Closed Full Grown Up Conversations

Zerrin Fergusson

Soft- Quiet- Dorm Mom
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Oak Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
17 (2/24/2046)
Zerrin needed a distraction. He really did. And while he loved his letters to his family, there were just times when he wanted to talk to not family people. And seeing as how his original plan to annoy the heck out of Gregory this year had been derailed with absolutely no warning (he wasn't salty at all) he'd decided that he should take up the idea of writing to a boy he'd met on break. He sat down for a bit and after a bit of thought, he'd gotten what he'd hoped was at least a decent start.


It's me, Zerrin. The guy with the guitar? We met over break. Remember me? It might be a bit silly but I got it into my head to write to you. I hope you don't mind. I'm over school already, I just- it's a LOT, honestly, and I was hoping to have a friend to talk to. If you've got any time? I know you're busy with all those rugrats. I know mom and dad mentioned they'd be trying to stop by more to help out, are they? That's a lot of kids for one guy to look after.

But enough about me! What about you? Tell me EVERYTHING. And not just kid talk- I want to know about Eloi. There's more to Eloi than just the kids. Even if we gotta dig a little to find it. Do we need to play twenty questions? Cuz I absolutely will. I'd love the distraction. Write back soon, okay?

Looking forward to hearing from you!
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Eloi had spent a bit of time with the boy who played guitar, and he had lingered on his mind. Desperately wanting to speak to him more and spend more time with him. It was just impossible because Eloi was not at school and Zerrin was. He was very surprised to get a letter from him, though glad. It took his a little too reply, just caught up with his siblings but he did.

Hey Zerrin,

Of course I remember you. I'm glad you thought to write to me, I would've wanted to write to you, but we don't have an owl and I'm a little busy most days to get to the post. I'd love to be the friend you talk to, I need one too, I think. I haven't spoken to anyone my own age since we spoke, I think that's not great.

They've stopped by a couple of times, it's been really great....I've never had support before. I met your friend Gregory too, he seems nice, Tyr doesn't understand why he speaks with his hands, but he's been a good sport about entertaining them.

I don't really have anything else to say, I'm working on my NEWTs from home, but I haven''s a bit hard. The only time i really have is at night, and Tyr's barely sleeping for some reason. The twins haven't helped by bringing home every bug known to man, and it bounces from kid to kid. it really sucks when they're sick, it's just so hard. They're so unhappy and I just want to fix it, but these things largely need to run their course.

Sorry, I realise I just talked about the kids a lot...Tell me about you? What's school like? Let's play 20 questions, I think if we don't I'll just continue to talk about the kids.

I miss you.

Zerrin had been feeling stressed, trying to figure out this head boy thing. He couldn't say the meeting had been a rousing success, and he'd been over at least a half dozen speech ideas already. He sighed, falling into an armchair in the head peoples private lounge. He thought he'd have a bit of free time, but he just felt like he had a lot riding on this and he couldn't help but overthink it. He shut his eyes, thinking maybe he'd get a nap in, bu he was interrupted by a hooting owl. He peeked an eye, frowning. "How'd you get in here?" He asked, sitting up with a groan. He took the letter, expecting it to be from his parents, absently giving the owl a scratch as he opened it. After a moment he smiled broadly. "Yesss, Eloi," He preened, already reaching for his bag so that he could write out a reply immediately.


I'm sending this to my dad first with another note, and when you get this, this owl here and the package with all its trappings are now yours! Happy late birthday or something. Dad'll bring over the food for it whenever you need it, just let him know, yeah? That way we can keep in touch more regularly.

I'm glad you remember me! A little surprised, but happy. I'm glad too that my parents are swinging by! Mom loves you to pieces, she mentions you in her letters to me. I'm glad Gregory's getting on well too, even if I am a little annoyed that he didn't tell me anything about not coming back this year. Total jerk move. Keep an eye on him for me, will you?

I have to admit every time we talk your life just seems crazy. We should hire you a nanny- I swear I know some people, I could use my trust fund and get you a babysitter to help out. We should totally do that! Would four nights a week be okay?

