopes and Ambitions:
Georgia wishes to be a prefect and maybe also head girl.

Best school subject:
Potions and Charms

Worst school subjects:
Astronomy and Care of Magical Creatures

Extracurricular Activities:
She plays quidditch, and is part of the dance club within Beauxbatons which she started when she was in second year. She is also part of an academia club which she enjoys since she can take part in various reading clubs and she helps some of the younger students with their work too.

2036 or 2037

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
She wants to leave school, study healing magic before helping magic children who get stuck in the muggle foster system to get magical families. She doesn't want people to end up like her, if she did have a magical family she wants to ensure that they don't end up having to live with muggle families who wouldn't understand having a magical child.

Your Patronus:
A hedgehog.

Your Patronus memory:
The memory would be getting her letter, she had been alone at the time. She hadn't expected to be able to do anything like that, though she had noticed the fact that she could do things that were at times a little tricky to explain. Just the joy at the fact that it possibly something that connected her to her parents.

Your Boggart:
As much as she isn't exactly happy in her current home, her boggart would be either one of them dead, or them getting divorced and her having to go back to the foster home. It was necessarily a bad place, she just didn't enjoy having all those kids around, and she was finally settled in one place. it did also really help in her mind that her current parents are pretty well off.

Your Animagus:
Like her patronus a Hedgehog

Mirror of Erised:
Her biological parents, at least meeting them.

A page from your diary:
Dearest Parents,

I am half way through my fourth year, and this is proving tricky. But, I'm smart and I'm doing brilliantly. I'm so looking forward to next year, to possibly being a prefect, and then also possibly being the one who gets head girl in Seventh year. I'm happy with the way the year has gone, and Those foster parents of mine I'm sure are glad to not have me around the house, so they can continue to sneak around each other's backs. It's going to end horribly, let's just hope I'm old enough to not have to be sent back to the home. Anyway, I must return to my studies.

With love

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