Frederick Jerome Mensah

Frederick Mensah

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Anna Lee
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Full Name
Frederick Jerome Mensah

- Frederick pronounced fr EH d - r ih k
Meaning peaceful ruler

- Jerome pronounced jer - OH M
Meaning holy name

- Mensah pronounced Men - suh
Meaning a common Ghanaian surname

Fred, Freddy, Rick, Ricky, or just Mensah. His big brother calls him Spiderman. He is not very particular when it comes to nicknames and would respond to anything really.

What His Name Means to Him
Fred thinks him name sounds stuffy and does not match how he sees himself. His mother keeps trying to convince him that it is a good and proper name, but to him is just plain boring. However, he would never think of changing him name. It is direct connection to his family and his family means the world to him.

Date of Birth
Fred was born September 14, 2025 to Jonathan and Linda Mensah at Sydney Hospital in Sydney, Australia.

Zodiac Sign

Zodiac Description
Like typical Virgos, Fred lives in his head. To the outside world he can appear aloof and disconnected, but when reality he takes everything and is continually digesting and processing everything in his mind. Since all of his energy goes into thinking things through he often has trouble expressing his thoughts and putting them into words.

Fred was born and raised in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Blood Status

Views on Blood Status
He knew nothing of magic before getting his letter to Hogwarts. He finds it fascinating that there is this whole other world out there and he is anxious to discover it. It will probably take a while for him to find his bearings. He really wants to find his place in this world.

He considers himself African-Australian. 31.25% Ghanaian, 37.5% South African, and 31.25% English

Special Abilities

Length: 11 inches
- A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Shape/Style: Straight
- Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
Wood: Larch
- Larch is a durable wand wood that helps realize new talents and always seems to have some unexpected qualities influenced by its owner.
Core: Billywig Stinger
- Billywig stingers make for temperate cores, but they are mildly useful when used to heal. Wands with this core tend to what they want to do, making them good for people who are flexible in nature.
Flexibility: Flexible
- Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its weilder.

Pervious Education
Fred went to his neighborhood's public muggle primary school.
- Best Classes: Science, History, and Math
- Worst Classes: Music

Current Education
Fred is currently a first year at Hogwarts New Zealand and is very relived that he will not have to go to the same school his mom works at for middle school.
- Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
"Wow...." Frederick was glad that he had a whole year to wrap his head around this whole magical wizard thing, but nothing could prepare him for walking into the Great Hall for the first time. "I can see way they call it great." he whispered to the person standing next him. His fellow first-year stared back at him like he said something bad about their mother. "Just saying mate." Fred wished his brother was here to see all this. He would have loved it. Out of all his family members, Fred's older brother Jon was the most stoked about the news there was a wizard in the family. Not as cool as having superpowers, but still very cool he had said. The eleven year old smiled to himself at the memory. He watched as his new classmates began making their way to the front and were sorted to their houses. It was crazy how old hat could be so intimidating. How does that thing work any way? he thought to himself as the Sorting Hat shouted another verdict. "Mensah, Frederick" The Head Mistress announced his name and suddenly the situation became very real for the young boy. Frederick Jerome Mensah was a wizard, attending Hogwarts in New Zealand, and sorting was just the first step in what he hoped would be an amazing journey. Fred walked up and sat frozen on the stool, unsure what he was suppose to do next.

"I think you'll find it quite pleasant in RAVENCLAW!"

Current Place of Residency
He is currently living in his family's home in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Current Relationship Status
Too young for anything serious

Physical Appearance
Fred is of average build. He currently stands at 5 feet tall and weighs 95 pounds. He has a rich chocolatey skin tone and dark brown eyes which are often hidden behind a large pair of black rimmed reading glasses. His most defining physical feature is his big goofy smile.

Personal Style
Fred has not developed a fully sense of style just yet. His mom mostly picks out his clothes and he is not too fussy about it. He has never really been drawn to prints or bright colors and if he had a choice he would probably just stick with solids and strips.

Father - Jonathan Kofi Mensah - June 13, 1981 - Age 54

Jonathan Mensah was born in Perth, Australia to Ghanaian immigrants. He was raised as a first-generation Australian and while he was immersed in the new culture, his parents made sure he maintained a strong connection to his roots. Jonathan thrived in school both academically and socially. In the classroom, he enjoyed his science and technology courses and several of his free periods in the school's computer lab. Outside the classroom, he was the class clown who used his quick wit to keep his classmates laughing. He began his studies at Monash University in 1999 and met Linda Bradley, an exchange student from South Africa, during the first semester of the 2003 school year. After whirlwind romance, Jonathan had fallen head over heels in love and was determined to make the relationship work despite the long distance. He graduate in 2003 with a degree in computer science and moved to Sydney to begin his career. He stayed in frequent contact with Linda as she finished her studies in South Africa and surprised her with marriage proposal at her graduation ceremony in 2005. The couple created a life in a quiet suburb of Sydney and Jonathan began to move up the management chain as IT professional. The Mensahs' first child was born in 2013 and their second came 11 years later in 2024. Although Jonathan's life is simple, it is filled with love and laughter.

