Fourth Years, Lesson One

Noel was waiting behind his desk for the fourth years to arrive. They were the oldest students he teached so he was looking forward to meeting the group. He figured Defence Against The Dark Arts was an class worth following and people would like it. He walked to the front of his desk and opened the door with an swing of his wand, for the fourth years to enter. As the first arrived he gave an friendly smile and waited for everyone to come inside. It seemed like an mix of different students and houses. As everyone seemed to be inside he closed the door with an wave of his wand.

'' Hello everyone and welcome back to Defence Against the Dark Arts. '' He than spoke and walked in front of the classroom. Standing still for an moment to look them into the eye. He than explained making sure he watched the students in the eye '' We'll be reviewing the Unforgivable Curses this semester, can someone tell me what the three curses are again?'' Noel than explained and looked around the classroom, giving someone the chance to answer and waited for an moment to hear the answer. '' Very well. 2 points for your house.'' He than replied back with an friendly smile. And than turned his back to the group and made some writing appear on the blackboard next to his desk. ''We've briefly touched the subject of Unforgivable Curses all the way back in your first year. This year, however, we'll be revisiting and discussing each curse. I'll warn you now that some may find these lessons disturbing. While I can understand that you'd rather skip these lessons, I'd still advise you to show up. You'll not only get to see them, meaning that there will be demonstrations, but you will also learn how to defend yourself against them.'' Noel than explained, it wasn an subject which came close to him as well since his uncle was punished for using one of them and was now sentenced life long to Azkaban. But he would think of the good to learn the students to defend in case they would ever encounter.

Noel looked around the classroom for an moment to let that sink in and continued. '' For homework, please read into the history of the Imperius Curse. And for those brave enough to want to experience this curse, I will need at least one volunteer. If you are interested, come see me after class as you'll need to sign a consent form yourself and I need one from a person older than eighteen year before next class.''' And with that he dismissed them.

Please review the DADA Class Policy for first through fourth years.

- Roleplay the lesson! The first student to answer the question will receive extra credit.
- If you would like your student to have the Imperius Curse placed on them for next week's demonstration, think very well about that and how suiting it is for your character to chose for this or not. More than one student may be Imperiused. However, this is not mandatory.
Teddy was pleased to be back at Hogwarts after spending his birthday and Christmas at home. He continued with his full timetable this semester and did not intend to drop any classes until after he had all his OWLs. Defence Against the Dark Arts was one he intended to keep up until he graduated though, and arrived for class interested to learn more about Unforgivables. He raised his hand to answer the question, "They are the Killing Curse, Avada Kedavra, the Cruciatus Curse, Crucio, and the Imperius Curse, Imperio, professor." Teddy answered, happy to get a couple of house points for Gryffindor although wished it could have been a few more. At the end of the lesson, Teddy considered signing a consent form but knew there was no way in a million years that his parents would sign there's unless they were under imperio themselves, so he skipped over it and left the classroom.
Audrey was excited to go back to Defence Against the Dark Arts, not only was it a fun class but Professor Waldgrave was very nice to look at. She was sad that she'd only have one more year of classes with him - sure, Professor Cade seemed alright but he had like a million children, one of whom was one of her dormmates, which made it a bit weird. She rolled her eyes - of course Teddy would answer the question first. What a show off, she thought, despite the fact that she had taken a seat near the front and was making a show of looking extremely invested. She didn't have to try, learning about the unforgivable curses was genuinely fascinating to her. She was a little surprised that they'd actually be seeing them, considering the fact that they were illegal, but she was glad they'd be able to.

Audrey barely even had to think twice about volunteering. Naturally, she would do it. Sure, being under an imperius curse was actually terrifying if she stopped to think about it, but she trusted that Professor Waldgrave wouldn't do anything to mess up her mind permanently or to make her hurt herself, and she'd get to look eager and enthusiastic for him. And she'd have a better understanding of it than people who didn't, which was a bonus. She wasn't sure if her parents would sign, but her cousin Dion was over 18 and would no doubt sign off for her. "Hi, Professor! I'd like to volunteer," she said, cheerfully, signing her name and taking a form to send to her cousin for signing.
@Professor Noel Waldgrave
Marley was happy and excited to be back at school. She couldn't wait to see all her friends and she was also excited to learn all the other subjects as well that she hadn't learned in the last semester. Marley quickly packed up her things that she needed for her dada lesson, before quickly making her way down to her class. Once she arrived in the classroom, she took a seat in the same spot she sat in last year. She then took out the things she needed and placed them on the desk in front of her.

Marley moved her attention towards the professor as the professor got started with the lesson. She listened carefully to what the professor had to say. Learning the unforgivable curses sounded interesting yet very scary. She had put her hand up to answer the question as she had remembered a few of them when she was reviewing her books the other day, but Teddy had beat her to it. She didn't mind though, she was happy for her friend. Marley continued to nod along to what the professor had to say as well as write down what she thought was important.

Marley took note of the homework that they needed to do. However, she knew she wasn't going to be a volunteer for the next lesson. While she would always be happy to volunteer, doing that sort of commitment sounded scary. Once the lesson had come to an end, the Hufflepuff quickly put her stuff away and made sure her area was tidy. She then says a appreciative and quick thanks and goodbye to the professor before heading out the door with the rest of her friends and classmates.
The werewolf had one solid break. A lot had happened, and Dante Styx was still recovering from it all. His parents, no, his whole family - the important people - knew his secret now, and he did not have to worry about his life anymore. His mom and dad still loved him, and he had a huge weight lifted from his back. Dante felt that he could enjoy his time a little more. He did not have to act out as much - he felt anyway. Dante grabbed his bag and headed out of the fourth year dorms to go to class. He knew who to sit next to. He always did since they were third years, but more so now. Dante was told by his mother during his winter break to break up with Callie, but no. He was not going to. He continued to smile to himself, even more so as he walked in the classroom, ready to begin the lesson.

Dante walked in the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom and sat down in a random seat. Professor Waldgrave welcomed the fourth years back to school, and told them that they would be reviewing the Unforgivable Curses this year. He took some notes over what they were, just so he would have something for the following lessons. There would be demonstrations of them too. Dante just did not want that on him at all. Then there would be a demonstration for the Imperius Curse. Dante was not about to volunteer. He got up and left the classroom instead.

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