Friends for the Little Lion

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Liam Kale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather

This is my newest charrie-Liam. (Believe it or not, I had his name chosen before I chose his pb.) He's an ickle Firstie Lion, and I'm just getting used to him, so that's where I hope you guys can help! Here's some info on Liam;

Liam is very active. He loves sport, and exploring. His love of exploring has gotten him in trouble from time to time, because his parents want him to partake in more suitable activities. This is why he started dancing. At first, he was reluctant, but he has come to love it. Liam does traditional dancing. He is incredibly protective of his little sister, and plans for her to have a future of her own choosing. He really resents the fact that he will have to run the stables, and the castle when he's older-though he couldn't picture himself doing anything else, he'd like a choice. This causes many arguments between him and his Father, who sees Liam as a bit of a rebel. He is correct in this line of thinking, as Liam enjoys breaking rules and often sneaks out of the castle as night. His family means a lot to him, and in public, he represents a perfect gentleman. He speaks very well, though his accent becomes more pronounced when he is angry, or nervous. He makes friends easily, especially through sport. He was raised away from muggle children, and the only time he met any other children was through rugby and riding. He has won many horse-riding competitions, and he played with the local rugby team, as a Flanker, though his Father watched every practice. They didn't want him to become too close to the local children, lest he accidentally let something slip about the magical world. The muggle world confuses him, as he has been raised with magic. they have a television in his house, though they have no satelite. Liam is a great lover of Star Wars, and will often quote parts of the movies that he finds funny. Yoda is his favourite character.
Liam does, however, have a more gentle side. He loves animals. His gelding, named Obi-Wan, is his pride and joy, as is his Sheltie, Rhona, who is named after his Great-Grandmother. He recently bought a Snowy Owl, which he has named Yoda. He takes great care with his animals, and is dreading having to leave them while he is in Hogwarts. He has left his parents a notebook full of tips about how to look after them while he is gone, and one of the jockeys has promised to excercise Obi-Wan for him. His sister promised to help also, but Liam doubts she'll be of much use, as she is only three.
He adores his sister-Catherine. She idolises him, and is very upset at his having to leave. She can't wait to go to Hogwarts herself, and Liam will miss her terribly. She has been his only companion in the castle, along with his Grandmother, who he is very close to.

What I'm looking for:

Friends: Liam was raised away from other children, apart from his sister and sports, so I'm hoping for him to make a few friends.

Liam has no prejudice against any blood status, but he has been raised in a wizarding family, and he's not very used to the muggle world. I think it'd be funny if he met a few muggleborns and they told him about their lives. Poor dear'd be so confused! He loves rugby and horse-riding, which are muggle-ish things, and the only other really muggle-ey (are they words?) thin he lieks is Star Wars. He's obsessed. His owl is called Yoda, and his gelding is called Obi-Wan.

Best Friend: Now, this has to be male, or maybe they could form a trio or something, with a girl and boy? Anyway, I'd love him to have a fellow trouble-maker and adventurer to hang out with. He loves adventuring, so I'm thinking maybe a few visits to the forbidden forest.

Enemies: Liam is the kind of guy who will have a few enemies, or rivals, so I'd like for him to maybe have one in particular that he clashes with?

Mentor: I'd like there to be someone older that he becomes close to, and who helps him get used to the school. He's used to magic, he just needs to get used to people.

Crush: This will NOT progress into a relationship, I just want a cute little crush on someone, or maybe someone having a crush on him?

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!
Well the only character I could offer to you is my baby girl Shiloh Denton. She is a Sixth year Lion and she is adventurous and kind. AND A MUGGLEBORN. If that helps. Anyway, she loves all things mggle and magical and she is very smart. Oh and she totally has a stalker. Just to let you know xD
Hey there, Liam Kale :D Honey is first year Gryffindor too. She is looking for some friends, of course, and i'm very glad to know that you'd sorted into Gryffindor. I think they two could be good friends. Eventough she isn't muggleborn..

I like the sound of this, Liam wouldn't have any problem befriending an older student, as he spends most of his time with adults. It also helps that I luuuurrrvvvveee Shiloh. (It's Maia btw :p )


Yeah, it'd be good for him to have some Gryffindor friends, and since he isn't used to girls, it could be quite funny seeing him try to get used to her. Shall we set it up?
Well I do have this little Gryffindor girl here which they could be friends. She's pretty much a talkative person and what not. Very happy to talk with others prehaps asks a bit to many questions for her own good.

