Open Fulfilled Time

Georgia Astor

Daddy's Girl | Pure | Smart
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
04/15/2057 (16)
Georgia had to admit, she was curious to see what the kitchens were like. Bella had told her where to look for it and she managed to do it herself. And she had to admit, it was probably the best place she had seen so far. It was warm, cozy and just nice. She took a book, a warm blanket, wrapped herself up in the kitchen, the elves gave her some sweet and not so sweet snacks, it was an amazing feeling to just be calm like this and enjoy a good time.
Savannah liked the kitchens. They were busy but quiet, and the kind of busy that usually left Savannah completely unbothered by other people. She had decided on the quiet day to just spend a bit of time in the kitchens and away from the noise of all the first years and people greeting their friends. Savannah walked into the kitchens, and it seemed that someone was in her exact spot, doing exactly as she had wanted to do. She frowned at her, clearing her throat loudly. ”Excuse me, you aren't supposed to be in here,” Savannah said, her tone sharp.
Georgia was just enjoying her time, the book was interesting, the elves seemed to be happy about her and she was just feeling nice. Until she heard a voice. She looked up confused and furrowed brows. "Are you supposed to be here tho?" Georgia didn't see any reason why she couldn't be here or how was she a distraction, wasn't she just reading?
Savannah rolled her eyes at the girl. ”Yes, of course,” she replied sharply. She didn't, but this girl was not in her year and seemed to be younger, so had to be a first year. ”Professor Josephs' sent me to get some stuff for a meeting in Ravenclaw later,” the Ravenclaw said. She wasn't sure if this girl would know any of that. But it could be believable that she was helping out. ”Likely is that no one has told you, but you can't be in the kitchens unless a professor lets you, or with the arts club.” she hoped that would get the girl to scram.
Georgia got even more confused. "Weird, my sister said that usually professors did everything on her own or the prefects help them, also, elves are here and they help around, don't they?" she couldn't help but feel like the girl was lying. Prefects were here for reason, weren't they? And why would the head of house ask someone so young? Or did she have anything that would actually show that she was allowed here in case she met any other professor? "nope, heard of that but as far as I know, kitchen is on softies, so it's all fine as long as I don't make any trouble," Georgia smiled at the girl, she honestly didn't feel like anything troublesome was happening so all the talking was more friendly.
Savannah was sure it would work, she just hadn't counted on the girl seemingly having a sister at the school. ”Anyone can help out, I volunteered to help, duh,” she replied sharply. This girl just needed to shift and leave so that she could reclaim her spot. The Ravenclaw shook her head. ”No, you're not supposed to be here,” The girl said, ”It is slightly more lax than the forbidden forest, but you shouldn't be in here unless you have a good reason, or you're with a prefect. Is your sister a prefect?” Savannah crossed her arms over her chest and she was frowning at the girl.
Georgia got up excitedly. "Oh let me help you too then!" she was willing to help somehow as well. she really wanted that. "No... She isn't but her best friends are tho," Bella had said a lot about her friends, so she was sure that they could her little sister in case of something as well.
Savannah brightened up a little as the girl agreed. She turned to summon an elf and to ask them to bring a tray of biscuits. She looked back at the girl. ”Oh, but your sister isn't one?” she replied with a sympathetic tone, as if it was a huge sadness that the sister wasn't one. ”I'll send you to the Ravenclaw room with the biscuits, you need to take them to Professor Josephs' lounge in ravenclaw,” Savannah told her. ”I'll be right behind with teas and coffees, they'll just take a little longer to do and need magic to be carried,” As long as Savannah got the girl out of here, then this would be fine.
Georgia shook her head a little and then listened to the girl's instructions, they seemed pretty clear. "Oh, alright, to Professor Joseph's lounge, alright, easy enough," she nodded, briefly remembering where professor's office in the towers were. "Oh sure, alright. See you up there in the towers then?" she smiled at her as she accepted the plate from the elf, absolutely sure that she was actually doing something right and helping their head of house.
Savannah nodded with a smile at her. She was glad this girl was buying it. "Yeah, I'll be right behind you," Savannah assured her. Nodding easily. "The professor is waiting, so try to be quick and pick up any biscuits that you drop," Savannah said to her. She would wait until the girl had left the kitchens before she took back her spot and just got back to what she'd come here to do.​

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