🌹 Rose Giving Fourth for My Dear Cousin

Anisha Khatri

Competitive | Snarky | Bookworm | 7th year
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Veela Hair Core
4/2046 (17)
Yellow rose for @Dhivya Khatri

Anisha had run out of unfamiliar people on her list and was heading to the Gryffindor common room to find some of her housemates. On the way there, she spotted her cousin heading in the direction of the Hufflepuff common room and rushed to catch up with her. "Dhivya!" She called through the corridor, trying to keep her in her sight. "Dhivya, wait!"
Overwhelming - it wasn't quite a strong enough word, but it was the best way Dhivya could describe the energy in the castle. While it had been very nice to get a rose herself, she was ready to be away from all this. She was on her way back to the common room to get her dance things and hopefully sneak some time alone in the arts room when she heard her name, relieved that it was Anisha and not another strange Slytherin bringing her a rose. "Hi, Anisha." She said, slowing for her cousin to catch up. "What's up?"
Anisha fell into step with Dhivya and grinned at her little cousin. It was still weird to see her in Hogwarts robes, but kind of cool too. She was glad her and Naveen were both in Hufflepuff, she was sure they could rely on each other. "I have something for you." She singsonged, holding up a rose.

Congrats on surviving your first 5 months of school. I thought for sure the eel would have gotten you by now.
Love, Raafe
Dhivya's eyes widened at the rose in Anisha's hand, looking up at her cousin in disbelief. She hadn't expected to get any roses at all, and she was feeling guiltier than ever for not sending any in return. "Oh, thank you!" She smiled nervously as she accepted it, glancing at the note. She couldn't hold back a small giggle as she read it, then her face dropped, looking up at Anisha again. "Is there really an eel?"
Anisha was glad to see her cousin enjoy the rose, but at her question she couldn't resist. She smiled slightly. "Yes, and it's hungry." She said lightly.

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