Friends , Flings . Foes

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Altiyan Lee

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Another brand new charcters to throw into the mix.
He is Altiyan Lee and he is a very bad Death Eater. Check out the Bio for more details (though it is not complete.)

In a nut-shell he is dark, dangerous, unstable, dishonest and not to mention completly handsom! He is extreemly charming and a flirt with the ego to match. He comes from a dark past and has revenge on his mind and will die trying to get it so he has fun in the mean time.

So what this character needs is....​

Death Eater Friends ~ A bunch of them ... heaps! can never have too many.

Slytherin House Protege ~ A 17-20 year old Slytherin student to be mentored and taught evil things and dark magic etc...

Muggle-Born ~ A 20+ year-old Muggle-born preferably man to fight with. Just a little fun :)

Flings ~ Must not be muggle born and interested in a character like this . Can be more than one Fling as he is a major cheat and a flirt.

I have a 'special plot line' idea thats floating arround unused in my head.
It put my plan into action i will need...

An Enemy, more specificly an Auror - Arround the age of 25+ who needs an enemy .... Please someone have a character to fit this space.
If you do then I will PM you with the details and other things and we shall talk about it more then.


Notice you posted in young blood, so sorry cause the rp died out. (BLAME EVERYONE ELSE WHO ISN'T LINK AND ANTHONY IN THERE, YEAH HOPE YOUR READING THIS xD ) it was suppose to end Anthony introducing another guy who wants to be a death eater to, Troy Adam, but no one else posted. So I like to offer up Link Black as a friend and mayhaps a girl and you can like cheat on what not lolwut? Maya DeNiro she a byotch, if you want any of them let me know :) kk, thanks!​
I can offer you Ryan Porter as a death eater friend. He is the typical death eater one would expect. He hates everyone who he thinks is below him (which is basicly everyone in his mind) He believe he is pure blood and boasts about it, using it as a reason why he is better. He can be nice(ish) once he thinks someone is good enough for hi to talk too and if Altiyan was in the young blood rp then Ryan would know his face already as a death eater and would talk to him
Also i have two Aurors, not over 25 but the are in their 20's.
I have a Raziel Black who is an Auror he is a little older than you want but he is always looking for a few death eaters to play cat and mouse with if your interest.
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