🌹 Rose Giving Friendship is a conversation that never ends.

Ivy Cullen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
11 (08/2050)
Today was rose day. Ivy was excited there were so many roses to deliver. it really made the school seem so much bigger when everyone was talking over themselves at breakfast, she had spent the time looking through her list trying to make notes on who people were. it seemed like she had a lot of older students. three seventh years including the head boy and a sixth year. and also a lot of quidditch players which was cool.
She hadn't managed to give any out before classes started. she was just going between history of magic and transfiguration when she saw someone who matched the description of one of the people she was meant to deliver to. she hurried over to catch up with her. "Hello, Excuse me, Are you Miranda Dawes" she asked hoping that she was right.

@Miranda Dawes

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