Friend in need is a friend indeed

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Esmeralda Plaskett

OOC First Name
Hi everyone, so after taking a rather long break from RPing thanks to good old RL getting in the way. I have just started with a new character. Esmeralda (Esme for convenience sake) she tends to be shy at first and slightly awkward until she finds her feet with someone.

She's just a 10 y/o who is in need of friends. She is artistically minded and free spirited and up for any adventures that might come her way.

It's been a good few years since the last time I was on here so I'm a little rusty but keen to get back up to scratch. Esme is very much still in development so I am open to anything really as I'm not entirely sure as to which direction she will take. Also it would be great for her to have a friend for when she starts school
Hello Charlotte!

I have an 11 year old who would probably be able to RP with you, her name is Eilidh Evans and she'll be attending Hogwarts New Zealand in Y24. She's friendly but driven, she wants to be the best. She's looking forward going to the school, and she enjoys learning and classes, but she wouldn't admit that. They could meet and perhaps become friends?
Let me know what you think!
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