
Kellin Tuuri

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Never in his life had Kellin been so interested in a place like he was right now. He had just come to New Zealand from a week in France, and he was very excited. His plan to stay a week in every country on the planet was running smoothly. Jet-lag barely fazed him these days. The freedom Kellin felt at his fingertips was amazing. He could do whatever he wanted to do. Obviously, he had his best friend Henri along for the ride. Unfortunately, his height was a limitation for most things, so he needed Henri there to make sure everything went according to plan. First on the agenda was actually learning English enough to be understood. Kellin had not realised how difficult it was for English-speakers to understand him because of his 'accent'. Personally, the part-goblin couldn't hear an accent leaving his mouth. Everyone else had the accent, not him. Obviously, Kellin knew a teeny bit of English, from his mother trying to teach him. English was quite a common language to stumble across in Finland, strangely enough. However, English was just not for him. It was too hard, too complicated, and Kellin just became saddened every time he tried to learn it. So he just let the fluent English speaking stuff to Henri. He had a good grasp of the language, he could do all the talking, while Kellin can just stand there quietly.

Kellin sighed when Henri was being slow. This was just unacceptable. "Henri, I know you're tired, but we've got to get moving. There's some cool stuff over there. Let's go over there." For such a tall guy, Henri was being very slow. Usually, Kellin would have to jog or even run to keep up with his friend when he was at full stride. Now, Kellin felt like he was dragging his feet. "You had three hours sleep yesterday, that's plenty. Get those massive legs of yours moving." He elbowed his friend's thigh for effect. It wasn't even Kellin's fault that Henri had such little sleep. Henri had to get over his irrational fear of planes sooner or later. Kellin liked them far too much to not use when he could. Apparating was faster, but a nice plane ride was just so much fun, why better than feeling like you're being sucked through a tunnel.
Henri rolled over in his bed as he tried in vain to get some seminance of sleep. For the past two years he had been living on about three hours of sleep a week. It was not good for his body, he knew this but it seemed that his little friend, did not recognise his need for sleep. As far as Kellin was concerned, every hour of the day must only be used for adventure. He never scheduled any time for sleep and it was only when Henri practically died of exhaustion, that Kellin would be reminded of the human body's need to recharge its systems with sleep. One would think that sleeping should come easily for someone who was going without sleep for such long periods of time. However, these days, Henri had such an erratic sleeping pattern that his body would get confused and just not know that Henri was trying to sleep. Henri sighed. This was never going to do him any good, he was just going to have to keep lying here in vain, hoping that just maybe, that his body would pick up on what it was that he was trying to do. Though he surely doubted that his mind was far enough along yet. He had been able to sleep alittle on the plane, but with Kellin continually chattering on in his ear, it had not been much sleep at all. Henri groaned rather loudly when he once again heard the voice of his supposed 'best friend'. Some friend he was, not letting Henri sleep. In all the years of their knowing each other, it had always been like this. He should have known it would be like this from their trip to Kenya. He had been so energetic that he barely ever slept. Henri had just thought that it was a response to being away from his parents. After two and a half years, the novelty of Kellin's moods was wearing off.

Henri closed his eyes again, wishing that maybe if he remained completely still, Kellin would go away and leave him alone. However, when Kellin kept talking Henri knew that he was not going to get his wish. He snarled at Kellin when he started elbowing him in the thigh. It bloody hurt and he wanted the damned little goblin boy to stop. "Look Kellin. Go alone. I don't feel too good." He said as he turned on his side and sighed. Usually he was the life of the party, but today he had a headache and he just wanted to be left to sleep. They could go exploring later surely.

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