Closed Former Peers

Beau Chamberlin

deaf • muggle teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Redwood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Beau Chamberlin finished his final bit of schooling, and wanted to teach in the muggle world when it came down to deaf students. He was born deaf after all, so he never knew what anything sounded like. He often thought about having a cochlear implant, but he did not think it would work correctly if he went into the magical world. It might shock his head or something like that. So, Beau did not go that far. He reached out via a letter to meet up with someone that he knew from school. Someone he used to have a crush on but faded in his teenage years. He knew that ML was happy now, and he would never get in the way of that - if he was in love with her that is which was not the case. Beau loved his friends, and always would. He had yet to find love himself, but he was more focused on his family. His father was having another kid! He was also teaching Rhys as a practice before he would apply to be a teacher in a local deaf school. He had his golden retriever with him as he sat down at a bench in Obsidian Harbor. He trusted his dog to let him know that someone would be approaching, as he had his camera, and looked through the pictures. He was good at taking pictures, much like his father, but he did not want a career out of it.
It was nice to be out of the house whenever she could be, especially now with three kids at home. Whilst she'd happily left Monty and Maddie with Wendall, Marvin was still not even one, and so she tended to keep him close to the chest, as it were. That was why she was heading out to meet up with her good friend Beau with a baby on her hip. She noticed him pretty quickly as she walked along the lane, Marvin in a little pram looking out at the sights. It was enchanted against any rain, so she didn't have to worry and it was protected against the sun too, so she could have him in a little onesie that let his arms and legs breathe. As she approached, she noted there was a dog, she assumed it to be Beau's support companion and she let the dog get a good look at her before alerting to Beau someone was present. She made sure to step into his field of vision and waved at him before going to pull him into a hug. "Hi Beau!" She signed to him, doing her best to remember everything he'd taught her back in school. She was out of practice these days, because she hadn't had to use it in some time, but she remember her basics, enough to have proper conversations with him and any words she didn't know she could probably spell. "So good to see you, who's this?" She asked, pointing down to his companion.
Beau felt his dog give him a nudge to let him know that someone had approached him. He smiled at Mary Lou, and saw that she had not really changed too much over the years. It had been a little while since he had seen her. He had wished that he had brought his girlfriend here to meet her too, but he did not want her to be a feel like a third wheel. "You don't need to sign, Mary Lou. It has definitely been a while." Beau doubted that anyone in her life was deaf like he was, but he and Bryce both were, so that household needed to learn it. It was not overly demanded though. "This is my service animal. His name is Cocoa." Beau patted his dog, which sat down in front of him. "How have you been? I know you are a mum now. Married too. That is, like, a lot." Beau stood up because he did not want to remain sitting in front of her.
Mary Lou watched the dog and smiled down at him, before looking up at Beau. She really was out of practice here, but she wanted to try honestly, “yeah, I’m sorry, I need to get back into the habit, because I want to be accessible for you,” she said, though she didn’t sign. She was going to have to crack out all her books again so she could learn again if she was going to ask for Beau to be in her life more. They were both busy that was true, but he’d been her best friend for a time and that meant something to her. “Hi Cocoa!” He was definitely the goodest boy, but she ignored him as she paid attention to Beau, because he was on duty and not there for entertainment. “Yeah, there’s been a lot going on, I’m sorry we’ve been out of touch, I’m making every effort for that to not continue, I miss all of my friends and I want to reconnect with them if I can.”
Honestly, Beau thought that it was really nice of her to want to get back into practice, even if he felt that it was not really necessary unless they would be hanging out more often. She was a mom now, and he didn't have any kids. There would not be any playdates until he became married and had a family of his own. That would be up to his girlfriend if she wanted to stay with him for that long. He knew that he came with some baggage. "You are very sweet, Mary." Beau grinned, as he gave Cocoa a stroke on the head. The service pup was definitely needed, especially when he had to get up early in the morning to teach. "Maybe we can plan like, a get together with some of the graduates. Except that guy with the gorilla last name." Beau was talking about Luxen Silverback, since Beau really did not like him at all. Still.
Mary Lou appreciated being called sweet, even if she hadn’t felt that way for a long time. It was true she did often try to maintain her sunny disposition and she would help anyone who needed it for sure, but she’d had to change out of necessity - though the less people who knew that the better. She snorted slightly when Beau mentioned Luxen, her face falling a bit as he did so. Even his name sometimes sent shivers down her spine when she remembered the things he’d threatened her with, the attack in the train car one of the most memorable. She hadn’t seen him in years, he’d vanished, and yet she couldn’t forget the smile on his face at her misery and pain. An awful boy indeed. “Yes, perhaps not him, wouldn’t even know where to send it.” Perhaps he’d done something really bad and ended up in Azkaban? She wouldn’t wish that place on anyone, even her worst enemy, but she wouldn’t stand in the way of law and justice either. “We could have a party at my place? I have the room.”

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