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- OOC First Name
- Payal
Full Name:
- Genevieve Rosewood
She was named Genevieve after her paternal great grandmother because she is the only decendent who inherited her brown eyes and later on as she grew up she started to greatly resemble her great-grand mother in looks.
The last name Rosewood came about in the early 1800's when the family's ancestors owned a wand shop that made wands only on special order for those who needed replacements for their wands and their wand shop was specially known for making the best rosewood wands and so they came to be recognized by that name.
Date of Birth:
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Genevieve has elbow length brown wavy hair with light brown highlights and streaks but she is constantly experimenting with different hair styles and colours so she could be a brunette one day and a blonde the next day.
She has big and dark brown eyes which vary from all her siblings and cousins. She was named after her paternal great grandmother whose eyes she has inherited. He has long dark lashes and they add to the natural smokey eyed look that she has.
She has a square shaped face with a small nose and narrow angular chin but a broad forehead. She has high cheek bones which make her look somewhat haughty when she doesn't smile. Her great grandmother whom she greatly resembles was part French and so she has some of that French beauty in her looks.
She is very tall and very skinny and she does not resemble her sister in anyway except for the same dark brown hair. She is a fashion model and works in the Muggle fashion industry so she has a love and high regard for fashion. She selects her clothes with great care to suit her character and can pull off even the most eccentric looks.
Genevieve has a very dynamic and unpredictable personality. She isn't overly friendly but isn't exactly shy or distant either. She gives off a rather mysterious air which often makes people curious to get to know her. Her moods are always on the swing, so her personality is always in the balance between pleasant and *****y and she can be either depending on very small things. She keeps up a great public face because that's what celebrities do best no matter what chaos of emotions goes on in her mind.
Another personality trait that is dominant is that she never flirts or tries to attract male attention because it has always been other men who have been trying to please her.She has had her head stuck up in space ever since she was a young girl who was extravagantly praised. This is why she assumes that her looks can get a thousand admirers if she wishes and so she never tries to look for a long relationship because she thinks it is as easy as getting a fling but she has yet to discover that it is not.
Genevieve has a very big family because the Rosewoods have always been prospering and moving to different parts of the world so she has relatives in many parts of the world. She has three elder siblings two brothers and a sister.
Marie-anne Rosewood-Wilkinson
She was a great mother to Genevieve who had a lot of talent in potion making because her father owened an apothecary. But after her marriage she became a great house wife and took great care of the children and threw great parties and social events. She was said to be the one handling the whole of Rosewood Estate in Canada while her husband constantly had to travel because of his many factories.
Genevieve's relationship with her was a very close one. Genevieve was her mother's youngest child and so she was the most loved and spoilt one. Genevieve's best friend was her mother since her elder sister Camilia was ten years older than her and hardly present throughout her childhood. Marie-anne died when Genevieve was in her last year of school because of a genetic disease.
Her death affected Genevieve greatly and it was one of the reasons why she never came back to Canada after completing schooling at Beauxbatons.
Other Family members coming soon.
- Genevieve had a Cream coloured male Pomeranian puppy called Mushi when she was 4 years old who eventually died of old age.When she studied at Beauxbatons she had a fat white cat with golden stripes called Sukie. After graduating from Beauxbatons and settling in Paris she bought another Pomeranian puppy and named her Isabella
Area of Residence:
Genevieve was born in Canada and lived there until she went to study at Beauxbatons. After Graduation she stayed with some relatives in Paris for a few months and then moved to a new penthouse where she lived alone. Now she also has a town house in London and New York and is frequently travelling because of her career.
Blood Status:
Genevieve is Mixed Blood. Both her parents come from families that do not hold and grudges against muggle-born wizards and hence both her parents are mixed bloods.
Special Abilities:
Interests or Hobbies:
Genevieve is a big Fashionista.She loves everything about the fashion world.
Some of her hobbies are swimming, horse riding and cooking.
She also likes to read novels especially romances and finds time to read them on long flights around the world.Her all time favourites are Pride and Prejudice and Anna Karenina.
She enjoys pop/rock/country music and loves dancing and partying. She really likes Taylor Swift songs because they are very relatable.
Additional Skills:
Genevieve can speak French and Spanish because she was home tutored in these languages when she was young. She is also a good swimmer and knows ballet and waltz and is currently learning salsa dance
She is good at flying a broom because it is in her genes inherited from her father.
Genevieve is a loyal friend even though most people in the fashion world are not. Also she easily forgives people even when they don't deserve it.
