Freddie Langston Raska

Freddie Raska

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
11 1/4 Hazel Wand with Phoenix Wing Feather Core, Light
Full Name:
- Freddie: Freddie is not short for anything. It is my real name, and I like it. I have never gotten for having it. My professor often shortened my name to Fred. My first name's origin is Germanic, and it means,'peaceful ruler' or 'peaceful keeper'.

- Langston: Langston is of English origin. It means, 'long stone'. The only people that know my middle name are my real and adoptive parents and Bobby Sanchez. I like my middle name, but I don't go around bragging about how great it is. I am not one to brag anyways.

- Mandy: This is my former surname. I went by this when I lived with my real parents, but they were very abusive to me, and now I am apart of the Raska family. The origin of this name is Latin and means, 'she must be loved'. I will never go by this name again, and it brings back bad memories.

- Raska: I like this name. It is extremely rare. I do not know what it means or what it's origins are. I have done research, but I have not come up with anything useful to finding out it's definition or origin.

Date of Birth:
- March 12, 2013

Current Age:
- I am currently eighteen years old.

Basic Appearance:
- I am six feet tall and I am well built. My skin is a light brown and soft. I do not get acne often. I can stay in the Sun for a long amount of time because it is more difficult for me to get tan or sunburned. I keep my hair short into a fade haircut. I have a star shaved into the left side of my head. (OOC: Like this.) I do not dress up a lot. I most of the time wear blue jeans and solid color, long short sleeved shirts. I often wear high tops with multiple colors on them, but I wear mismatched shoes because I can never decide whether I should wear one pair of shoes or another.

Sun Sign:
- Pieces: Some traditional traits of a Pieces is that they are imaginative, unworldly sympathetic, intuitive, and selfless. Some negative traits are that they often go into a world of fantasy, are secretive, vague, easily led and idealistic. I do not fit perfectly into my sign. I am glad I don't actually. I find myself to be very headstrong and I like staying in the real world, but I do think of out of the world things sometimes.

- I believe I am a person most people would get along with. I am often told that I am a role model for others and I have many leadership qualities. I am open to criticism and discipline. I am compassionate and kind towards people. I am very headstrong in my beliefs. I am not easily led astray. I will speak my mind, but I like to listen to what others have to say first. I put others before myself. I get so worked up about helping others that I forget to take care of myself. I am a very relaxed and reserved person. I think this is because I am often observing and reflecting on things. I do sometimes zone out. I do not need to be around people all the time. I am extremely loyal to people. I am a trustworthy person, and if I have power I will not use it to oppress people. I really care about how people feel and think. I can be funny and a joker, but I am mostly like this when I am nervous or around new people. When I do not know what to do I look to God. I pray, fast, and sing hymns to Him when I am need him to tell me what to do next.



Mother: Angelica Mandy
Blood Status: Pureblood
Living Status: Unknown(OOC: Angelica died in 2026 from untreated alcohol poisoning.)
Relationship: My mother was an alcoholic. She often locked me in my room and did not feed me. When my father was hitting and kicking me she just sat in a chair, with a beer in hand, and watched. She ran away from her family and lived as a 'orphan' in the muggle world. She got with the wrong crowd and starting drinking and smoking. I read her diary when they left me home alone. I always found a way to pick the lock on the door. My mother never received her magical education, but she did know how to navigate in the magical world.
Playby: Rihanna (*From Freddie's memory)


Father: Drake Mandy
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Living Status: Unknown (OOC: Drake is currently very sick and is a residential patient at St. Mungos.)
Relationship: My father hit me a lot. He always told me that I was a mistake. I hated my father so much. I don't know why he hated me so much. I think he was going through something and he had to hit me in order to release that something. I do not hate him anymore, but the thought of him scares me a lot. He graduated from Hogwarts Scotland as a Hufflepuff, but he also came from an abusive household. My father caused me to have a negative view on muggleborns because he was the first one I encountered.
Playby: Kanye West (*From Freddie's memory.)


Adoptive Mother: Cheyenne Raska
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Living Status: Living and Healthy
Relationship: Cheyenne was not able to have children, so she decided to start fostering children. She fostered me and saw how traumatized I was. She and her husband adopted me and helped me heal from all the trauma and abuse I had been through. She is a Healer at a St. Mungos in Europe and she cares for residential patients. She lives in Bulgaria with her husband. Cheyenne attended Hogwarts Scotland as a Gryffindor.
Playby: Ariel Ulrich


Adoptive Father: Dante Raska
Blood Status: Half Blood
Living Status: Alive and Healthy
Relationship: Dante and I are close. I see him as my father, and I am happy he and Cheyenne adopted me. He was understanding about me not wanting to go to Hogwarts Scotland like Cheyenne wanted me too. He was always very supportive of me, and when I made Prefect he was very pleased. When I became Head Boy he was very proud of me. He always, positively, pushed me to do my best and become a great wizard. Dante attended Hogwarts Scotland as a Ravenclaw.
Playby: Justin Timberlake


Adopted Older Brother: Othello Atticus Raska
Blood Status: Unknown
Living Status: Alive and Healthy
Relationship: Othello and I got along well. He never had any real goals in life, but he is very intelligent. Othello never knew his parents, he grew up on the streets. He was adopted by the Dante and Cheyenne before me. He is currently a DADA professor.

