Genevieve Kesslar

10", Myrtle and Unicorn Tail Hair
This biography is in first person; be warned, Genevieve can use rude language.

Genevieve Eloise Kesslar

The Basics
Full name: Genevieve Eloise Kesslar
Nickname: I've been called Gen. I've been called Vieve. Just don't call me Jenny.
Birth date: The world was improved by my presence in it on the 15th October 2011 at :cry:27am
Current age: Nineteen
Blood status: Mixed. Well, up until now I thought I was Muggle-born, but when I finally met my b@stard of a father it turns out that he has some amount of magical blood, as does my mother. Just another thing I missed out on, I guess.
Relationship status: Single. Not reeealy looking, although if anyone catches my eye . . .
Sexual orientation: I'm bisexual and proud of it.
Health status: Generally healthy, and resilient as anything when I do get sick.
Favourite colour: I know it doesn't seem like me, but I like orange. It's bright and positive- and believe it or not, I'm not being sarcastic.
Favourite food: CHOCOLATE!
Diet: Vegetarian. Not for some sort of hippie thing though. I just don't like meat.
Desired occupation: Much to my shame, I don't actually know.

Basic appearance: Let's see . . . I have long, annoyingly straight brown hair (I always wanted it curly, and besides, brown is such a dull colour. I should really get it dyed.) My skin is kind of embarrassingly pale; I should really get outside more but I can never be bothered. I'm not such a fan of the sun. I mean, sure it keeps the planet warm and all that stuff, but who needs it really? I have dark brown eyes, which are my favourite aspect of my appearance really. Someone once told me they thought you could fall into my eyes and you wouldn't ever stop. I like that. My face is fairly rounded, and I have a dimple on my chin which occasionally makes people think I'm cute. (I'm not. Seriously!)I am quite tall (5 foot 10 inches, I think, though it's a long time since I checked- it's a long time since I cared- so I may have grown in the meantime). I don't really have a specific style, I just wear clothes. Clothes are useful. I like bright colours but they don't really suit me, so I generally wear white, black, sometimes red, that sort of thing.

Delving deeper
My personality, eh? Well, the thing people most immediately notice about me is that I'm pretty damn confident. I guess that's because I know who I am and like it, and I won't take sh!t from anyone. That's why I ran away from home. Speaking of that, I do have an embarrassing tendency to run away from the worst of my problems- but only the ones I can’t fix any other way! What else? I am brutally honest; I can't stand it when people don't tell the truth. It's lies and backstabbing that have caused most of my problems. I often seem quite cold and distant, but it's just my way of protecting myself. I don't want to have to deal with getting hurt any more, after the childhood I had. That's also why I have a hard time trusting people. I am really caring when you get to know me, though.

Home is where the heart is
Home town: Sainte-Maxime, France.
Current residence: I live in Dunedin, New Zealand, and I like it. It has a good population of magical and non-magical weirdos. Wish it rained less often though.
Residents: Just me and my cat, Rumpleteaser.

Early schooling:
My foster parents were Muggles, so I had what I thought of as a normal childhood. I went to a nice little primary school and was most startled when my Hogwarts letter came.

Magical education
Educated at: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Ravenclaw. Yay, people think I'm smart!
Best subject: Erm, probably Transfiguration. At least, that's the one I liked the best. The practical aspect suited me.
Worst subject: Oh, Divination, definitely. I failed to see anything but the back of the teacher's head in that stupid crystal ball.
Favourite place in school: The library. Yeah, geeky I know, but I liked the peace and quiet. I don’t strike people as the peaceful and quiet type, so maybe it was good practise. And it didn't have too much sun.
Least favourite place in school: I'd say probably the Quiddich pitch. I mean, I don't really like the outdoors anyway, and I'm awful at Quiddich. I have some bad memories there.
Wand: 10", Myrtle and unicorn tail hair

