Georgia Rose

Georgia Rose

OOC First Name
Curly 14 1/2" Sturdy Alder Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
By its very nature ,
history is always a one-sided account ,


Say Hello to
Georgia Rose!

Life is filled with secrets ,
you can't learn them all at once ,

Georgia-Marie Safran Rose, is her full name, but because of the length of the name, Georgia generally shortens it so that it is only Georgia Rose. The only people who really know her full name are the teachers in the school and her parents.

Georgia - It is of Greek and Latin origin. Feminine form of George.
Safran - German Safran 'saffron', a bright yellow spice and colorant derived from the stigmas of a crocus, hence a metonymic occupational name for a spicer or a nickname for someone with reddish yellow hair. The word is ultimately derived from Arabic za'farān.
Rose - It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Rose is "rose". Flower name. The name, which the Normans brought to Britain in the 11th century, can also be traced to the Old German words "hros" meaning "horse", or "hrod" meaning "fame, renown". The flower meaning is possibly more valid, given the Christian symbolic meaning of the rose. The "rosa mystica" is the Virgin Mary.

The name that Georgia was given was the name her parents gave her before they gave her up for adoption. Georgia was the only part of her name which they asked to be kept when she was adopted. She spent the first six years of her life in foster care, so she was made to pick her own name, which she did when she about three she decided that her last name would be Safran. Just because it was the last name of her favourite author, and she wanted that. Georgia was adopted by an incredibly wealthy muggle couple who didn't really like her name at all, and so made it a lot longer, and more polite in their eyes. Adding the Marie to the Georgia, and Rose to the end, which was actually their family name. She wasn't entirely annoyed by the change, though when they said they were getting rid of the Safran, Georgia threw such a fit that they decided it wasn't a good idea. Which is why Georgia now has a super long name.

Georgie is her only nickname, it's the only one that she actually likes and is interested in having. Her parents are not so keen on the name, but they deal with it anyway. They do not however address her by this name, her parents always address her as Georgia-Marie Rose, without family, despite that being her full name, rather than just part of her name. It frustrates Georgia, but all her friends call her how she wants to be called, so she's not so bothered by it.

Georgia recently turned fourteen. She's a young girl who has seen and been through quite a lot. Despite having been adopted, by her new parents when they first fostered her on a trial bases, took her back to the foster home more than once, so that they could go away on holiday, and didn't want the burden of a child with them. Georgia hasn't had very many good birthdays, she never got along with the adults in the foster home, who didn't have the time to really throw any parties and her new parents tend to forget when it is.

Georgia was born in the incredibly early hours of June 5th 2022. She was a fairly quick but incredibly painful birth, and there were so early issues, where Georgia did not at first start breathing. However, everything turned out alright in the end. Her biological parents had always decided they weren't keeping her, and Georgia was left in the hospital by her parents, who left shortly after Georgia was born.

She is a student at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.

Biological - Simon De Minonzio. Mixed blood. Mother's mother was Muggle
An italian born man who was born in Milan. He was a mixedblood wizard who was the youngest child of a family of ten older siblings. He attended a magical school in Italy, privately owned, and only for the most elite of wizards, those with the most money. Simon is a darkly tanned skin male, with too bright green eyes, and dark, almost black hair. He starting dating Georgia's biological mother, Philippa Andolfatto, in their fourth year, when Philippa turned 17 she found out she was pregnant, and her and Simon kept it a secret from their families until she gave birth a few months before they both turned 18. They had to give the child up for adoption because he was betrothed to another woman who was of equal standing to him, and it was a crucial tie that he would not get out of, and his father who would rather Simon be dead than they break it off in any way. He often thinks about the child he gave up, but not enough to make him want to search for her. He is now married to the woman he was betrothed to, and have been for six years, they have six children.

