Ford's Rock...again

Ford Harkonnen

Well-Known Member
It's made of wood, I suppose
Ford walked with Sophia down to their rock after herbology. As they approached the rock, Ford looked at Sophia, "What'd you think of planting those irritating mandrakes."
Sophia walked with Ford down to the rock, trying hard not to smile. Her normal scowl was a bit less intense, her expression looking rather calm. She had considered grabbing Ford's hand in hers, but decided against it, still afraid of showing emotion in public. At Ford's question, Sophia averted her gaze from the ground before her to Ford, answering him in a lofty, drawling voice. "It was absolutely dreadful. Not only we were planting things in the dirt with our hands, but the Mandrakes were disgusting and annoying. I hope growing them is less hands on."
"I hope so, too," Ford agreed as they reached the rock. He dropped his bag onto the ground near the rock, and turned to Sophia to help her up onto the rock, "I am glad, though, that classes have acutally started, and it's not just introductions anymore."
Upon arriving at the rock, Sophia dropped her bag, adorned with the patch Ford had given her, next to his. With Ford's help, he got up onto the rock, giving him an appreciative look once she was settled. "Yes, it is nice to be past introductions and actually learning things. What do you think of the new Astronomy Professor?"
Ford lept up on the rock and sat beside Sophia, "He's interesting," Ford surmised with disinterest, "Very intelligent, though. He knows what he's talking about, even if he has troubling conveying it." Ford pulled out his wand and, pointing his wand at the lake, incanted "Accio rock." And a small, familiar rock flew out of the lake into his open hand.
As Sophia watched Ford leap onto the rock, a slight smirk curled onto the corners of her lips. "Yes, he is quite knowledgeable, but I have difficulty following him. Perhaps Astronomy is simply not my forte. I am not entirely confident that I did well on last lesson's essay. How about you?"
"Yeah," Ford agreed, "That was quite difficult, but I feel I didn't do too bad." Ford tossed the rock into the air and caught it again, he had been thinking about the Yule Ball, ever since Zoe had mentioned it a few nights ago, but he wasn't sure how to bring it up to Sophia. But, he just decided to go for it. As he tossed the rock up in the air again he said, offhandedly, "Hey, do you want to go to this Yule Ball thing?"
Sophia had watched Ford as he talked, and then looked out at the lake, noticing how the sun seemed to sparkle on the water's surface. Most times they were here it was night or twilight, but this time it was bright and sunny. Sophia had been watching the sparkles dance with wonder when Ford asked her to the Yule Ball. She turned her golden-eyed gaze to him, her face void of emotion as she thought for a moment. "You wish to go to the Yule Ball with me?" she asked blankly, waiting to see his response.
Ford tossed the rock up in the air again, "Yes," he said nonchalantly, "If it's okay with you, that is."
Pleasantly surprised, Sophia let a small smile show itself in her golden eyes. "Yes, it is all right. I simply wanted to be sure that you actually wanted to go, and were not just asking me because you believed it is what you should do."
"Well, I do wish to go," Ford said, confirming Sophia, "Have you ever been to a fancy dance before?"
Sophia's smile expanded to her lips as she looked to Ford. "I have been to some parties with my parents, but nothing quite like the Yule Ball. What about you?"
"I have not really been to any parties such as the Yule Ball. My mother went to many, but I was left at home due to my being a small child. I do hope, though, that this is a very nice party, not a loud, dirty affair."
"No, not loud or dirty. I believe it is supposed to be very dignified. It should be fun," Sophia said hopefully.
"It should be," Ford agreed, "I am certain that the Headmistress knows what she is doing here, and she will make it a good event." He tossed the rock up again, then pointed his wand at it quickly, "Waddiwassi!" The rock shot off into the sky alarmingly fast in an extremely large parabola, and fell halfway across the lake with a large splash.
"Yes, I am certain it will indeed be a good event," Sophia said before she leaned over to Ford and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, smiling openly at him.
Ford turned and looked at Sophia, at first surprised at her public display, then he just smiled and kissed her on the cheek back. And looked at her, her long black hair blowing in the wind from over the lake, and her golden eyes glistened in the light. He lost whatever he was thinking about, "Guh..."
Quite amused with Ford's expression and loss for words, Sophia had to put her right hand to her lips to keep herself from laughing. Smiling, she looked down, away from Ford, trying not to blush. Sophia was not entirely sure what had come over her, but it had felt good to be open with Ford for once.
Ford leaned over and kissed Sophia on the cheek, and sat up straight, smiling. "Want to go flying?"
Red color fought its way to Sophia's cheeks as Ford kissed her, and she looked up at him, smiling with a slight smirk. "Flying? How about tomorrow? I have a lot of work to do." Sophia realized as soon as she said this that it sounded as if she were trying to avoid him. She quickly added, "not that I do not wish to fly with you. I simply must get my work done tonight."
"Sounds like a plan," Ford replied, smiling, so that Sophia would not think that he was upset, "Do you want to go to the library to get some studying done?" Ford asked with a wink.
Sophia glared playfully at Ford before replying. "No, not today Ford. I am actually going to go to the Sorority's Study Room. You may walk me back to the castle though, if you wish."
"I suppose I can," Ford sighed in a mock depressed manner, and turned to a smile, "When are you leaving?"

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