Genevieve is weak in judgment of other people. She ends up trusting the wrong friends and falling for the wrong guys. Also she is weak in character because she can't control her attraction to attractive men. Lastly she tends to have a problem with drinking alcohol and gets drunk very quickly.
Describe your character in three words:
Favourite place to be:
Her favourite place to be would be her old manor house The Rosewood Manor in Canada but for a long time she has stopped herself from going to her family house because it has too many memories of her mother who was very close to her and passed away when Genevieve was still at school.
Genevieve has few friends, mostly muggle co-workers and models that she has grown to trust over the years. However most of her friends aren't loyal to her and are jealous of her.
Best school subjects:
Genevieve's favourite subjects at school were Charms and Potions because they were quite useful to her during her days at school because she was quite the prankster back then.
Worst school subjects:
Genevieve's worst school subjects were History of Magic and Herbology.History because it was dull and boring and herbology because it was hard work that made her sweaty and dirty and unfabulous.
Extracurricular Activities:
At Beauxbatons, Genevieve was a member of "La Société de Chic" (The Society of Chic) and in her seventh year she became it's head. Also she was a member of the Quidditch team for the last three years of school.
She graduated from Beauxbatons in 2027.
Current Job:
Genevieve works for a Modeling Agency called Panache which is the top modeling agency in France and also has branches in other parts of the world. Genevieve is now their top model and is always travelling to New York, London, Barcelona and Rome for fashion shows
Plans for your future:
Genevieve knows that her fame in the fashion industry will only last for a few more because thats how the fashion world operates. Therefore she has decided to find a way to reconcile with her father and her family so that she gets her equal share of her father's wealth that can help her start a Fashion House in the Wizarding world.
Your Patronus:
Her patronus is a Peacock because they are beautiful and majestic.
Your Patronus memory:
Her patronus memory is of her mother reading to her before sleep when she was a little girl.
Your Boggart:
Her Boggart would be her own deformed reflection in a mirror in which she would be fat, her face would be pockmarked and scarred and her hair would be dull and lank and thin.
Your Animagus:
Her Animagus would be a cat that has dark eyes the same shade as her's and whose fur would be brown with stripes of golden brown like her own hair.
Mirror of Erised:
She would see herself holding hands with her mother and the rest of her family standing behind them.
A page from your diary:
coming soon
- Genevieve Rosewood
She was named Genevieve after her paternal great grandmother because she is the only decendent who inherited her brown eyes and later on as she grew up she started to greatly resemble her great-grand mother in looks.
The last name Rosewood came about in the early 1800's when the family's ancestors owned a wand shop that made wands only on special order for those who needed replacements for their wands and their wand shop was specially known for making the best rosewood wands and so they came to be recognized by that name.
Date of Birth:
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Genevieve has elbow length brown wavy hair with light brown highlights and streaks but she is constantly experimenting with different hair styles and colours so she could be a brunette one day and a blonde the next day.
She has big and dark brown eyes which vary from all her siblings and cousins. She was named after her paternal great grandmother whose eyes she has inherited. He has long dark lashes and they add to the natural smokey eyed look that she has.
She has a square shaped face with a small nose and narrow angular chin but a broad forehead. She has high cheek bones which make her look somewhat haughty when she doesn't smile. Her great grandmother whom she greatly resembles was part French and so she has some of that French beauty in her looks.
She is very tall and very skinny and she does not resemble her sister in anyway except for the same dark brown hair. She is a fashion model and works in the Muggle fashion industry so she has a love and high regard for fashion. She selects her clothes with great care to suit her character and can pull off even the most eccentric looks.
Genevieve has a very dynamic and unpredictable personality. She isn't overly friendly but isn't exactly shy or distant either. She gives off a rather mysterious air which often makes people curious to get to know her. Her moods are always on the swing, so her personality is always in the balance between pleasant and *****y and she can be either depending on very small things. She keeps up a great public face because that's what celebrities do best no matter what chaos of emotions goes on in her mind.
Another personality trait that is dominant is that she never flirts or tries to attract male attention because it has always been other men who have been trying to please her.She has had her head stuck up in space ever since she was a young girl who was extravagantly praised. This is why she assumes that her looks can get a thousand admirers if she wishes and so she never tries to look for a long relationship because she thinks it is as easy as getting a fling but she has yet to discover that it is not.
Genevieve has a very big family because the Rosewoods have always been prospering and moving to different parts of the world so she has relatives in many parts of the world. She has three elder siblings two brothers and a sister.