Adopted - Fraser Rose. Muggle.
Fraser was born and raised in Switzerland by his english parents who both worked as bankers in Switzerland. He attended an international school in Geneva, and excelled in Economics, and specifically investment banking. He married at 26 to his still current wife, though he has been anything but faithful to her. He never really had much interest in having children but, was happier to adopt an already slightly older girl. Fraser has pale skin, and hazel brown eyes, with a large amount of dirty blonde hair which is turning grey as he enters into his early forties. He doesn't have much time for Georgia between work and various other things. Unknown to Fraser he actually has three biological children to three different women.

Biological - Philippa Levy. Pureblood
Born in Georgia but moved to Italy a few years after she was born. Was part of a large pureblood family, who own a business in property, helping witches and wizards get land to put their houses, or to buying houses already in place. She lived mostly in Sardinia, and due to the deep wealth of her family, also attend the private wizarding school in Italy. Philippa is the middle child of three. In total one boy two girls. Her elder sister was to be married off as soon as was possible, though Philippa had no interest in such a thing. Philippa had long brown hair, and green eyes, with fairly tanned skin. She started dating Simon while in fourth year, and discovered a little after she turned 17 that she was pregnant. She couldn't tell her parents, because she was sure that they wouldn't be too pleased, it was however hard to hide it from them, so eventually she told them. Her family was upset, but they persuaded her that she had to give up the child. It was out of wedlock, and to someone whom they did not approve. So, she had the child and returned to Sardinia to finish her education. Since then Philippa began to travel around Europe and eventually settled down in Luxembourg with her mixed blood husband who know nothing about Philippa's experience of school. She thinks about Georgia often, mostly just where she is, what she is doing. If she is even still alive. But, fortunately for her, she now has two young children with her new husband, and thoughts of Georgia take a back seat.

Adopted - Sophie Kriesi-Rose. Muggle
Sophie was born into a family that was incredibly poor. She was neither the youngest or the oldest child, but was somewhere in the middle, nearer to the bottom, as Sophie has six blood relations, 4 half siblings, and 2 step siblings. Her mother died when she was 12, and her father remarried to a woman who was incredibly well off, and whose husband had left her his entire fortune. Sophie was raised in the German speaking area of Switzerland, and went to university to study Engineering. Where she quickly became the best in her year. She married just after she turned 25, to her current husband. She like her husband has been relatively unfaithful, but can not have kids of her own. Which was why she decided it would be best if they adopted. She like her husband is incredibly busy and actually has very little time with Georgia.

Since Georgia was adopted, she is unaware that she has 8 biological siblings. 5 of those male, and 3 female. She is also unaware that she has adopted siblings, due to her adoptive father's three children with three different women.

Once again, due to Georgia's lack of knowledge about her biological family she has no idea if she has uncles, or aunts, or even grandparents. Though if she did, she would realise that she has an incredibly large family.
Through her biological parents, she only has her grandparents on her father's side, and then all of her mother's siblings and half siblings on the other. She has a good number of cousins that she is not related to by birth. Which she does not mind at all, since she really dislikes all of them, and none are magical, so to her, she doesn't really doesn't care about them, much in the same way that they did not care about her.

As much as Georgia would love a pet, she has never had one, and currently doesn't have one. She has no real interest in having any pets, since she has never had one, she knows it would be silly to have one, neither her nor her parents would have the time to look after it.

Unknown, due to the fact that she was given up as a baby, she has no idea about what her blood status might be.

Georgia is unaffected by her blood status, or lack of blood status. She knows that it is something that will always follow her. Not knowing who they are, or who they had become, what her real family was like, but she doesn't think that it affects her work, and she does not see it as something that actually really makes her up as a person. Georgia would always try to be sure that she is the best version of herself, and people don't just decide everything about her because she has no idea about her blood.

Monte Carlo, Monaco

Monte Carlo, Monaco

Georgia doesn't know what she is, she's clearly mixed race. She doesn't know where her family is from but has always seen herself as mixed race not just because of skin colour but also because of the fact that Monaco, where she has always lived is a multicultural state.

