For protection

Epiphany Bones

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
Epiphany was getting a headache. She seemed to get a lot of those lately. She knew that Eden was a Seer and that her sister was one but she knew that Epiphany had not gotten the talents that her sister had. She could barely read emotions and that was on the subconscious level. Why was she getting this horrid migraine though it was as something was pushing at the front of her skull. She was also judging by the fact that Zazuka got her first vision in kindergarden while Epiphany had gotten nothing but a strong burst on energy that had sent her classmates away from her when the where picking on her. Epiphany allowed herself to smirk at that thought though no true pleasure came to her for it. She rubbed her temples while sitting back on a huge armchair in the student lounge.

There was a reason she was here. Epiphany had found out the name of the girl who had sold her her wand. Lilith Le Fay, she had connections to the Silverbacks because of her sister just like her. Unlike her though Epiphany could tell that Lilith was living her the shadow of her sister while Epiphany was really nothing like her sister except in looks. Epiphany had come cross old yearbooks in the library and had come across the picture of Zazuka, Prefect, Head Girl, if Epiphany played her cards right she would be heading down the same path. In order to make it that far though she needed to stay alive for that she needed, well someone older, Lilith seemed like the perfect person. The Eden hag was the reason her sister left in the first place so she couldn't go to her and Lolita could only do so much against Luthor. Epiphany guessed that once he was old enough Luthor would find a way get rid of her teacher. When that time came Epiphany needed to still be protected. She waited here for the seventh year.
Lilith was tired all of her emotions where confused. She hadn't wanted to return to Hogwarts but Eden had forced her. With her dream becoming an Auror on the line because of the stress of getting the right grades Lilith was having to dig deep into herself and hope for the best. What was she even doing leaving the common room today? Lilith just wasn't sure. Ivy her silver snake had told her that she needed to get out today and do something other than study. She wanted to go to the pitch but it was very cold and she wasn't sure if she was ready to be out there and not be playing Quidditch on a team. Leaving Beauxbatons had killed her. To make everything worse she had met Tara. Yes meeting Tara had been a bad thing as a matter of fact the worst thing ever. Before meeting that girl Lilith had been in love with the most amazing guy ever but now they where apart and it is was all the fault of that damned puff.

Pushing everything aside Lilith entered the student lounge and froze. Sitting there was the devil child. Wait no that wasn't right. Luthor was the devil child this was the other one. What was her name again? Oh yes Epiphany. That girl was down right messed up in the head. Must have something to do with the fact that she spent a lot of time with Luthor Silverback. Taking a seat close to the fire and away from her Lilith glared at the first year. "What are you doing here? Don't you have some Puff's to bully or something?" Lilith asked not even trying to be nice to the child.
Epiphany wanted to screech at the blond bird for talking to her like that but that would be counter productive. "While I'm sure it is no secret that I don't like the bright and fluffy Hufflepuff house but I don't see ny reason to show outward aggression towards them. Not when I have someone like Heath to do it for me." She said brightly. He needed a bit more conditioning and he would be the perfect tool. She could even let Clinton teach to boy a thing or two about brutality. She knew that Heath was at first a gentle soul but as long as Epiphany had him thinking that she was his only friend than she would have compete control over him.

Epiphany looked at Lilith and placed her hands under her chin as she leaned on the arm of her chair. "You seem distraught Lilith. Could it be everything that 'Rumor Has It' is true? If it is then your wasting your time here. I would have locked that girl up in a place where not ever the crows could land their droppings. But that's just me." She said her voice very kind and somewhat sympathetic. The pain in her head had gone down a little bit so it was easier to pull down her masks. What she had said was true though. If some foolish girl ever tried to take what she had claimed as her's the girl in question would never be found again. Not that Epiphany claimed anyone yet. It wasn't her time.
Did Lilith really care what the creepy little child had to say to her? No not really but since she was here the least she could do was pretend to listen what was being said. Besides if Eden found out that Lilith was not doing her job and looking for Epiphany and Luthor it would go bad for her. "I don't know who this Heath kid is but I feel sorry for him. Hell I feel sorry for me. Having to be here with you and that Luthor child." Lilith realized what she said was rude but as long as it never got back to Eden she should be fine right? Did it even matter to Lilith anymore? Tara had said that she would let her and Praneil be happy but Lilith wasn't sure if she could forgive him for lying to her for two years.

