Open Friendly Flower

Emily Madison

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
3/2035 (28)
((Yellow, open after Emilia Manning))

Emily knew the next girl on her list was a Hufflepuff, but didn't know a whole lot more than that. So she'd asked around a few Hufflepuffs in an area near where she thought their common room was, and was relieved when someone agreed to go in and find Emilia. Waiting outside, Emily smiled brightly when the girl she was looking for appeared. "Hi! You're Emilia, right? I've got a delivery for you!"
Emilia had been a bit troubled about the Valentine's dance, and she wasn't sure what to do. Things with Derek seemed to be changing, but she wasn't sure why. She was trying her best and was sure he did too, but why was it feeling different than before? Emilia was trying not to think about it too much, staying in the common room for most of the day. When someone asked her to go outside, she wasn't sure what to think. It wasn't until she saw the girl with the roses that it clicked that today the roses were being delivered. She had a hopeful moment for a rose from Derek, but then realized she hadn't sent him one. She had forgotten. Horrified, it took Emilia a few moments to respond. "Oh?" She asked weakly.
Emily beamed, pleased she had managed to find the right person. She reached into her basket and pulled out a rose, double checking that she was holding the right flower and card before handing them both over to the older girl. "Here you go!" Emily said cheerfully, holding them out with a smile.

Thank you for your friendship!
It was bad, but what Emilia felt at the sight of the yellow rose instead of a red one was relief. There was still a chance Derek had forgotten too. Deep down, she knew that wasn't the case. He was always very thoughtful and kind, and would never forget something like that. She numbly opened the note and only smiled a little when she saw it was from Jacob. Then she quickly thanked the girl, though she was clearly distracted.

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