I also have a little first year Hufflepuff Judd Ford. I've yet to really go into making his character since I created him yesterday. But he is going to be a bit of an odd ball. And for this year atleast always wearing his red fez. He is halfblood, but I'm thinking atleast one of his parents is muggleborn. Of course being a sort of nerdy guy he digs all the nerdy muggle Tv shows and what not. :)

She'd be good for bringing Liam out of his shell a bit, especially since he's worried about insulting people and such (mostly because he's scared it'll displease his mother.) I'd say they could be friends. :D


Does he like Star Wars? Because, if he likes StarWars, Liam will adore him. He has no one to talk to about it, since his sister doesn't like it, and his parents think it's silly. Liam wouldn't mention the fez, being afraid that it'd be some sort of Faux Pas.
Indiana seems to be the go to girl to get others out of their shells, haha. Tis fine, and being in the same house will help them be friends and hopefully stay friends :)

Judd most certainly can, I think he will be my nerdy characters, knowing the difference between Star Trek and Star Wars and every other sci-fi show. Prehaps it'll explain his strange habits. Someday maybe Judd will invite Liam into the Fez world by giving one to him if they are really close, which it seems like they will be!
i have a Gryffinor name Claire. she's the sweetest little thing in the world and she's Muggleborn. she's from Georgia in America. She loves making new friends, and she lives to try and make other's lives better. What do you think?

Do you want us to have a topic for them in the Common Room maybe?


He can introduce him to other muggle shows :wub: And Liam can tirelessly try to explain rugby. :p Do you want to have a topic for these two?

Claire sounds good-he will plague her with questions about muggledom! :p Shall we set it up?
I have Rose Bellard who is an adventurous,atristic,friendly and extremely protective first year Gryffindor.Her Mother died giving birth to Rose and her father has never gotten over it so since the day she has been born her father has never spoken to her and barely gives her a glance.She made up for that loneliness by making lots of friends.She is easy to talk to and friendly.She is very protective and loves to go on adventures.She is half-blood as her father is a wizard but she has lived a muggle life as her mothers friend Lucie has taken care of Rose since she was a baby.She is from Nantes and is French(obvs :r ). She is a drawer,painter and pianist.She has an infectious laugh and is great fun to be around and a loyal friend. What do you think?
As it is, i'm waiting for classes to start before anything gets set up, so that Claire can at least know a little bit about the wizarding world. She's kind of dumb as it is right now, you know? She owns horses too, so at least they'd have that in common.
Delancey could also be a potential friend for Liam. She's a hyper, adventurous, ultra-competitive muggle born who loves to play games and has a habit of getting into trouble. She's probably more boyish than girlish, in terms of what she likes, though she giggles a lot and has rainbow streaks in her long, blonde hair. She's more likely to mud wrestle than do ballet. Riding wild horses is one of her favorite things to do (or to attempt) and she loves animals, in general, though thinks they should be free, not pent up in cages or stables (which she'd call really big cages). She might tease Liam for liking Star Wars and being a sci-fi geek, but it'd be all in good fun. She'd probably give him all sorts of one-off nicknames around it like Liam Skywalker, Princess Kala, R2Li2, etc. I see her as being supremely lovable and energetic (like a "portable rainbow") but rather shameless and brash with her mouth and playing a little free and loose with the rules.

What do ya think?
Sounds good for me for both of them. Want to start one and I the other? You can pick the one you want to start I don't mind :)
hahaha Time to terrify him! >=)

I was talking to Johanna (I'm getting used to using OOC names lol - Rose Bellard's person) about getting Rose and Delancey together, and suggested making it a threesome, Rose, Liam, and Delancey sneaking out of Gryffindor tower together, if you approved, of course. If you think a different meeting would be better, though, I'm open to anything!
Will do! Am working Judd and Liam topic now :)
Pax could probably hang with Liam. He's a half blood who was also raised to be a gentleman and does like to have adventures, though he's pretty laid-back and is most likely to be found with a book. He's not really one who likes to get into trouble, though, as he doesn't like anything ruffling his feathers. Pax would prefer to be left alone and trouble means supervision and rules and restrictions. Though not a huge Star Wars fan, he's familiar with it and thinks Yoda, especially, is cool, though he also likes Hans Solo and Princess Leia in the gold bikini, like most young boys would. He was raised in Texas and loves the things of the muggle world. His accent is only very slight, though, because he just never really picked it up. He's loyal and protective and hates bullies, and though he wasn't stoked about moving to New Zealand, is taking it in stoic stride.


I like the sound of Paxton (Especially since he likes yoda-which is the name of Liam's owl. :p ) I'd love for him to have another guy friend, and the fact that Paxton is kind of gentlemanly would make him more comfortable with him. Shall we set up a topic for them?
Definitely, and as Pax tends to be a loner, he'd be cool with Liam either being around a lot (if/once he's comfortable with him) or off having adventures and doing stuff with other people, too. He's really laid back.

I'm open to any beginning. Do you want to start it and send a link?
Topic Posts will be much better once I fully develop him :/
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