Gaston Dubois

Gaston Dubois

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
16 1/2" Holly Wand with An Essence of Manticore Hair

The Basics
Character's Name: Gaston Anthony Dubois
Gaston: Uncertain, perhaps outsider
Anthony: Worthy of praise
Dubois: Woodcutter
Character's Birthdate: 5th December 2006
Hometown: Dinan, Brittany, France
Blood Status: Half Blood
Wand: 16 1/2" Holly Wand with An Essence of Manticore Hair

Holly: A symbol of masculine energy, it draws off the element of fire. It is a powerful wood used for healing and protection. Seeks a partner of strength and goodwill. Excellent for defensive magic, animal work, and protection magic.

Manticore Hair: The manticore is an intellegent yet ferocious creature. With the brave heart of a lion and the cunning head of a human, the manticore is not a beast to be trifled with. A manticore hair would be a wise choice for one who wishes to cast dangerous hexes or miraculous charms. It would make an excellent companion to woods that draw of the element of earth, as the manticore dwells in the depths of dark forests.

Educated At: Beauxbatons (Graduated: 2025)
Position in the Ministry of Magic: Member of the Department of Regulation of Magical Creatures for the New Zealand Ministry of Magic

Hair: Dark brown hair which normally remains short with a few inches on top. It has a ‘windswept’ look about it but is kept tidy.
Eyes: Light green
Height: 6’5”
Style: Gaston has a very professional look about him. At work he would be in a suit and tie with a set of decent robes. Outside of work he would wear a shirt with a jump over it, usually, and swaps between trousers and jeans with a pair of dress shoes.
Other Distinguishing Features: He maintains a light stubble but never anything more.

A Little Deeper
Personality: Helpful. Kind. Smart. Hard - working. Romantic.

Gaston is a pleasant person and is always willing to help people. He has a kind attitude towards people and never judges a book by their cover. He is a smart person but doesn’t like to brag and finds that people who do aren’t worth his time. In a way he is naive in the sense that he likes to see the best in people and will strive to find it unless he feels the person is a hopeless case and doesn’t waste his time with them. He is a romantic at heart and while the girl species is a mystery to him at the best of times he likes to make a girl feel special and when he finds a girl he likes he does all he can to make her happy.

Special Talents/Abilities: Can Apperate. Perform the Patronus Charm (In shape of a Hawk) Can perform wandless and non – verbal magic.

History:Gaston grew up in a small, close Wizarding Community in Dinan in Brittany, France, quite close to a muggle village. Both Communities lived well together, with the Muggle Community never finding out about the Wizarding World. Gaston actually got on quite well with a few of the muggle children in the nearby village, more so than the children in his own community. He had a simple childhood and grew up in a caring, loving family. Some would call his childhood boring but he was and still is very fond of the childhood he lived out. He never had anything over extravagant but was never without the bare necessities in life. From a young age Gaston had a great love of all kinds of animals, magical and non magical, an would spend most of his childhood days studying them.

Gaston attended Beauxbatons for his full seven years of Wizarding School. Once again it was a rather simple school career; he was a hard working student and always remained on top of his school work. He never top of his class, except for in Care of Magical Creatures in which he excelled. He didn’t have any extracurricular activities but he would watch all school activities e.g. Quidditch. Occasionally his Care of Magical Creatures Professor would allow him to take care of some of the animals outside of classroom hours and for a few years became the Professor apprentice. In his Seventh, and last year, of Beauxbatons the TwiWizard Tournament was hosted at his school, it was here he met Moko Craven. Moko was the Durmstrang Champion for the TwiWizard Tournament and Gaston’s first love. Gaston and Moko met during the TwiWizard Tournament and after talking for a while discovered they had a lot in common and became close friends and quickly became more. Gaston had never had a girlfriend before so everything was new to him but this didn’t matter to him as he was able to himself so freely with Moko, it was easy for him. The two remained a couple for the rest of the year but decided it would be better to go their separate ways when Moko had to leave for Durmstrang again. The two had very different plans for life and knew that their relationship would never work.

When Gaston graduated from Beauxbatons he intended to carry out his life long dream of travelling the World, having never been out of France before. His first stop was New Zealand, having heard Moko talk about it so much he wanted to see what it was like for himself. When he arrived there he instantously feel in love with it and as such scrapped his travelling dream and skipped right to the next stage: getting a job in Ministry in the Department of Regulation of Magical Creatures for the New Zealand Ministry of Magic. The obvious choice for him was to go back to France and work in the Ministry there but he had feel in love with New Zealand so he decided to get a job in the New Zealand Ministry and bought himself a small flat outside of Obsidan Harbour.

On his first day of work he discovered that Moko had also decided to work in the New Zealand the same Department as Gaston. They were both surprised by this but couldn’t be happier to be reunited again. But what will this mean for their past relationship? Was it just a whirlwind romance that will soon be forgotten or will their love be rekindled?


Father: Anthony Dubois

DOB: 12/07/1978
House/School: Beauxbatons (Graduated: 1996)
Career: Auror
Wife: Dawn Dubois
Children: Gaston Dubois & Ariel Dubois

Mother: Dawn (Lurie) Dubois

DOB: 14/07/1978
House/School: Ravenclaw/HS (Graduated: 1996)
Career: On the Committee of Experimental Charms
Husband: Anthony Dubois
Children: Gaston Dubois & Ariel Dubois

Sister: Ariel Dubois

DOB: 25/02/2023
House/School: Beauxbatons

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