Marie-anne Rosewood-Wilkinson
She was a great mother to Genevieve who had a lot of talent in potion making because her father owened an apothecary. But after her marriage she became a great house wife and took great care of the children and threw great parties and social events. She was said to be the one handling the whole of Rosewood Estate in Canada while her husband constantly had to travel because of his many factories.
Genevieve's relationship with her was a very close one. Genevieve was her mother's youngest child and so she was the most loved and spoilt one. Genevieve's best friend was her mother since her elder sister Camilia was ten years older than her and hardly present throughout her childhood. Marie-anne died when Genevieve was in her last year of school because of a genetic disease.
Her death affected Genevieve greatly and it was one of the reasons why she never came back to Canada after completing schooling at Beauxbatons.
Other Family members coming soon.
- Genevieve had a Cream coloured male Pomeranian puppy called Mushi when she was 4 years old who eventually died of old age.When she studied at Beauxbatons she had a fat white cat with golden stripes called Sukie. After graduating from Beauxbatons and settling in Paris she bought another Pomeranian puppy and named her Isabella
Area of Residence:
Genevieve was born in Canada and lived there until she went to study at Beauxbatons. After Graduation she stayed with some relatives in Paris for a few months and then moved to a new penthouse where she lived alone. Now she also has a town house in London and New York and is frequently travelling because of her career.
Blood Status:
Genevieve is Mixed Blood. Both her parents come from families that do not hold and grudges against muggle-born wizards and hence both her parents are mixed bloods.
Special Abilities:
Interests or Hobbies:
Genevieve is a big Fashionista.She loves everything about the fashion world.
Some of her hobbies are swimming, horse riding and cooking.
She also likes to read novels especially romances and finds time to read them on long flights around the world.Her all time favourites are Pride and Prejudice and Anna Karenina.
She enjoys pop/rock/country music and loves dancing and partying. She really likes Taylor Swift songs because they are very relatable.
Additional Skills:
Genevieve can speak French and Spanish because she was home tutored in these languages when she was young. She is also a good swimmer and knows ballet and waltz and is currently learning salsa dance
She is good at flying a broom because it is in her genes inherited from her father.
Genevieve is a loyal friend even though most people in the fashion world are not. Also she easily forgives people even when they don't deserve it.
Genevieve is weak in judgment of other people. She ends up trusting the wrong friends and falling for the wrong guys. Also she is weak in character because she can't control her attraction to attractive men. Lastly she tends to have a problem with drinking alcohol and gets drunk very quickly.
Describe your character in three words:
Favourite place to be:
Her favourite place to be would be her old manor house The Rosewood Manor in Canada but for a long time she has stopped herself from going to her family house because it has too many memories of her mother who was very close to her and passed away when Genevieve was still at school.
Genevieve has few friends, mostly muggle co-workers and models that she has grown to trust over the years. However most of her friends aren't loyal to her and are jealous of her.
Best school subjects:
Genevieve's favourite subjects at school were Charms and Potions because they were quite useful to her during her days at school because she was quite the prankster back then.
Worst school subjects:
Genevieve's worst school subjects were History of Magic and Herbology.History because it was dull and boring and herbology because it was hard work that made her sweaty and dirty and unfabulous.
Extracurricular Activities:
At Beauxbatons, Genevieve was a member of "La Société de Chic" (The Society of Chic) and in her seventh year she became it's head. Also she was a member of the Quidditch team for the last three years of school.
She graduated from Beauxbatons in 2027.
Current Job:
Genevieve works for a Modeling Agency called Panache which is the top modeling agency in France and also has branches in other parts of the world. Genevieve is now their top model and is always travelling to New York, London, Barcelona and Rome for fashion shows
Plans for your future:
Genevieve knows that her fame in the fashion industry will only last for a few more because thats how the fashion world operates. Therefore she has decided to find a way to reconcile with her father and her family so that she gets her equal share of her father's wealth that can help her start a Fashion House in the Wizarding world.
Your Patronus:
Her patronus is a Peacock because they are beautiful and majestic.
Your Patronus memory:
Her patronus memory is of her mother reading to her before sleep when she was a little girl.
Your Boggart:
Her Boggart would be her own deformed reflection in a mirror in which she would be fat, her face would be pockmarked and scarred and her hair would be dull and lank and thin.
Your Animagus:
Her Animagus would be a cat that has dark eyes the same shade as her's and whose fur would be brown with stripes of golden brown like her own hair.
Mirror of Erised:
She would see herself holding hands with her mother and the rest of her family standing behind them.
A page from your diary:
coming soon