Inner magic
Patronus form: My patronus is a wolf. I like that; they're strong and cunning and just generally awesome.
Patronus memory: Playing with my imaginary twin sister, Elodie, when I was little and carefree.
Boggart: My father in one of his drunken rages (from when I was little and he looked 100 feet high, not now. I don't think I'm scared of him the way he is now, I just think he's pathetic.)
Animagus: If I was an animagus, I think I would be a deer or an antelope. Something herbivorous that runs away from its problems, anyway.
Mirror of Erised: My family, all together and happy. Sounds kind of impossible now.
Amortentia: To me this smells like freshly squeezed lemons. A little weird, I know, but then I'm a little weird as a person.
Veritaserum: What's my deepest secret? I guess that would be that when I ran away I left my twin sister behind, since that's so dark I even hid it from myself.

<U>Finer things
Interests: I'm interested in pretty much everything (see the Ravenclaw coming through there?), but my main passions are music and dance. I play guitar (and harmonica, but not very well), and I like the angsty sort of rock music and more alternative stuff. I'll try my hand at pretty much any kind of dance, although when I still took lessons it was in contemporary. I also like poetry- but not love poems, they make me feel sick- but I'm sh!t at writing it.
Special abilities/skills: Well, I can wink, whistle, raise one eyebrow . . . Oh, you mean seriously? Well, I suppose being good at guitar and passable at singing counts as a skill. I'm fluent in English (if that helps), and fluent if a bit rusty in French. I can dance pretty well, and do some fairly high-level magic. That makes me sound kind of impressive, doesn't it?
Allergies: I'm not allergic to anyone- I mean anything.
Role model: I guess my role model would have to be my sister Elodie, for all that she's been through and still coming out as an amazing person. And for being a teacher at Hogwarts- I don’t think I'd have the guts to do that.

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Star sign: Apparently I'm a Libra. Sounds a bit lovey-dovey for me though.
Element: Air. Well, I suppose I do like flying. Just not under any circumstances playing Quidditch.
Planet: Venus. Yay, a barren rock.
Birth stone: Opals. Oooh, pretty!
Birth flower: Marigolds. Well, at least I like the colour.
Life pursuit: To be consistent. Wtf? All the rest of the stuff it says about Libra implies my life pursuit is to find love! Consistency sounds much more likely.
Vibration: Unsteady. Maybe I'm just taking that the wrong way, but it sounds reeealy dodgy.
Secret desire: To live an easy, uncomplicated life. Well, that's true enough, although not exactly secret. That's the only thing in this whole horoscope that's sounded even remotely like me. Who do they think they're kidding?
Tarot card: XI Justice. I have no idea.
Anatomy ruled: Kidneys, lower back and appendix. Well, I suppose my lower back is relevant to my dancing, but seriously? Am I supposed to care?

Seriously? You really want to know my history? Wow, no-one's ever cared that much before. Well, let's see. I was born on the 15th of October 2011, and presumably I came screaming and kicking into the world, because I was born at the absolutely ridiculous time of :cry:27, a time I don't think I've ever been awake at again. I was my parents' first and only child, but my early life was generally frustrating. I wasn't exactly a carefree toddler. My father, the abominable Jonothan Kesslar, was an alcoholic, and he would get into these huge rages about what I saw as the smallest things. Sometimes he beat my mother. I escaped by inventing an imaginary friend, Elodie, my nonexistent twin sister. We had the best times together, and got up to all sorts of mischief. But when I was six, I realised that my imagination just wasn't a good enough escape from my father. So I escaped for real. I ran away from home one night. I don't remember planning at all, but Dad was too drunk to notice, and Mum must have been out somewhere.The strange thing is, Elodie didn't run away with me. I never played with my imaginary friend again. Apparently the police found me wandering the streets- I hadn't had any idea of where to go, just away. I refused to tell them where my family was, so I was put in the charge of an orphanage.

