Gareth Jack Davis

Gareth Davis

OOC First Name

-Full Name: Gareth Jack Davis

-Birth Date: March 12th

-Current Age: 18

-Basic Appearance: Short, brown hair, muscular, tall

-Parents: Christina and Jamie Rouge

-Siblings, if any: Victoria (24), Daniel (20), Tanya (16), Malcolm (14), Alvin (12), Kayne (10), Daisy (9), Aerin (8), Shaunee (8)

-Pets, if any: None

-Area of Residence: New Zealand

-Blood status: Mixed

-What would their Patronus be? A cougar because in the end he's just a ***** cat

-What would their Boggart be? Hurting an innocent person

-What would their Animagus form be? Same as Patronus

-What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Himself

-What memory could they use to create a Patronus? When any of his younger siblings were born

Hi Gareth,

just a few questions...

*what magic school if any did you attend?
*what was your favourite subject?
*are you currently working?
*what grades did you receive in your NEWT year?
*would you have liked to have been at school for the triwizard tournament?
*if you had been, would you have put your name in to the goblet of fire?
*why do you think your animagus form would be the same as your patronus?
*what would you be doing in the mirror?

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