*He has one brother and sister that are twins.


Brother: Raymond 'Ray Ray' Markus Mandy
Blood Status: Half Blood
Living Status: Alive and Healthy
Relationship: * They were born August 22, 2025. They were born to Drake and Angelica Mandy. They live with their foster mother Michelle Smith. Raymond in Rayvenn's twin and Freddie's little brother. Raymond is protective over his sister. He is currently seven.
Playby: Jacob Perez


Sister: Ravynn Marion Mandy
Blood Status: Half Blood
Living Status: Alive and Healthy
Relationship: *Rayvenn is Raymond's twin. and Freddie's little sister. She is protective over her older brother. She is currently seven.
Playby: Zendaya Coleman

- None.

Area of Residence:
- Napier Hastings, New Zealand

Blood Status:
- Half-Blood

- African/Kiwi

My mother's family parents moved from Africa to New Zealand because they heard of the growing wizard population there. My father's parents were born in New Zealand and so was he.

Special Abilities:
- None.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Helping people
- Attending church
- Praying
- Divination
- Shoe Shopping

Additional Skills:
- N/A

- Compasionate
- Kind
- Open Minded
- Headstrong
- Calm
- Trustworthy
- Leader
- Observant

- Nervous
- Reserved
- Reclusive
- Indecisive
- Does things last minute
- Tardy
- Ignorant of my own needs.

Describe your character in three words:
- Compassionate, Indecisive, Helpful

Favourite place to be:
- Church

- Bobby Sanchez

Hogwarts House:
- None. I attended Durmstrang.

Durmstrang Hopes and Ambitions:
- I attended Durmstrang with my mind set on becoming a Healer. I did not want anything to distract me from that goal. I did join the Quidditch team in my third year. I was Keeper. I also took an interest in Divination. I start taking that as an elective. In my fifth year I became a Prefect and was asked to be Quidditch captain, but I said no, respectfully. I stayed on the Quidditch team until my seventh year. In my seventh year I became Head Boy. I was always told that I was focused on my goals. Students would say that they looked up to me, but I did not know what to say because I did not go to school to be admired by professors and students. I was solely focused on getting all the grades that would allow me to become a Healer. In my fifth year I decided I wanted to try and become a Seer. I loved Divination, and my Professor told me that become a Seer was something I could achieve.

Best school subjects:
- Charms
- Defense Against the Dark Arts
- Herbology
- Transfiguration
- Potions
- Divination
- Astronomy

Worst school subjects:
- History of Magic
- Ancient Runes

Extracurricular Activities:
- Keeper for Durmstrang Quidditch team years 3-7.
- Prefect duties
- Head Boy duties

- 2031

Current Job:
- Healer.

Plans for your future:
- I want to be a Seer.

Your Patronus:
- Cougar. It would be a cougar because they symbolize leadership. I am a leader. I am just not the type of leader that calls attention to themselves. I am more of the type that lead people to see all the good they have inside of them. I have a balanced attitude. I know when to keep my mouth shut and I know when to test authority. I like to do things quickly and swiftly. I like things to be organized. When obstacles get in the way I usually have to start things all over again.

Your Patronus memory:
- My patronus memory was when I was taken away from my parents. There was just this happiness inside of me that I could not explain. I was so happy that I was away from all the abuse, pain, hurt and horror of living with my parents. That was probably the happiest day of my life.

Your Boggart:
- My father. He left a scar on me for life, so I froze up when the Boggart in DADA turned into him. I was not even able to move because I was so scared. If I saw my father today I believe I would freeze up and not be able to do anything. It brings back horrible memories.

Your Animagus:
- Bear. It would be a Bear because bears can symbolize healing and gentle strength. I believe I am strong person because I have gone through a lot. I am a gentle person and I have gone trough a lot of healing, so I want to help others heal as well. Bears can also symbolize dreaming, and I like to dream about meeting my parents again. I like Divination so I often dream about what my future holds for me. Bears are also said to be protective mothers. I have been told that I remind people of their mothers because I am always encouraging, but I can be ferocious when the time calls for it.

Mirror of Erised:
- I see me in lime green robes. I have wanted to be a Healer since I was little. It has always been my dream to become a Healer.

A page from your diary:
Journal Entry said:
Dear Journal,

I applied to be a Healer at St. Mungos today. I made sure to keep a smile on my face. I don't want Bobby to be the only one working in our home. That would not be fair to him. Being a Healer has been my dream since Cheyenne and Dante took me into their home. I want to be able to help people and take care of them. I thing I may work with the residential patients there. I also want to work in Spell Damage, Artifact Accidents and Pediatrics. It'll take a lot of hard work and devotion, but I know I am capable of doing that.

-Freddie Raska


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