Fairly soon (I don't know exactly how long, my six-year-old brain wasn't good at time), I was adopted. My foster parents, John and Lucia Allard, were wonderful people. Lucia is French, like me, but John is English, so I grew up bilingual. When I was eight we moved to England, but being an outgoing sort of person I adjusted to the move well. I made lots of friends at my primary school in Reading (pronounced Redding- it's weird, I know), and was genuinely loved, but I never lost that fear of rejection my father landed me with. And then, when I was eleven and actually happy with my life, the Hogwarts letter arrived. My adoptive parents were Muggles, and although I had always been aware that I was different from the people around me, I had never even begun to guess that magic might be the cause of it. Going to Hogwarts changed my life- and not for the better.

When I first came to Hogwarts Scotland, I was astounded at the scope of this world I had never even dreamed existed. When the Sorting Hat put me in Ravenclaw I didn't know what that meant. Everything was new and confusing. But everyone else seemed to take this amazing power of magic for granted. I confess, I was a lot less confident in my first few years at Hogwarts. I had difficulty adjusting to the sheer difference of this world to the one I was used to. And so, of course, people who did know what they were doing walked all over me.

I wouldn't have put up with that for long in any case, but in my second year I received a letter to say that Lucia had died in a car crash. To say that I was devastated would be a massive understatement. I blamed myself for her death, thinking that perhaps if I had been there it would have been different. I couldn't forgive myself for not being there for her, for not being by her side when she passed away. So I put a little box around my feelings and locked them up deep inside me. I stopped letting people bully my by simply not caring. I told the backstabbing b!tches who were the closest things I had to friends in those early days (being young and inexperienced, I had joined whatever group would have me) exactly what I thought of them. Thus, for a while, I didn't have any friends. Nevertheless, by my third year I managed to meet a group of people who accepted me for who I am, and things started getting better for me. Even then, I didn't let many people past my hard exterior. I didn't really have any close friends. I guess I was afraid that letting people close to me would just hurt me again, scared of people like my father and tragedies like Lucia's death.

My fourth year was pretty uneventful. I got on with my studies, spent time with my friends and began finally to get into the swing of a magical life. I started being almost optimistic about the future. In fifth year I had my first love, a girl by the name of Eryn Russel. Our relationship only lasted a few months, but that was time enough for me to get thoroughly infatuated with her. I hadn't realised I was gay before that, but I didn't see any reason why I shouldn't be. I still remember our first kiss. We were in the library (scandalous, I know!), between two shelves, and there was no-one else around. We had been looking for a History of Magic textbook, but then it just happened- almost spontaneously. To this day I'm not sure which one of us started it. Anyway, it doesn't matter, because a few weeks later I found out that she was cheating on me. With a boy. I didn't even know his name, just that he was a Slytherin, younger than us. Needless to say I was pretty shocked. I caught them kissing in a corridor (how alliterative). Eryn tried to explain it away, but it was kind of obvious what was really going on. For the rest of that year I concentrated reeealy hard on studying for my OWLs, shunning human contact with the excuse that I needed to study. Of course, that wasn't the real reason.

In my sixth and seventh years, things were fairly uneventful. I was more distant from my friends than I had been previously, but I explained it away as study stress. In sixth year (much to my embarrassment), I developed a little crush, on a boy called Jeffry Rider. It never went further than that, never came to anything. But it did make me rethink my sexual identity. Evidently I could like boys, my father hadn't prejudiced me that much against the entire gender. Towards the end of seventh year, a lot of conversations about magical heredity went on in my group, and it got me thinking about my biological parents. I didn't know if they were magical or not, hardly knew anything about them. I barely remembered my mother, Elisabeth Kesslar, and my childhood memories of my father were as a ravening beast, a monster blown out of proportion in my mind. Surely he couldn't really be like that. It was something to ponder, anyway, to distract me from NEWT-time panic. I did do quite well in my NEWTs, though. Graduation time couldn't come soon enough.

Post Graduation
I continued living with John for a while after leaving school, and I was amazed now about how used I had become to living in a magic-filled world. Muggle devices seemed crude and strange; I couldn't remember how to use a computer. What had been a vague curiosity while I was still at school became a burning desire. I had to find my biological parents.

