Gabbriella Marino

Gabriella Marino

Well-Known Member
-Full Name: Gabriella Marino
-Birth Date: March 13
-Current Age: 11 years old
-Basic Appearance:
Hair: Brown with natural curls. Gabriella brushes her hair lots, and curls it, so it always looks good.
Eyes: Her eyes are a sort of greeny-bluey-gray colour, and her left eye had a speck of gold in it.
Height: 4"10
Other: Gabriella always takes care with her hair, and clothes, and has faint freckles on her nose, which she hates. Also she has a mood necklace, that says Best on it. Her necklace is in the shape of half a heart, and her sister Taylor has the other half.
Favourite colour: Purple, because it is the awesomest colour ever!

- Parents: Velika Marino (halfblood) David Marino (halfblood)
- Siblings: identical twin sister Taylor Marino
- Pets: Fourteen cats, a Bichon Frise (dog) called Rosa, two horses: Toffee and Coco

- What would their Patronus be? A cat because she is quiet, but seems to know what you are doing.
What would their Boggart be? Her sister lying dead on the floor, and people saying it was all her fault
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) a cat
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? herself surrounded with cats, being totally at peace.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The day her parents said they were going to open up a shelter.

- Write an example roleplay by your character:
Gabriella wandered around her house, not quite knowing what she should do. She could go swimming, but her hair would be ruined! She wished she could be more like Taylor, but Gabs was an individual and not her sister.
She decided to curl up with a book, and find a cat or two. She got out one of her books, one that she had read millions of times, and found a few cats sleeping on her bed. She lay down on her bed and opened her book.

Diary Entry:

Dear Abbey

I miss you so much!
Tay is being Tay, nothing's changed there, but I'm still lonley.
Still, what can you do when out stupid parents are always at work?

Abbey is Gabriella's older sister, who is gone somewhere, and Gabs often writes letters to her. Her parents won't tell her where Abbey has gone, but they send the letters and give her replies.
Hi Gabriella! Welcome to HNZ. Just a few questions to develop your character.

What Hogwarts house does Gabriella hope to be Sorted into and why?

Does your character get along with her parents and sister?

What part of the world does your character live?

I may think of more. :)
Hi Laura!

What Hogwarts house does Gabriella hope to be Sorted into and why?
Gabs has no idea what house she should be in, but Gryffindor would suit her, because she doesn't know her full potential yet.
She doesn't like it when people compare her to Taylor, she wants to be different, but thats why she doen't know what she's capable of yet.
Gabriella and Taylor are very alike, but Gabriella refuses to believe that. Its nothing to do with the fact she's mean or anything, its just that being a twin is difficult for her.

(I'm hoping you understand this)

Does your character get along with her parents and sister?
Yes she does, but she finds Taylor a bit annoying sometime, and her parents are ususally working so she doesn't see that much of them.
Taylor is her best friend, even if she and Gabriella are different.

What part of the world does your character live?
Hamilton, NZ =P

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