"It is none of your concern if it is true or not. My personal life is just that mine." Lilith said harshly. Ivy must have thought it was to harshly because she nipped Lilith's wrist. Swearing under her breath Lilith let her bright sunshine smile cross her face. "Anyways Epiphany how is your first year at Hogwarts going my dear?" Lilith asked letting the sarcasm be heard loud and clear.
Epiphany would see that Lilith didn't even trust the ribbons on her head. It was alright though because Lilith knew who she really was. It didn't mean that Epiphany didn't have to weave her word spell. "Heath is a good friend of mine, has been since before school started." She said grinning. Epiphany didn't have friends, she had toys but they didn't know that, no one really did. "I would watch was your say about Luthor Lili, should he hear you I think your fate would be worse than mine." She said though her sugary smile never left her face. The thought of someone being tortured that wasn't her was almost enough to make Epiphany giggle out loud. Luthor didn't like to be talked about in such a manor, Epiphany could do it because she was 'close' to him and could go toe to toe with him and sometimes win.

Epiphany pouted a little as if she had been hurt. "And here I thought I could make a bit of pleasant conversation. It does concern me how you are even if it's not too much of a matter to our "master"." She said using air quotes. Epiphany used the word Master to talk about Luthor in the loosest of terms. She was not to be controlled, ever. Ever since the day Lolita modified her memories Epiphany had made it a point to make Luthor's life hell around her. Whether that was a deep memory or it was her very soul crying out for revenge was not the matter here. "It's been lovely if not a bit dull. I learned most of the first year cores books by heart before I got here." She said with a sigh. Epiphany was arrogant when it came to academia, her mind was nimble and could pick up things almost instantly but waiting for those that could not made her impatient to move on.
Lilith let out a laugh when Epiphany said that Heath was her friend. "That was funny. Thanks for the laugh I needed that. Before you try and say different need I remind you that Eden is my older sister? She doesn't have friends she has people who think that they are her friend. So save that crap for someone who doesn't know how people like you work." Lilith said her voice no longer happy but very serious. Did this girl think she was stupid? As for Luthor finding out Lilith wasn't sure if she cared or not. "Luthor is a first year and if he does anything stupid they will kick him out faster than he could sneeze. So who cares if he finds out." Lilith said knowing that she was getting really close to getting herself into some serious trouble.

And how dose it concern you? From my point of few your just an outsider who should stay that way. On the outside of my personal life. You and the rest of the Silverbacks might be all in Eden's life but I would prefer it if you stayed out of mine." Lilith snapped. She hated sticking there noses into her life. It was bad enough that Eden had made her come back here and knew everything that she did but Lilith was not going to stand for this little git bugging into her life as well. "Eden had the same problem in school. She has always been to smart for her own good. Before Chase went to Azkaban she was on the right track to joining the Ministry and now she is wasting her life with you lot." Lilith said remembering when Eden was her best friend and had wanted a career for herself now she was on the dark side and Lilith try as she might she couldn't save her sister.
Epiphany sighed. "I would be happy if you could not spread that little fact about me or compare me to your sister. She WAS here I AM here and am going to make my own name." She said quite politely. Her true nature was something that few people knew about. She knew that there where a few people that suspected she was not as sweet as she portrayed herself to be but most could never prove it. Epiphany had never cursed anyone though Merlin knew that there where a few Hufflepuffs who graded on her nerves enough to make her do it, she had never really talked bad about anyone and only Missy knew about her plans to sabotage the other houses that Slytherin could win the house cup though now it seemed it wasn't necessary. Slytherin had pulled ahead by several points.

Epiphany shrugged. "I don't like seeing people hurt?" She said simply. It was true, she didn't like being out shined like that. Epiphany liked to be the one causing the damage. Epiphany knew that the Silverback family liked to keep close tabs on everyone involved because she like to keep herself informed about them. Epiphany had a skill for gathering information and things that where useful to her. "The Silverbacks are the way to greatness Lilith there is no doubt about that. Lolita promises so much more for us that we have know. This is why I was kept when my sister left the house. Your sister did that to her by the way. She drove Zazuka out." Epiphany said her hands closing a bit. Epiphany did miss Zazuka if only because Zazuka really did give Epiphany anything she wanted. Epiphany could play Zazuka easier than she could play most people.

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