Me, honestly, I've just been stressing out about school. I got the head boy badge this year- what on earth am I supposed to do with that? I'm supposed to be putting together a speech but heck if I've managed anything more than a half dozen horrid attempts. I mostly just strum on my guitar when I'm not busy with school stuff- somehow I'm running a club, too, so between that and prefect stuff and the headboy stuff it's just been in my head a lot.

What can I ask? Hm... okay, let's start with something easy! Copy me, okay?

Name: Zerrin Fergusson (used to be Cromwell, no middle name)
Age: 17, born 24 February
Star Sign: Pisces
Hobbies: Guitar, song writing, sewing, clothes design
Secrets: My dad's family runs this big like, business where they make kilts and stuff, and I've spent my breaks secretly learning from one of my uncles all about it, and he tells me about dads side of the family and stuff. I mean, I KNOW it's not really my family or really my place, but I can't help myself. My birth dad didn't really give a damn one way or another about me or my mom, and Graeme is just really awesome.

I think that's enough from me for now, haha. Wouldn't want to keep you for too long. Write back when you can, yeah?

Eloi had been busy. The kids as always kept him busy, but it just did seem like they had had week after week of sickness. he felt tired and frazzled, especially with Tyr teething, and the currently issue of the youngest twins fighting with Izzy who just found all their toys more interesting that hers. He hadn't opened a book once, the only times he had to think were when Abby and Graeme came round, and even then though he said he studied, most of the time he just cleaned up, or slept. The owl came with Graeme and Eloi had been surprised. Both that Zerrin continued to write, but that he had sent him an owl of all things.

He read the letter, but it took him a while to respond, just unable to find the five minutes that he needed to just sit down and get a response out. Even now, it was the dead of night, and Gabe was in his bed, Eloi had been soothing Tyr back to sleep and there was finally a window for him.


Thank you for the owl, the kids love him very much, and it has made things a lot easier. Not just to write to you, but in general. I can look after him though, you don't need to get your dad to do more. I promise, I am cap....

Your parents are too kind, honestly, I'm thankful for them though. Especially considering....since...well. It doesn't matter, I appreciate them. I'll keep an eye on Gregory, I promise.

Please don't hire me a nanny, I've got under control. It's just chaotic control and your parents are helping too. I just....worry someone will try to take them away.

You're very kind, but please, don't use your money to get me a nanny. I've got this. Kids just get sick, and need a lot of attention, this, I can manage. Plus, honestly, mama's been good about your parents being around, I dunno if she'd want another person. She can be a bit proud at times.

Congratulations! Head Boy! That's a big deal. I might not be of much help but you can bounce ideas for speeches off me. What club is it? Seems like a lot to do, and so much more interesting. I was meant to go to Hogwarts, would've been in your year. Just Hilde and Ofelia were born, and mama was a mess, it didn't seem right to leave.

I can copy you:

Name: Eloi Kristiansen
Age: 17, born August
Star Sign: Leo
Hobbies: I don't really have time for hobbies
Secrets: I'm gay....I've never really told anyone, but I've also not really had time to tell anyone or do anything, so it's not really a secret, I've just never been able to tell anyone.

Sorry, I realise I don't have a lot to say. I know you want to get to know me, but there's honestly not much to know. I do really like looking after my siblings, I just know it's kind of all I have now.

Tell me more about school? Where do you think I would've been sorted?

Zerrin tried not to get too discouraged as time dragged on and on without a reply from Eloi. Zerrin sighed, falling into bed after another long day. Why was this year so stressful? He almost wanted to try and bother one of his roommates, but honestly after everything with Gregory Zerrin was just tired. Tired of chasing down the attention he wanted. He sighed, rubbing at his eyes. A hoot pulled him from his gloomy thoughts and he looked over. Zerrin sat up quickly with a little 'ooh!' as he picked up the letter. He'd hoped buying an owl might have gotten him a little bit more of Eloi's attention, but it didn't really seem to help much. How hard could it be to take five minutes to scribble a reply? Zerrin shook the thought away and instead read over the letter, smiling softly. He grabbed a pen and his notebook so he could scribble out a quick reply of his on.

Or at least, he meant to, but it was hard to focus on anything to really write. So instead, he tried something new.

