Friends Wanted Please Apply Within

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Emerson Bates

OOC First Name

Emerson Maria Bates

You're a fraud and you know it
But it's too good to throw it all away
Anyone would do the same

Emerson is an 11 year old girl who lives and breathes fashion. She is very determined and hates to be but a second out of the spotlight. Emerson has plenty of good qualities (loyal to friends, protective of loved ones, friendly to those who give her reason to be) yet she also has plenty of bad qualities (pushy, likes to be in charge, perfectionist). Emerson has lived in New Zealand in whole life and plans to attend HNZ as soon as the new school year is in session. She has not had the best of luck with friends in the past (having but a few close friends in her previous schools) so as the new year comes closer and closer, this young girl is certainly trying to play nice and make a few allies.
Since Emerson will be unsorted for a while longer roleplays can only occur outside of the school.
You've got 'em going
And you're careful not to show it
Sometimes you even fool yourself a bit

Emerson has never quite had a lot friends. She has had followers, people that look up to her, but certainly not a large amount of friends. As a new school year approaches (And a new start) Emerson is determined to make more than just a few close friends. Emerson will attempt to get along with anyone unless they give her reason to dislike them. People more on the shy side are more likely to get along with Emerson simply because she hates to be out-shined by anyone. Friends can be either male or female.
It's like magic
But it's always been a smoke and mirrors game
Anyone would do the same

Looking for a fashion forward older person (at least a year older will work) who can take Emerson under their wing for a short period of time. Emerson will never admit to looking up to this person, but deep down she will admire this person. A female would be more appropriate.
You're desperate to deliver
Anything that could give you
A sense of reassurance
When you look in the mirror


That's right! Emerson needs an older male (a year or two) who she has a slight crush on. Though Emerson will never turn this relationship into anything serious, it is always nice to see a spotlight girl get nervous in front of a guy who barely considers her anything but a child (which she is). Emerson will like this person and always try to impress him when they are together. A male would be most appropriate.
So now that you've arrived well you wonder
What is it that you've done to make the grade
And should you do the same?


If anyone is interested please respond here or by PM. Thank you for reading my plot thread and also if anyone has any other ideas for plots with Emerson just let me know. I'm open to suggestions!

Lyrics: Smoke and Mirrors, Gotye
Well I've got a couple of unsorteds you might be interested in being friends with?

Charles Martin's one, he's an outgoing sort of guy that maybe they could butt heads over (he'd kind of just laugh off her need to be in the spotlight and roll his eyes at her) but possibly still get along in a strange way?

I've also got Daisy Taylor, she's a very quiet and shy girl, but she's very friendly and nice, never says anything bad about anyone, and would probably be impressed by her and happily be her friend. She's a bit of a doormat, so she'd probably be easy to walk over too (she's got Charlie and Elsa to boost her up though).

I'd offer up Elsa, but there's no way in hell they'd get along by the sounds of it. =))

So yeah, just ideas, let me know if you're interested.
Thanks for the reply :)

Daisy definitely sounds like someone Emerson would hang out with (though she probably would walk right over her). We should arrange a role play for the both of them.

Charles I'm not sure how they would react but only roleplaying will tell. They could possibly hit it off because Emerson wants everyone to like her and think she is the best so she may try to impress him. It would be an interesting fit if they became friends so I'm up for a roleplay with Charles and Emerson as well

Though I would understand if you only want to introduce one character at a time. Personally I think Daisy might be a better fit right off the bat, but Charles might be better meeting later on. It's up to you though :)
So, I have for you *Drum Roll* Claire Adkins! Yeehaww!

I read the first few sentences, and already knew that it could be meant to be! The way that Emerson is completely fashion obsessed, and the way that Claire is a getting dirty kind of girl. They might just be the perfect pair of imperfect friends! They don't have to be enemies, but I think that Emerson should not be a real friend to Claire. it's so hard to explain but... Claire is too soft, she so nice to everyone. i think maybe she could be a follower to Emerson, and maybe take her crap for a few years. Maybe Em would make fun of her cloths at some point. just kind of, toughen her up. It will be a long process though, so let me know, please!
I've got Chad Aria. He will be in his Second year when Emerson is sorted. He can be the guy she crushes on? He's in Slytherin and is quite cocky, and will treat her like a child ect. I can let you know more deats if you want, let me know!
Claire: I think that would work quite well actually. Emerson would have no problem throwing in a few comments about Claire's clothing if it isn't up to par with what Emerson believes is fashion. I can see Emerson keeping Claire around and the two of them hanging out simply because Emerson would love to have someone who is soft to push around from time to time. We can definitely start a rp just so the two of them can meet. :D

Chad: That would be perfect as well. I can see Emerson crushing on him. She would be quite persistent and try to impress him even if he treats her like a complete child. We should probably wait for them to meet until the school year starts if that is alright. She probably would not fall for him right away, but after a few meets she would have a complete eleven year old crush on him :)
Absolutely, just flick me a PM once she is sorted and you want to get rping! x
Alright, so i was thinking we could hold off on this Rp until after sorting, or until closer to sorting. Her family is just getting moved in, and I have another bully lined up. And I know how her family operates, if there's too many bullies, they'd pull her from scholl. So maybe jus after the houses are decided? What do you think?
Claire: We can definitely wait until after sorting or right before it. Just shoot me a pm when you think it would be good for the two of them to meet :)
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