Mother - Linda Mandisa Mensah (nee Bradley) - March 4, 1983 - Age 52

Linda Bradley was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. Her father took off when she was just a toddler so it was just her and mother for most of her life. Wanting her daughter to have better life than what she was currently living, her mother invested heavily in her education. She worked 2 and sometimes 3 jobs to pay for private schooling for her daughter. Linda was a good and intellectually curious student who did well in her courses and who pleasant disposition won over both student and teachers a like. In 2001, she became one of the first students to attend Monash University's South African campus. She focused her studies on english literature and teaching. She was admitted to the main campus in Australia as an exchange student in 2003. It was Linda's first time away from home and she was not expecting enjoy her time aboard has much as she did, let alone fall in love. At first she could not take Jonathan Mensah seriously with all of jokes and smiles, but over time she saw that he had a good heart and developed feelings for him. They found ways to talk as she finished her degree program and she was surprised when Jonathan met her on stage after she received her diploma with a ring. She said yes to his proposal and moved to Sydney as married woman. Linda began teaching english in the public school system. She had her first son in 2013 and took a couple of years off to take care of him. When it was time for Jon to start school, Linda decided she should go back as well and began graduate studies at University of Sydney. She was awarded her Master's in Education in 2021 and 3 years later she had her second son Frederick. She enjoys being a mother and teacher and watching her children grow and learn is the most rewarding thing in the world to her.

Older Brother - Jonathan Kofi Mensah Jr. - October 27, 2013 - 22

Jonathan Mensah Jr. is the first born son of Jonathan and Linda Mensah. He was born at Sydney Hospital in Sydney, Australia. Even as a baby and toddler, Jon was always active and moving. It was nearly impossible for his mother to keep him still. To burn off some of his excess energy, his parents decided to put him into sports programs and it turned out that Jon was a gifted athlete. He participated in youth leagues and clubs all during his primary school years and began playing rugby during secondary school. Jon enjoyed being a part of a team and although he did not particularly like school, he stayed motivated to do well so he could play for a good university team when he got older. That dream was realized when he was offered a scholarship to the University of Queensland to play rugby. The whole family was ecstatic about the news, including his 6 year old brother Frederick whom he was very fond of. Jon just recently graduated and moved to Brisbane to begin his career as professional rugby player. He is a little nervous about transitioning to the real world, but he has his family and friends to keep him grounded.

His Relationship to His Family Members
Frederick has deep appreciation for his family and as a whole they are a very close unit. His father is always available for a laugh and is willing to entertain his random theories and stories. He is grateful for his mother patience and warm hugs. He thinks the world of his big brother and support and approval means everything to him. While it did come as shock that Fred was a wizard, it did not come as complete surprise. When he was little things in the house would just move around in the air and often times landed in the hand of tiny little Fred. Jon was convinced that he had superpowers like Spiderman and he was able to sling invisible webs to grab things. His parents just thought it was a strange trick of the eye. When the letter came, they were glad that there was finally an explanation for all the weird things that use to happen. They knew that going to Hogwarts was what was best for their youngest son and they are all prepared to help in be successful in any way they can.

The family has a boxer named Okra. Fred's parents first got Okra as a distraction to ease him into home life without his brother in the house.

General Personality
Fred's first response to any situation he is in is to sit back, observe, and think. He spends a great deal of time hypothesizing possibilities and discovering new ways of doing things. Because he spends so much time in his head, he has some trouble expressing himself externally. He is circular thinker rather than linear, so when engaging in a conversation, it may take him a little while to make his point. His sense of humor is dry and sarcastic and his direct way of stating his opinions may rub some people the wrong way. Fred can appear awkward and aloof, but if someone has patience they would find an amusing and honest friend. While he does not mind being alone, he appreciates the company of people who are open-minded and can teach him new things. Deep down, Fred desperately wants to be like his big brother, but since they are so drastically different, he is uncertain about how he can achieve that.

Interests or Hobbies
Fred has inherited his mother's love of reading. You can often find him with a book or comic in his hands in his free time. He also enjoys understanding how things work and fit together, so he also likes playing with legos and robotics.

Additional Skills
Despite his geeky appearance, Fred is surprisingly athletic. He is quite strong and fast for his age, probably due to all the running around he did with his brother growing up.

His group of friends in school are the 3 guys who sit with him at lunch. They really don't talk much. They just kind sit, eat, and traded comics. His best friend is his older brother Jon. They use to play and hang out all the time when they were going up, and he misses him now that he has moved away. Fred looks up to him as a role model.

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