Gemini Sparks

Gemini Sparks

New Member
Full Name:
- Orfhlaith Niamh Sparks. Her first and middle names are Irish, and her last name comes from the Old Norse names "Sparkr". She goes by Gemini Sparks because she doesn't like having to teach everyone how to spell and pronounce it properly. She does like her real names, but prefers Gemini over them as her own name. Gemini is her Western star sign.

Date of Birth:
- Fourth of June, which is also Applesauce Cake Day and Hug Your Cat Day.

Current Age:
- She turns 11 in June 2028

Basic Appearance:
- Gemini's hair is curly and red and often straightened so it doesn't go out of control and her eyes are brown and slightly almond shaped. She has fair skin with a few freckles and is 4'11" in height. Her clothing style is tomboyish and can be described as nerd. She wears glasses for being short-sighted and owns several different pairs.

- Gemini's has a bit of a Yin and Yang personality. She is usually a friendly and happy person until she gets mad. Gemini has two settings: happy and annoyed. She is rarely sad, unless somebody else is upset. She is short-temptered, gets offended easily and she can be violent if provoked. Gemini can be a little awkward around people and would prefer to be reading a comic book over being around other people. She also has a slight tendency to overreact...

- Gemini has five older brothers and no sisters. Her mum died when she was little and she isn't very close with her dad, who doesn't know what to do with a daughter. He is very strict, and hates Gemini acting like a tomboy because he doesn't think that it is 'proper' He is a bit old-fashioned. Gemini is super-close to her brothers, although they do tease her for being short and female.

- Gemini has one cat called Kyo, named after the Fruits Basket character and two dogs called Castor and Pollux. Gemini lives on a farm, run by her dad, and they have several hundred cows.

Area of Residence:
- Thames, NZ

Blood Status:
- Muggleborn

- Mostly Irish heritage, but also a little Japanese.

Special Abilities:
- She can speak a little Japanese, but not enough to actually count for much.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Reading (mostly comic books), daydreaming, exploring, sketching

Additional Skills:
- None

- Individual, friendly, loyal, artistic

- hot-headed, stubborn, rebellious, absent-minded

Describe your character in three words:
- Loud, Individual, Awkward

Favourite place to be:
- Anywhere quiet that she can think

- None

Hogwarts House:
- She wants to be either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Gemini wants to make a few close friends.

Best school subjects:
- Gemini is terrible at all subjects. Probably the only one that she won't totally suck at is Astronomy.

Worst school subjects:
- All of them. Gemini doesn't like any subjects, and therefore is bad at all of them.

Extracurricular Activities:
- None

- Sometime in the future.

Current Job:
- N/A

Plans for your future:
- Gemini has no plans. She is the kind of person who really doesn't like plans.

Your Patronus:
- Her patronus would probably come in the form of a zebra because they symbolize individuality.

Your Patronus memory:
- The memory would be of Gemini, aged four, with her mother. It was the day before Gemini's mum died and she was telling Gemini how she'd always be there no matter what.

Your Boggart:
- A giant bee because Gemini is really allergic to bee stings.

Your Animagus:
- It would be some type of dog because Gemini is a loyal person.

Mirror of Erised:
- Her dad being proud of her and accepting that she is not a perfect 'lady'.

A page from your diary:

'Sup Diary?
I'm grounded again. I got mud all over my dress from playing with the cows. Angus tried to cover for me, but Dad caught us again. He wins the best brother in the world prize for setting off fireworks in the field to distract Dad! We should probably not sneak out at night, but Dad is watching our every move during the day.
Oh, I got a letter. I know, me getting actual mail? Yeah, I got a letter from some place called Hogwarts. Turns out I'm a witch. That's either terrible or fantastic, not sure yet. The being a witch thing freaked out Dad! It was hilarious! I have to go to boarding school in September. I don't want to leave home, but I dunno, it might be fun.

xx Gemini

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