While Georgia has always lived in Monaco, she has always wanted to live in Sydney, Australia. She has always enjoyed hearing the stories about it. Hearing everything that could be said about it. Georgia loves beaches, and she loves good weather, but she is bored of her tiny little country and wishes there to be more.


Single, and not really looking.

Since, Georgia has really only discovered that boys are kind of cute, she has not had any real crushes. She's always just looked after herself and no one else. She has never really thought about crushing on any one, or really noticed anyone.

Georgia is pretty closed off, and for this reason has never actually been kissed before.

She has never been kissed before.



Not yet.

Georgia Rose was born in Switzerland, in a small private hospital, where she was immediately left. Her mother and father left in the middle of the night, a few hours after she'd been born, without even giving her a name or signing the birth certificate. Because of the hastiness of the nature of the abandonment, Georgia was placed into the care of an emergency foster mother, who then moved to Monaco, taking Georgia with her. This woman eventually found out she had to move again, but to a job which she believed wouldn't work well with having a child, so Georgia was left in an orphange in Monaco. This establishment while a house for children without parents was also used as a place where children could be sent by parents so that the parents would be able to leave without taking the children. Georgia lived in this home until she was seven years old. It was not the adoption that Georgia had been looking for but she liked the family and they showered her with gifts. Her now, and current parent while with the best intentions in adopting are not the best of parents. They care for Georgia, they give her everything she could've hoped for but they lacked the emotional stability that Georgia had been craving. She was therefore left unable to develop in that way. The only way in which she did was because of the fact that she discovered dancing. Which Georgia had always been good at, but she really funnelled her anger and emotion into dancing.

When Georgia was about 6 years old, so before she was adopted she began to show signs of magic. Of course being completely immersed within muggle culture the girl had no clue what was going on, and so did her best to surpress it and make it seem like nothing was happening. Her questions were answered when it turned out she was a witch and was accepted into Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. She hadn't expected to go, and her adoptive parents had been incredibly confused about the whole magic thing and reacted pretty badly to it. They had always been pretty self-involved people but they seemed to do this more and associate even less with Georgia. However, Georgia was still allowed to go to Beauxbatons. She has always loved it, there is never a moment when she had regretted having to go to magical school. She loves being able to do magic and can do so much in the world now more.

Returning home every holiday to her family is hard. She cares for them, she loves them and is eternally grateful to them for welcoming her into their home, but she has felt a serious divide emerge between them. One that seems to not be fading and despite how much they provide for her, and are willing to give it, she wonders a lot of the time if this due to just the fact they have to or if they actually really want to. Georgia who spent part of her life with very little material possessions still believes in part that if an issue appears that money can help solve it. She has also decided that when she leaves school she wants to help set up some form of system for magical parents to give their child for adoption and for that child to then also end up in a magical home. Georgia's schooling life is pretty good. She enjoys everything she has, and works exceedingly hard.

Today is today ,
but there are many tomorrows ,

Georgia has below the shoulder length brown hair, which is dark brown in colour, and can in some instances can appear black. It is not often cut, she keeps her hair general up in a high bobble or just generally out of her face. She has no interest in her hair getting in the way. She has a small fringe on occasion that generally just sits on her forehead. She has always loved her hair. It's the one thing about her self that she has always truly loved. Georgia loves to twirl it in her fingers and put it into braids. While she doesn't see herself as very girly, playing with her hair, is one of the things she things that she does that is always fairly girly.

Georgia has never fully dyed her hair, she has only ever dyed the tips of her hair. She doesn't think that she would suit many colours, so being able to just use magic to do the tips has been pretty fun for her. She did them in green to begin with, then in blue and then purple. She has thought that doing that is the best thing that she can do. It is the most fun, she loves experiementing with her hair in various forms. However, when she is back with her adoptive parents she always makes sure that her hair is back to normal. It is the plain normal brown that it always has been.

