- Messages
- 95
- OOC First Name
- Anna Lee
- Wand
- Straight 11 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Full Name: Frederick Jerome Mensah
Frederick - fr EH d - r ih k: peaceful ruler
Jerome - jer - OH M: holy name
Mensah - Men - suh: common Ghanaian surname
Nicknames: Fred, Freddy, Rick, Ricky, or just Mensah. His big brother calls him Spiderman. He is not very particular when it comes to nicknames and would respond to anything really.
Date of Birth: September 14, 2024
Current Age: 12
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Area of Residence: Frederick was born and raised in Sydney, Australia.
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Heritage: He considers himself African-Australian. 31.25% Ghanaian, 37.5% South African, and 31.25% English
Special Abilities: None
Basic Appearance:
- Average Built 5 feet 95 lbs
- Chocolatey skin tone
- Big goofy smile
- Dark brown eyes
- No fashion sense
- Not a fan of prints, but is partial to strips
- Biggest defining feature is his smile and glasses
- Play-by - Donald Glover
Personality: Fred's first response to any situation he is in is to sit back, observe, and think. He spends a great deal of time hypothesizing possibilities and discovering new ways of doing things. Because he spends so much time in his head, he has some trouble expressing himself externally. He is circular thinker rather than linear, so when engaging in a conversation, it may take him a little while to make his point. His sense of humor is dry and sarcastic and his direct way of stating his opinions may rub some people the wrong way. Fred can appear awkward and aloof, but if someone has patience they would find an amusing and honest friend. While he does not mind being alone, he appreciates the company of people who are open-minded and can teach him new things. Deep down, Fred desperately wants to be like his big brother, but since they are so drastically different, he is uncertain about how he can achieve that.
Strengths: Quick witted - Reliable - Direct
Weaknesses: Perfectionist - Quirky (in the sense that it hard for people to take him seriously at times) - Aloof
Describe your character in three words: Curious, Analytical, Honest
Father - Jonathan Kofi Mensah
Born: June 13, 1981
Current Age: 55
Hometown: Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Blood Status: Muggle
Alma Mater: Muggle primary and secondary school
Monash University
Occupation: Regional Information Technology and Software Manager
Interests and Hobbies: Vintage video games, joking around, and comedy shows.
Mother - Linda Mandisa Mensah (nee Bradley)
Born: March 4, 1983
Current Age: 52
Hometown: Johannesburg, South Africa
Blood Status: Muggle
Alma Mater: Muggle primary and secondary school
Monash University - South African Campus
Occupation: Middle School English Teacher
Interests and Hobbies: Books, reading, and old movies on VHS.
Older Brother - Jonathan Kofi Mensah Jr.
Born: October 27, 2013
Current Age: 23
Hometown: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Current Town: Brisbane, Queenland, Australia
Blood Status: Muggle
Alma Mater: Muggle Primary and Secondary School
University of Queensland
Occupation: Professional Rugby Player
Interests and Hobbies: Fitness and athletics, vintage comic books, and action and adventure movies.
Pets: A dog named Okra
Friends: His group of friends in school are the 3 guys who sit with him at lunch. They really dont talk much. They just kind sit, eat, and traded comics. His best friend is his older brother Jon. They use to play and hang out all the time when they were going up, and he misses him now that he has moved away. Fred looks up to him as a role model.
Interests or Hobbies: Reading, legos, and robotics
Additional Skills: Strong and fast
Favourite place to be: The State Library of New South Wales
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: Being muggleborn, he knew nothing of magic before getting his letter to Hogwarts. He finds it fascinating that there is this whole other world out there and he is anxious to discover it. It will probably take awhile for him to find his bearings. He really wants to find his place in this world.
Best school subjects: History and Math. He would probably enjoy Artimacy and Ancient Runes the best when he is able to select electives.
Worst school subjects: Music.
Extracurricular Activities: Fred is in the Book Club and the Debate Club at his elementary school. Perhaps he can find something similar at his new school.
Graduation: Will graduate in 2043 (?)
Current Job: Student
Plans for your future: Fred always figured he would go to college then get a job in engineering like his dad. Finding out he is a wizard and all kind took him by surprised and does not really know what to make of his future quite yet.
Your Patronus: Bear - "The bear is an extremely strong symbol of healing and personal strength. Bear medicine is often tied to introspective healing; the need to go within oneself to find answers. The bear is also a symbol of direction and of being able to know when you are on the path that is truly right for you."
Your Patronus memory: When he was six and his family took a road trip to University of Queensland to see his brother's first college rugby game. When the team won and his brother ran into the stands and brought him onto field to celebrate with the team.
Your Boggart: His brother disapproving of or being disappointed in him.
