Closed Frustration

Elodie Wynshaw

~Kind~ Soft~ Innovative~ Independent~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Whippy Ebony Wand with Vampire Blood Core
13 (4/24/2048)
Elodie was tired- she was frustrated and tired and after another disastorous lesson where her wand wouldn't just work like everyone elses, Elodie snapped. She felt like a failure, like no matter how hard she studied she wouldn't be alright. She rushed through the castle, until finally she found an empty window out of the way of everyone. High up enough that no one could catch her- or so she thought, Elodie curled up in the windowsill, hugging her knees and burying her head in her arms. She was sobbing quietly, shaking as she let herself break down and just work through all of the emotions.
Mikael needed to take a walk. Ever since the school started, he had been busier than he usually was since starting Hogwarts. It was likely because his mother hadn't quite hounded him on his grades as much as she did this year. It was weird, and it was annoying, but he also wasn't about to question it. It also didn't help that there was quite the number of people he knew that had started school and had to keep an eye on. Most of which were apparently troublemakers. He missed the times when he was only looking out for Hinata. Four years of peace gone. Speaking of peace, he froze as he heard and saw a girl crying at the windowsill. Well that was dangerous. He contemplated turning around and leaving, but his mother would probably get on his case if he ever found out that he did. He looked around and found nobody. Why does this happen to him? If it wasn't the shyest of cousins, it was the most troublemaking one, and then there was a headache of a Gryffindor, and now it was a sobbing random girl. Why. He walked towards the wall where he could keep an eye on the girl just to make sure she doesn't make any rash decisions. That was the last thing he needed today.

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