Much like her hair, Georgia has brown eyes, they are slightly lighter in colour than her hair, but they match quite closely. This matched with Georgia's darker skin, is why it is so easy for her parent's friends to remember that Georgia is adopted because of the fact her eyes are the polar opposite of theirs. Georgia likes her eyes. She think's they are really nice. She loves however, getting fake contacts of various colours and putting them on her eyes, mostly to annoy her parents. It's a lot of fun to the young teen.

Georgia has a number of birth marks, the largest one, which is on the back of her neck, on the right, is still no larger than a small speck of dirt. She also has three in a line on the left side of the small of her back, and one on her right ankle. Overall, Georgia is neither fussed nor annoyed about this.

Georgia is a slim, growing girl. She has a fairly thin, and much more athletic build due to the fact that she has been dancing for many years. She works very hard, to keep her body in good shape, but she has grown a lot and has long legs. She is of average weight for her height and age, but, it appears less so due to the fact she is slightly taller than most.

Georgia has a much rarer and unique blood type which she gets from her biological parents. Because of the amount of times she's gotten hurt either dancing, or messing around with others, Georgia is fully aware of what her blood is. She likes the fact that it is so unique, but is glad she has never been so seriously injured that it has really caused much of a problem. There has always been a huge amount of concern about her blood type while she lived in Monaco, but at Hogwarts it has not been as much of an issue.

Georgia is naturally left handed.
She has always written with her left hand. She was encouraged to use her left hand, as it was clearly the better hand, she had broken her right wrist when she was quite young and it has always been weaker, though it's not a huge issue for her, since she had never really had to worry about it, and it really isn't a big issue either at school, or just in general life.

Because of the mixed accents and people that Georgia has come into contact with during her short life, she has quite an odd French accent, which sounds half like she's German, or Italian. It's a very indistinct accent that she is actually quite fond of. When she speaks english it is very difficult to understand, she sounds very strongly french.

Georgia can speak french, Italian, some german phrases, due to her parents both being able to speak the various languages, she can also speak a little Monégasque. Her english is very poor. She knows next to nothing about the language, but is looking to improve it.

Georgia has never been allergic to anything, and is yet to find something that she is allergic to. It is also unlikely that at this point in her life Georgia will discover that she has any allergies due to the fact there is very little that she hasn't at this point tried. So, she doesn't think she'll ever be allergic to anything, and well, she does not all together care about this, since it's exactly what she would want. She can eat everything and anything without too many concerns.

Georgia has a very casual style, the only time she really wears nice clothes are when she's dancing. She likes large oversized sweaters, and skinny jeans. She likes loose fitting t-shirts and trousers. She's almost always wearing trainers, and often also wears a hat. In the summer, she'll always chose lose fitting tank-tops and shorts. She doesn't really try that hard to look good, since she's always finding herself dancing, or messing around which doesn't really go well with dressing nice and all that. She's much better at being able to just run around when she doesn't really care about how she looks.

Zendaya Coleman

When a question has no correct answer ,
there is only one honest response ,

There are a lot of things which Georgia loves. She enjoys above all else dancing. Since it was a way of her to express herself when she hadn't been able to before, the girl had always fought very strongly to be able to do it and practices almost every day. She loves it, and thinks that without it she wouldn't be as well adjusted to all the different aspects of her life. She also enjoys learning, and she enjoys teaching other children. She has always found helping others to be very rewarding. She knows that it can be hard but the girl loves teaching and learning as much as she loves dancing. Georgia enjoys finding out new facts and she enjoys hanging out with friends. She likes being able to have a good time and also remember to be mature about certain things.

Georgia doesn't enjoy being told what to do. To a certain extent. She will find it hard to respect someone if they don't also show her some respect. She's learned to be harsh because of her upbringing and doesn't enjoy when people talk down to her or make her feel like she's useless. The girl also really hates when people argue. While she'll get into arguments occasionally, it is just about her biggest pet peeve. Especially when people lose their cool over nothing. She doesn't think it helps anyway. She really dislikes disloyalty and back stabbing. Georgia is not a push over, she has a huge amount of pride and trust in people and disloyalty to her is just about the worst thing a person can do.