Forget letters. We're writing notes. You're such a Gryffindor, or a hufflepuff. Those are my guesses, anyway. We'll just have to figure out new secrets and new things for you! Let's try this: Game one. Forget the kids- just you and me. Either or. Night or day? I'm in between- I like sunrise/sunset, twilight and dusk. I like to sit in the changing light, see the world shifting. You?
When the next letter came, it was much shorter. Part of Eloi worried he'd failed a test somewhere, but the shorter nature of it, did mean he replied quickly, scribbling something out over breakfast. There was a coffee stain, and a milk stain and a crayon colouring on the parchment but he got it written out quickly.


I think I've likely Hufflepuff. Night probably - It's the only time, I'm more likely to get some space for myself. With kids you often end up awake at night a lot. Sunrises are nice though, I've seen a lot of those. Winter or summer?

Zerrin was pleased when his next note from Eloi came in quickly. He let out a little sigh of relief. Smiling, he scribbled a note back. He was really hoping that this meant he'd hear from Eloi more often.

Eloi!! It works đź’› Now we can talk more often.Your notes totally make my day. Even if they are a little stained, haha. When I get back, lets watch some sunsets together, yeah? That'd be fun. I don't think I like winter or summer, honestly, I prefer fall and spring. It's not too hot or too cold and it's nice to watch the world transition. What about you? And do you like... hm. Movies or shows?
Eloi got the reply quickly, and he read it over. He had a quick five minutes after Tyr was sick all over his shirt to be able to write back pretty soon after he'd first got it. This time, the note had no stains which he was pretty pleased with.

Sorry about the stains in the last one. Thankfully I'm writing this one while locked in the bathroom and after Tyr was sick all over my shirt. I'd love to watch some sunsets. I prefer summer, I just find it easier to do things with the kids when it's warm out. I don't know what movies or shows are? I've never been to a theatre or anything. Favourite type of book?

Later that night, when he heard his mother get up and be sick for the third night in a row, he was concerned. His mother had assured him there was nothing to worry about, but it wasn't in his nature to not worry about these things. He didn't have anyone to talk to, and felt immediately overwhelmed until he remembered he had Zerrin.

Sorry, I know I already sent one today, I just....I'm a bit worried about my mum, and I don't have anyone to talk to. She's been acting weird, staying out later than she normally would, she's been sick, but doesn't appear like unwell, refuses to take the cold medicine i tried to give her. After Tyr was born, she promised things would be different, and I'm just worried. I'm sorry, ignore this if you want to, I just..i don't have anyone to talk to, apart from you and I just needed to tell someone.
Zerrin hadn't meant to take a nap, but he did, passing out and waking up at an ungodly hour. After a quick trip to the bathroom, showering and freshening up, he wondered back to the dorm. He noticed the notes waiting for him then and he moved to the window, reading them by the moonlight. He smiled at the first one and frowned at the second. He pulled out some parchment and sent back a quick reply.

First of all, I like fantasies and mysteries. What kind of books do you like?

Now to the important part, though. Breath for me, okay? Just a few deep breaths. Everything will be alright, I swear. If things don't get better, write a note to my parents. They can help with the kids and with your mom. We'll figure this out, I swear. Whatevers going on, I got you. We're in this together now. I'm going to come back over break, okay? Maybe I can stay with you for a few days, help with the kids.
Eloi hadn't slept well, though really, he rarely did. He got the note from Zerrin, and it did help. He took the time, to send a quick reply the next morning.

I don't have a lot of time to read, but I like mysterious a lot and horror. But it's been a while. Thanks for you know.

It was a few days later when, he now knew the source of his anxiety and wrote to him again.

Your semester finishes up soon right? Wanna grab some food one of the days, no kids, I promise.
Zerrin was busy with school, doing his best to try and make it all work. He'd settled into the head persons lounge, trying to scribble out notes for the head boys speech. He got a note, but didn't read it straight away, on a roll and not wanting to lose his momentum. He may have forgotten it, on accident, but he was reminded when another note popped in. He decided not to put it off again, and pulled them both out.

Sorry it took me a second to reply, I've been a little busy. We're about to go on a semester break, do you want to meet up? We could hang out with just us.

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