Friend, girl friend, enemy

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Connor Mckay

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
So this is Connor, he is my newest character and i want some plots for him early on so i can develop him quicker. Im looking for anything for him. Friends enemies love interest's what ever. Connor is a nice guy. He is sweet and caring. He is in Hufflepuff in Hogwarts Scotland and has lots of friends there. He likes to make new friends and he is very loyal. Even though he is a pure blood he doesnt judge people on blood status but he can use it to his advantage in a fight or when it is needed.

Post if you have any idea's :D
i can offer angel jackson she in baxbouation sorry don't know how to spell it right off hand but i can offer her she 16 sweet, kind, caring, and her bad side comes out if you say the wrong thing at the wrong time. and i can offer her as a girl friend
Yeah sure sure she sounds good for him. Shall i start an rp or do you want to?
Well i think that Meyke is a bit too young for Connor. The youngest i would consider would probably be 15. Sorry
Nope hes 16 but because i have only just made him i havnt had him be made a member yet :)I do how ever have a first year ravenclaw she could have ;)
Keitaro Higuchi is the first year. He is a charmer but he is sweet and friendly
Your Keitaro now??? OMG I have his cousin Lolo
Oh right did you well sozzers, he was given to me recently so yeah and Tiggs haha fun times we seem to have a lot of family atm teehee
We sure do, I'm Koboshi teehee
Haha fun times. Cant believe how many post's he has already its weird paha.
Poopies, I've only got 7.... now 8...
Lol yep thats me unfortunately.
Pfft i have like over twenty now although a few are inactive so meh also think you may need to add me again on msn i think i declined you haha by accident mind.
Ok gimme a sec hehe
ok well i have thirteen active ones that i use and i dont know how many inactive but i know there are a few
Well I added you and I dont think I have over ten
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