She wants to leave school, study healing magic before helping magic children who get stuck in the muggle foster system to get magical families. She doesn't want people to end up like her, if she did have a magical family she wants to ensure that they don't end up having to live with muggle families who wouldn't understand having a magical child. Georgia has since first year, always thought that there must be many kids like her out there. At least those born to magical parents who do not keep the child should be able to ensure the child goes to a magical family to make the transition easier, of course Georgia realises that it won't account for muggleborns, or the parents who don't wish to be found out.

As much as she isn't exactly happy in her current home, her boggart would be either one of them dead, or them getting divorced and her having to go back to the foster home. It was necessarily a bad place, she just didn't enjoy having all those kids around, and she was finally settled in one place. it did also really help in her mind that her current parents are pretty well off. It is one of the longest homes she's had, and Georgia is just glad to be there. She doesn't want it to be taken away from her, and that is her greatest fear. That no matter what she does to make it better that it will still be taken away from her.

A hedgehog. Since it is a small but great creature which is still able to defend itself and manage to survive with relative ease. Georgia also has a particular fondness for hedgehogs.

The memory would be getting her letter, she had been alone at the time. She hadn't expected to be able to do anything like that, though she had noticed the fact that she could do things that were at times a little tricky to explain. Just the joy at the fact that it possibly something that connected her to her parents. Up until getting her letter, Georgia had no connection to her parents at all. She didn't know anything about them, but knowing that one, or both could be magic was the greatest feeling to her.

Georgia would talk about the few nights after getting her letter to Beauxbatons, just how strange her adoptive parents had acted. Locking her away in her room, and talking hushly amongst themselves. Georgia had been so afraid of what the letter had stood for, but also so pleased. It was a connection she could have with her biological parents. She was looking forward to attending, but wondered what that would mean for her family.

As much as Georgia is proud of all she has managed on her own, she would see her parents, and they would be together and happy, and she'd have a ton of siblings that she could play around with and be the eldest to. She would see some of the kids from the home she lived in, they would be part of this family. What Georgia would in essence see is family. She would see all those that mattered to her, or that she believed should matter to her if she had not been given up for adoption.

For Georgia it would a a strange array of smells, she'd smell salt in the sea air, and that humid smell you get when it's hot and stuffy. She'd also smell strawberries, and sweet lavender honey. It would be a mixture of them.

Georgia looks up to her Charms professor. A person whom she aspires to be like because of the undying kindness, and helpfulness that she has. The patience with students that Georgia would've lost it with. She has always given Georgia a helping hand. Making her feel less bad that she might be feeling, and encouraged her to continue to pursue her muggle interests while at Hogwarts. She feels like if she could grow up to be like this woman, then she has achieved in life.

Georgia has always held mixed beliefs, as she was raised without religion until her adoptive parents, who are both christians, and while they are together they always insist on going to mass every Sunday morning. Georgia believes in a higher power that much she is certain, but she is at times unsure, and does not altogether follow the faith of her adoptive parents. She was also never baptised, as her biological parents left no mention about if that was to happen or not, so there was no option for that.


Terminally curious and sometimes even mischievous, Geminis are multi-faceted souls who enjoy knowing a little bit of everything but generally not too much about one particular subject. It's just that variety is the spice of their lives! In Astrology, Geminis have also gained the reputation of being the incessant talkers of the zodiac. Those Twins that don't have the 'gift of the gab' are usually talented writers or have a special interest in foreign languages.Another reason Geminis evoke so much interest is many born under this sign are multi-dimensionally talented. In money matters, some Geminis are very adept and quick at making it...and spending it too. Many Geminis are involved in international financial wheeling and dealing. They love the adventure and game playing involved in out-thinking other people. Gemini's can be very haphazard about their financial affairs too, with many of them ending up in divorce courts mainly because their partners have become tired of living on the edge of a financial precipice.

