Friend or Foe??

Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Shaylah walked slowly towards the lake. It was a hot day but, as usual, she was still in long trousers and a hoody. She didn't care about the heat, she always wore this. She preferred to be hidden from people and putting her hood up was an easy way. It made it easier for her to hide her face and not be recognised. She liked being by herself. It gave her time to think and that was something she definitely needed. She was living by herself in the half way house because her dad was in azkaban and her mum and moved back to Scotland with her siblings. Now she had found out that her ex boyfriend-who she secretly still had feelings for-and her best friend had moved to Salem to get away from the feud that was happening between the Rouges and the Greens. She was now beginning to have feelings for one of her ex's best friends.
Shaylah groaned and she sat against a tree, trying to figure out the mess that she called a brain. Her eyes glided over the still water of the lake before looking up at the castle. This was the place that she wanted to be but she wanted to have her dad there with her. It wasn't right that she couldn't see the man she loved the most.
Alex walked through the grounds, not even sure why he was coming out here today. He had kept inside, lately, getting ready for the exams that were sure to be coming soon. He didn't doubt, that he would really need the revision. He had a horrible memory, and he knew that History of Magic would be his toughest exam. He had a small bit of knowledge, in the subject, but otherwise he was downright terrible. What he got, he got from books, and nothing else. He couldn't help but dread that exam, but he knew he would do well in everything else. He hoped, anyway.

Alex approached somebody else, that he saw had been walking outside, as well. She looked different from everybody else he usually saw around the castle. He shrugged, company was better then no company at all. "Hey there." He said, knowing it would be best if he said something, or else she would probably just ignore him. He was used to that, as well. A lot of people just pretended he wasn't there, most of the time. He didn't mind, really. It gave him time to think. He didn't like not having friends, of course, but he liked being able to think about things.
Shay's head turned when she heard a voice. Most people avoided her. They either hated her because they thought she was a spoilt brat or they were scared she would hurt them. It was the way she liked things. Of course, there was always some people who didn't know who she was and started talking to her. Most of them ended up in the hospital wing. There were a few that got away scratch free.
Shaylah rolled her eyes when she saw a younger boy walking towards her. He didn't look too much younger. Probably second year. "Go away." She was at least going to warn him first. She wasn't so heartless that she would attack without a warning. There was still a heart in her chest, no matter how small it was.
Alex rolled his eyes, at her. She would in no way, shape, or form, get rid of him that easily. He wasn't one to give up just because some random wanted him to leave. He sighed to himself, and chuckled at her. "What's your next attempt? Because I'm not going anywhere." Alex said, chuckling at her. He wasn't one to give up, ever. He sighed. She was obviously somebody who didn't have many friends, or didn't care for them at all. He liked a challenge when it came to making friends, but maybe this would be something that might even be too hard for Alex. He sighed to himself, again, and backed away from her a little. "So what's up?" He asked, not giving up on wanting to make her talk to him properly.
Shaylah shook her head at the boy and groaned. She hated people who were just there to be a pain in the neck. "What's up??" She couldn't help but laugh at him. "So, you come over here, expect to stay here even when you're not wanted and then you want to start a conversation??" Some people were seriously stupid. He obviously didn't know her. If he did then he'd be at least 2 metres out of her reach. Only an idiot would stand in a place where she had easy access to.

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