Eventually I managed to track down Jonothan Kesslar, and I met him recently. Although he was obviously having an affair, he seemed nicer than I remember. Although, I suppose that wouldn't be hard. Anyway, he dropped quite a bombshell on me. My imaginary twin Elodie isn't imaginary at all. To be continued.
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Name: Elisabeth Frances (Raevin) Kesslar
Age: Forty years old
Blood status: Half-blood
Status: Deceased
About her: Elisabeth was born in Essex in England in 1987 before moving when she was 5 to Saint-Maxime in France. She attended Beauxbatons where she met and fell in love with her high school sweetheart Jonothan Kesslar. They got married in 2008 and gave birth to Genevieve and Elodie three years later. Elisabeth moved to Saint Tropez in 2017 and passed away due a successful drunk driven suicide attempt in 2028.


Name: Jonothan Kesslar
Age: Forty-three years old
Blood status: Mixed blood
Status: Alive
About him: Jonothan Kesslar was born in Dijon in France in 1987. He attended Beauxbatons where he met Elisabeth Kesslar. He moved to Saint-Maxime to court her and in 2008 and his wife gave birth to his daughters Genevieve and Elodie three year later. He divorced Elisabeth in 2017 and married Daniella in 2018. He became a father again in 2022 to Jaymie Leigh Kesslar.


Name: Elodie Mirielle Kesslar
Age: Nineteen years old
Blood status: Mixed blood
Status: Alive
About her: Elodie Kesslar is Genevieve's twin sister. When young they spent all their time together, but when Genevieve ran away from home Elodie did not accompany her, and since then both have justified this by letting themselves think the other was imaginary. Elodie went to Beauxbatons, and is now a Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts New Zealand. Genevieve recently found out about her existence, but Elodie doesn't know about Genevieve yet.

Adoptive Mother
Name: Lucia Jessica (Renaud) Allard
Age: Thirty-Four years old
Blood status: Muggle
Status: Deceased
About her: Lucia Renaud was born in 1989, in Sainte-Maxime in France. She met John Allard shortly after attending University in nearby Saint-Raphael. The couple always wanted a child but did not have one, so they adopted Genevieve. Soon after, the family moved to Reading, back in England. In Genevieve's second year at Hogwarts, Lucia died in a car crash.

Adoptive Father
Name: John William Allard
Age: Forty-two years old
Blood status: Muggle
Status: Alive
About him: John Allard was born in 1988, in London, England. He attended school there, but hated the big city so moved to Sainte-Maxime in France after finishing University. Here he met Lucia Renaud, fell in love, and married her two years later. The couple always wanted a child but did not have one, so they adopted Genevieve. Soon after, the family moved to Reading, back in England. John was broken-hearted by Lucia's death.


Name: Daniella Kesslar
Age: Thirty-six years old
Blood status: Mixed blood
Status: Alive
About her: Daniella was born in Nice in France in 1994, she moved to Reims when she was 14 years old with her family. She attended Beauxbatons in 2005. And after graduating she moved to Sainte-Maxime just after her 18th birthday and began to date Jonothan Kesslar. After his divorce the pair married in 2018 and she gave birth to her daughter Jaymie in 2022.


Name: Jaymie Leigh Kesslar
Age: Eight years old
Blood status: Mixed blood
Status: Alive
About her: Jaymie was born in Sainte-Maxime in 2022. When she was 6 she had her appendix out. She attempted to reunite her father and Elodie at her eighth birthday but was unsuccesful as they continued to argue. She has been homeschooled through her schooling years so far.


Name: Dulciana Raevin
Age: Forty-two
Blood status: Mixed blood
Status: Alive
About her: Dulciana was born in Essex in England in 1984 before moving when she was 8 to Saint-Maxime in France. She attended Hogwarts Scotland. She graduated and met Demetrius Van Laar Veth when she moved back to England. She gave birth to her daugther Angela in 2022.


Name: Angela Lucretia-Belle Van Laar Veth
Age: Eight years old
Blood status: Mixed blood
Status: Alive
About her: Angela was born in Essex England in 2022. She lived with her father Demetrius Van Laar Veth when her parents separated and Dulciana moved away to London. The two moved to Dunedin New Zealand in 2027.


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