Georgia has had a tricky upbringing. She wasn't mistreated, though being left alone fairly often in her house, Georgia can be very distant. She is friendly enough when she wants to be. She just keeps everyone at a very seeable way. She is very independent and will do anything and everything by herself. She is incredibly bad at accepting help, or even advice. She works very hard at everything, and is always quite happy to help others. She would be more inclined to help people than she would ever accept help from them.
Our minds sometimes see ,
what our hearts wish were true ,

Monte Carlo Private School

From ages 7-11

It was not the first school that Georgia had attended, she had gone to a public school with the rest of the children, but having been adopted by that couple she had been moved, despite her protests to this new school. At the beginning Georgia had really wanted to hate the school, but it was a really good school, that had plenty of classes that helped her dancing skills and really pushed her further than before. Georgia had never really given her full effort in the last school, so this school was better for her. She liked the people, and they were kind to her. She was however incredibly pleased to find out that she was magical, and would be leaving the school for another.

While there was no formal testing, Georgia achieved some fairly high grades, making her third highest in the class. Which she was incredibly pleased about, because most of the professors didn't expect her to have done so well because she hadn't started at that school from the beginning.

It was that or sports, and Georgia always loved maths. From the simplest stuff, to anything slightly more complicated. She had always done well at maths, and it was something that with practice you could do well, so that was why she enjoyed it.

While it's quite close to maths, the professor that she had was less than friendly with her which ruined her enjoyment of the class. She had always tried, but the professor constantly picked on her, so eventually she had just stopped trying, since it seemed to her to be pointless to try when she got nothing back from it.

Only once or twice when she felt unwell, would Georgia not attend class. She loves school, and learning, even if she doesn't always show it. She also didn't desire for her adoptive parents to find out and take her back to the home. As much as she wasn't overly happy with her parents, she liked not having to share everything with everyone else.

Georgia did not join many clubs during her time, she joined the dance club, and the sports club. She really only enjoyed the two of those because of the fun they brought her. She really enjoyed the relaxing, and preferred those to working more which seemed pointless after school.

The school went from the age of 5 to the age of 18, so she was not at the school for a long enough period of time to be able to gain any positions. Though her professors had all told her that she would probably make a great prefect.
Sooner or later we've all ,
got to let go of our past ,

Curly 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Kelpie Hair Core

Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: Alder wands are best held by those who are kind and helpful and becomes a loyal and trusted helper itself when controlled properly.
Core: Although a popular wand core in the past, Kelpie hair has fallen out of favour in recent years. It is useful for transfigurations.
Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.

Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

Georgia was thoroughly blown away by the sheer beauty and scale of Beauxbatons. Obviously it is not that far from where she lives with her adoptive parents, but it was unreal to her, she couldn't believe it. It had always seemed like such a place could simply not be hidden. But it was. Every part of the palace was just that. It was a blatant show of wealth if ever she'd seen one. She found the dorm rooms homely and the classes impressive in nature there was really not one part of the school upon her arriving that she wasn't utterly blown away by.

5th Year



Georgia runs a small dance class as part of the muggle sports group equivalent at Beauxbatons, she also was made a prefect at the beginning of her fifth year.


It is in part due to the fact that Georgia really loves her professor that sparks her love for this class. She thinks that it is one of the best classes that they have at Beauxbatons, it everything that she loves from magic, and she likes always having something new to learn and such. Ever since first year, this has been Georgia's best and strongest class.

History of Magic
As much as Georgia can put up with history, she just does not enjoy this class. It's always her worst mark, no matter how hard she tries, she can never do any better. Georgia has never been very good at history and she's just looking to get the OWL and the NEWT and then forget everything.

Everything is possible ,
The impossible just takes longer ,


Coding Done by me, Emzies. If you want to use it, just PM me, and I'll send you the code!
Quotes from Various Dan Brown novels.
Gif Credit to Tumblr


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