Geminni Brie-Rose Maliki

OOC First Name
Cedar Wand with Core of Phoenix Tail Feather, Flexible

The Basics
Character's Name: Geminni Brie-Rose Maliki
Character's Birthdate: January 7th, 2011
Hometown: Isle of Arran, Scotland
Blood Status: Half blood
Wand: Cedar Wand with Core of Phoenix Tail Feather- My wand is flexible and is good for Defense Against the Dark Arts. It has bark-like markings on it, and it fairly smooth. I have had this wand since I was eleven, and it has not failed me yet. We work well together, and I treat my wand with reverent respect.
Educated At: Hogwarts Scotland House: Slytherin, Prefect
Shop Owned: The Second-Hand Store
Hair: My hair goes down to my mid back, and it is black and very thick. It gets tangled easily, so I usually just keep it in a ponytail or a bun on top of my head. I have never ever dyed my hair because I do not want to damage it. I inherited my type of hair from my father's part of the family.
Eyes: My eyes are cold and light brown. They are almond shaped, and sometimes there is a twinkle in my eyes because I am irritated or thinking really hard.
Height: 5"8' I am third the tallest in my family. I have toned, long legs and a boy-like figure, but I know how to make my body look good.
Style: I like to wear bright colored tops. I like my clothing to be lose because it hides that I have absolutely no curves in my figure. I am already tall, but I love to wear high heels and/or pumps. They are more comfortable than flats or sneakers. I often have my hair in up-do's because it is hard to manage, and I really do not like having to spend a ton of time fighting my hair to cooperate with me. I like to wear shorts, and when it gets cold, I just wear leggings underneath them. I have nice legs, and I am not afraid to show them. I love accessories! Hats, earrings, necklaces, rings, and everything else I can use to make my self look pretty. I am kind of like a trendy hippie because I like bright and unique, but I do not want to look like a complete fool.
Other Distinguishing Features: Pierced ears. Tattoo of a phoenix feather on my hip. I have several miscellaneous tattoos on my wrists. I got them in my fifth year.
A Little Deeper
Personality: I am, naturally, a very cold person. I did not grow up receiving a lot of attention from my family. I am the youngest of 5 brothers. I was often pushed to the side and, sometimes, forgotten about. I would be cold to people because I thought that they weren't going to pay any real attention to me anyway. I am very wild, and I like to be different from everyone else. I was often ignored, so I did things that would get me some attention. This wild streak started when I was a little girl. I became unbearable to be around because my brothers got all the attention, so I decided to do stupid and ridiculous things to get some attention too. I am not unbearable anymore because I realized that being that way just made people want to stay away from me more. I can be a very loyal and trustworthy person to people I deem worthy. A part of me judges people by their appearance (I was a poor girl! I needed some rich friends on my side!), and another part of me judges people by their character. I take, almost, everything seriously. I am not an easy person to joke around with because I take things literally very often. People also learn that pranks should not be pulled around me. I will see it as a form of bullying and stop it immediately. I became a prefect because of this side of me. I took my studies very seriously, selective about who I spent my time with, and responsible. I am pretty independent. I can take care of myself just fine. I do not ask my parents, brothers's or boyfriend for money because I am completely capable of taking care of myself.
Special Talents/Abilities: None.
History: On the seventh of January in the year 2011, I was born to Jalayla and Nevenael Maliki. At the time, my older brothers Jason(10), Malcom(8), Terrance(7), Shawn(5), and Alastor(4) were at the point in their life where they liked to be loud, messy, and ultra noisy. My brothers all helped raise me, but once I turned six, that all changed. My brother's had grown up and moved on to school, except Alastor. Alastor is a special child. He has a very weak immune system, and he got sick easily. For clothing, I was always handed my brothers old clothes. My brothers never really messed with me. Most of the time, they were begging Mom and Dad for "more freedom" to do what they want to do. Once Jason became of age, he and Terrance moved over to Australia. This caused a lot of stress for Jalayla because she felt that her boys were not ready to move out of the house yet, and she was right because several months later they were back home. I learned to become loud and unbearable because of my brothers, so by the time I was in my first year at Hogwarts Scotland, I had absolutely no friends. No one wanted to be around a loud and annoying Slytherin girl. By my second year, I had developed a cold personality. Home was getting crowded, and I had hoped that by the time I was school I would be getting more attention. All my brothers were still in the house, and I had started to feeling lonely. In my third year I went through relationships like nobody's business. I had a new boyfriend every week, and I cheated on the guys I was dating. I was a real slut until my father told me off and threatened to cut my hair(which I treasured!) and lock me in my room. I got my act together and started to focus on my grades. In my fifth year, I was made a Prefect. I was a social butterfly, but I did not have any best friends that I was able to trust with all my secrets. In my sixth year, I met a guy named Paul Lora. He was a Cuban Gryffindor, and he was a charmer. We started to get to know each other, and we became best friends. We told each other everything and even spent the breaks over at each others houses. After we graduated was when we started to date and everything I thought I knew about Paul became a lie. He became possessive. I planned on opening my own business when I graduated, but Paul refused and told me that I my job was to stay at the house, cook, clean, and take care of him. The relationship started falling apart, and Paul started to get abusive. I was able to keep the physical abuse away from my brothers for about a year before they all came busting through our door and pinning Paul up against a wall. When I saw my brothers do that for me, I felt, for the first time, like they loved and cared about me. Before it was like my brothers did not really care about me, but now I know that they are willing to bury my boyfriend alive for me. Paul and I have been off and on in our relationship since 2030. Now, we live together, and he is not very happy that I own the Second-Hand Store.


