Gabriella Jethcut

Gabriella Jethcut

Well-Known Member
Gabriella Jethcut.

Full Name: Gabriella Melodic Jethcut.
- Birth Date: 2nd of February 2011.
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Gabriella has long, naturally curly, dark brown hair. It sits half-way between her shoulder ad elbow. She's almost identical to her twin sister, Trinity, apart from Gabriella's left eye is green and her right eye is blue, Trinity's the other way about. Plus Trinity has a rather large birth mark on her neck.
- Parents: Demitre and Nelexta Jethcut. Death Eaters.
- Siblings, if any: Twin sister, Trinity.
- Pets, if any: As children, Gabriells and Trinity weren't allowed any pets. There mother is allergic to alot of animal hair, but they've finally been allowed an owl for starting Hogwarts, and Gabriella has a Pygm Puff.
- Area of Residence: Ayre, Scotland. Gabriella lives in a large house out in the countryside, the Jethcut manor. She's going to be attending HNZ as that's were the family's holiday house is and that's were they'll be during school holidays, so it's easier.
- Blood status: Pureblood pending approval.

(If your character is a sorted student:) Will fill these out once Gabby's sorted :)
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? A Badger. The badger is a symbol of aggressiveness, passion and drive.
Like the badger, Gabriella is very driven in whatever she does. When she enjoys something, she go's at it with all of her heart. Unfortunately, she also tends to be aggressive, and this can lead to a bossy attitude.
- What would their Boggart be? Gabriella likes to act as if she's scared of nothing, but she's scared of death. She'd see her or a member of her family, or a friend's grave.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one): Probably a badger, for the same reasons as patronus.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Her family, normal. As much as she loves them, she hates what they do and can't help but think things would be a lot easier if they weren't what they are and if they were all just a normal wizarding family. If you even get such a thing.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Any of the times she spent with Trinity when they were younger, when they were best friends and would never be seen apart.

A bit of bakground, information on Gabriella: Gabriella was born and brought up in Ayre, Scotland, by her two pureblood Death Eater parents, Demite and Nelexta. As a young child, it was clear that Gabriella was the loud, outspoken, aggresive twin out of her and Trinity. Although Gabriella and Trinity were best friends until they were 8. After that Gabriella changed a lot and decided Trinity was too babyish for her, and instead she'd hang out with her mum and dad and there Death Eater pals, well, for about 5 minutes until she would be flung out the room. Although Trinity and Gabriella are slowly becoming friends again and Gabriella now thinks what her parents do is wrong, although she'd never tell them that. When Gabby hit 6 she decided that her name was too common, too muggle-ish and she forbade anyone to call her it. She decided her name was Silver. Although just recently she's outgrown that and likes people to call her Gabriella or Gabby. She also went through a fase were she was pureblood crazy and would be nasty to people who weren't pureblooded for no reason, but she's outgrown that too. She's actually became rather nice, as she's realised she wont get anywere if she's not. When she first meets people it'll take a while for them to become a proper friend and for her to trust them, but it's just the way she is, and if you do her wrong it will take a hell of a lot for her to forgive you, if she ever does. She's aggresive and can be violent, if you push her too far. She won't stand for any crap, if you try to push her about, she'll push you about, more! Try anything with her, her family, or her friends, and she'll have alot to say and do about it. She has a very, very short temper and she can't control her anger, so, stay on her good side, and you'll be fine!
The reason Gabriella's violent and aggresive is because when she was 9, her dad got very drunk one night. Everyone was in bed and he was still downstairs drinking. Gabriella got up to go the bathroom and her dad started on her, going on a lot of crap, he was absoloutely out of his mind with drink and he didn't realise what he was saying or who Gabriella was, he flung Gabriella against the wall and started to punch into her. Her dad battered her and then her mum came and found her lying on the floor, beat. She chucked her dad out for a few days and sorted Gabriella up. Gabriella didn't tell Trinity or anybody what happened, but that's what made her so violent. Because there was nothing she could do to make her dad stop hurting her, and she never wants that to happen again. She hated that feeling and it sometimes haunts her dreams. She had always been aggresive, but ever since then she's been violent and that memory will probably always make her that bit more likely to punch crap out of someone than she would ever have done. And now, she's scared of her dad.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Dear Diary.

Today, I was walking down brightstone when I spotted two girls arguing and caught on to what they were arguing over. This blonde girl, Maisie, thought she was fabolouse and was trying to slag off this red-head, River. I went over and bascially put her in her place. She tried to get cheeky with me too and we ent up in a biiig argement. Soon other people joined, and I made two friends, Izzy and Ai. But, I ent up flying for the blonde girl and giving her a burst lip, then tripping her up. She really got me angry, slagging me and my family and friends, going on and on about blood and basically being a complete and utter b1tch. Anyway, she ent up coming over to apologise and to see if we'd forgive her, which must have taken a lot of guts, but I'm not there yet and told her she'd better watch herself. She explained that the reason she was so nasty, arrogant and stuck-up is because she's been through a lot. I can understand that, but there's really no exuse for being plain nasty.
Anyway, Me and Trinity are slowly becoming friends again, I've actually missed her. But shh, don't tell her that. It's so weird, like I'm going soft! I've gotta go now, dinner.
More later, Gabriella.
Hi! :D

- What are your goals for school?
- What are your goals in the magical world?
- Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?
- What is the most important lesson your parents have ever taught you?
- Who has been the most influential person in your life?
- Can you describe what your household was like?
- Have you ever wished you had siblings?
- Is there a famous witch or wizard you relate to or admire?
- Out of any book/film/TV show (if you've seen them) what fictitious character do you most relate to?
- Is there a famous muggle you relate to/admire?
- What is your favorite book, music, food?
- Do you have any annoying habits or nervous ticks?
- What is your earliest memory?
- If you were given a free day while at school, what would you choose to do that day?
- Name one thing you most look forward to when you wake up in the mornings?

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