Your Animagus: The same as his patronus.
Mirror of Erised: He would be just like his brother.
Frederick - fr EH d - r ih k: peaceful ruler
Jerome - jer - OH M: holy name
Mensah - Men - suh: common Ghanaian surname
Nicknames: Fred, Freddy, Rick, Ricky, or just Mensah. His big brother calls him Spiderman. He is not very particular when it comes to nicknames and would respond to anything really.
Date of Birth: September 14, 2024
Current Age: 12
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Area of Residence: Frederick was born and raised in Sydney, Australia.
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Heritage: He considers himself African-Australian. 31.25% Ghanaian, 37.5% South African, and 31.25% English
Special Abilities: None
Basic Appearance:
- Average Built 5 feet 95 lbs
- Chocolatey skin tone
- Big goofy smile
- Dark brown eyes
- No fashion sense
- Not a fan of prints, but is partial to strips
- Biggest defining feature is his smile and glasses
- Play-by - Donald Glover
Personality: Fred's first response to any situation he is in is to sit back, observe, and think. He spends a great deal of time hypothesizing possibilities and discovering new ways of doing things. Because he spends so much time in his head, he has some trouble expressing himself externally. He is circular thinker rather than linear, so when engaging in a conversation, it may take him a little while to make his point. His sense of humor is dry and sarcastic and his direct way of stating his opinions may rub some people the wrong way. Fred can appear awkward and aloof, but if someone has patience they would find an amusing and honest friend. While he does not mind being alone, he appreciates the company of people who are open-minded and can teach him new things. Deep down, Fred desperately wants to be like his big brother, but since they are so drastically different, he is uncertain about how he can achieve that.
Strengths: Quick witted - Reliable - Direct
Weaknesses: Perfectionist - Quirky (in the sense that it hard for people to take him seriously at times) - Aloof
Describe your character in three words: Curious, Analytical, Honest
Father - Jonathan Kofi Mensah
Born: June 13, 1981
Current Age: 55
Hometown: Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Blood Status: Muggle
Alma Mater: Muggle primary and secondary school
Monash University
Occupation: Regional Information Technology and Software Manager
Interests and Hobbies: Vintage video games, joking around, and comedy shows.
Mother - Linda Mandisa Mensah (nee Bradley)
Born: March 4, 1983
Current Age: 52
Hometown: Johannesburg, South Africa
Blood Status: Muggle
Alma Mater: Muggle primary and secondary school
Monash University - South African Campus
Occupation: Middle School English Teacher
Interests and Hobbies: Books, reading, and old movies on VHS.
Older Brother - Jonathan Kofi Mensah Jr.
Born: October 27, 2013
Current Age: 23
Hometown: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Current Town: Brisbane, Queenland, Australia
Blood Status: Muggle
Alma Mater: Muggle Primary and Secondary School
University of Queensland
Occupation: Professional Rugby Player
Interests and Hobbies: Fitness and athletics, vintage comic books, and action and adventure movies.
Pets: A dog named Okra
Friends: His group of friends in school are the 3 guys who sit with him at lunch. They really dont talk much. They just kind sit, eat, and traded comics. His best friend is his older brother Jon. They use to play and hang out all the time when they were going up, and he misses him now that he has moved away. Fred looks up to him as a role model.
Interests or Hobbies: Reading, legos, and robotics
Additional Skills: Strong and fast
Favourite place to be: The State Library of New South Wales
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: Being muggleborn, he knew nothing of magic before getting his letter to Hogwarts. He finds it fascinating that there is this whole other world out there and he is anxious to discover it. It will probably take awhile for him to find his bearings. He really wants to find his place in this world.
Best school subjects: History and Math. He would probably enjoy Artimacy and Ancient Runes the best when he is able to select electives.
Worst school subjects: Music.
Extracurricular Activities: Fred is in the Book Club and the Debate Club at his elementary school. Perhaps he can find something similar at his new school.
Graduation: Will graduate in 2043 (?)
Current Job: Student
Plans for your future: Fred always figured he would go to college then get a job in engineering like his dad. Finding out he is a wizard and all kind took him by surprised and does not really know what to make of his future quite yet.
Your Patronus: Bear - "The bear is an extremely strong symbol of healing and personal strength. Bear medicine is often tied to introspective healing; the need to go within oneself to find answers. The bear is also a symbol of direction and of being able to know when you are on the path that is truly right for you."
Your Patronus memory: When he was six and his family took a road trip to University of Queensland to see his brother's first college rugby game. When the team won and his brother ran into the stands and brought him onto field to celebrate with the team.
Your Boggart: His brother disapproving of or being disappointed in him.
Your Animagus: The same as his patronus.
Mirror of Erised: He would be just like his brother.