Name: Jason Drew Maliki
Relation: Brother
Occupaton: Herbologist
DOB: March 26, 2001
Status: Living and Married
History: Jason is the oldest of the bunch, and he is very protective of the family. We are all really happy that he decided to settle down with someone he loved and start a family. He has two kids, Audrey(Born 2025) and Luke(Born 2027). He was a Gryffindor at Hogwarts Scotland.

Name: Malcom Jefferey Maliki
Relation: Brother
Occupation: Social Worker
DOB: August 9, 2003
Staus:Living and Married
History: Malcom and I used to fight all the time. He would tease me and take my stuff. He knew I had had enough when I scratched his face with my nails and started to beat him up with my baby dolls. He is now happily married with a my niece, Junice (Born 2029). He was a Hufflepuff at Hogwarts Scotland.

Name: Terrance Lavan Maliki
Relation: Brother
Occupation: Ministry Official
DOB: November 25, 2004
Status: Living and Married
History: Terrance is by far the smartest of the Maliki's. He made some stupid decisions, but he is a genius. He was usually too into his books to bother me, and therefore, that made me like him the most out of all of my brothers. He has three children, Stacy (Born in 2024), Andrew (Born 2026), and Germaine (Born 2028). He was in Ravenclaw at Hogwarts Scotland. He often visits me with his wofe and kids. Sometimes, I even get to babysit them!

Name: Shawn Jakeem Maliki
Relation: Brother
Occupation: Lead singer in R.J.N (Rackafella Journey Nation)
DOB: June 5, 2006
Status: Living and Taken
History: Shawn was born loud, and he is obsessed with rock music. He did the worst in school. The strange thing about Shawn is that was naturally really wise, despite his horrible grades. The only good grades he got were in Divination and Ancient Runes. Sometimes he comes over to tell us to do something on a certain day so we can get a certain outcome. We asked him if he was a Seer more than once, but he never gives us an answer.

Name: Alastor Mario-Lavan Maliki
Relation: Brother
Occupation: Quidditch Player
DOB: May 35, 2007
Status: Infertile and Taken
History: He often goes by his middle name, Mario. Alastor was very sick as a child. His immune system was weak, so he was often sick. He was often out of school because he had to go and get treatments. At the time, there were not many potions that could help him. He did not develop like he should have, he became infertile. He is fine with this, and he spoils his nieces and nephews as much as he can. He was a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts Scotland. He is so the only family member that is homosexual.

Name: Jalayla Mabel Maliki
Relation: Mother
Occupation: St. Mungo's Healer
DOB: May 14, 1976
Status: Living and Widowed
History: My mother is strict, and whenever any of us acted out we got spanked with a wooden spoon. Mom loves us all a lot, and she hates when we fight with each other. My mother is of mixed blood. She was surprised when all of us did not take after her in skin color, but she loved us all the same. She was busy with my brothers all the time, but on my birthday and special holidays she gave me presents worth keeping. She received her education at a magical academy in Jamaica.

Name: Nevenael Josh Maliki
Relation: Father
Occupation: Counselor at Hogwarts Scotland
DOB: Decemeber 18, 1974
Status: Deceased and Married
History: My father died shortly after my graduation on June 5, 2015. His family is extremely racist, so when my father decided to marry my mother, they were against their marriage. He was removed from the family tree. My father was muggleborn, so his family was already thinking or abandoning him. My father was able to see right through people's facades and walls. He graduated from Hogwarts Scotland as a Ravenclaw. After he graduated, he went studied psychology. He ended up going back to Hogwarts Scotland to be a counselor. So he was always there when my brothers and I got in trouble.
[th colspan="5"]Family Tree[/th]

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