For a special someone

Eleanor Hope

former hufflepuff and queen of flowers ♕✿
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
When Eleanor saw who her next rose was to be delivered to, she beamed. She knew Lennon and so she was excited to be able to give him something. With the basket of roses swinging beside her, Ellie skipped her way up the steps, hoping she would come across him. When she saw him, she practically ran over. "Hi Lennon!" she exclaimed, a smile spread across her face. "I have something for you!"
Lennon was leaving the north tower and thinking of going back to the common room or simply avoiding the great hall because he didn't want to be around when Mini got his rose. As he walked down he heard someone say his name and smiled when he saw one of the Hope twins. "Hi Eleanor," he replied with a smile. He could tell it was her and not Lilyanna by how bubbly she was, and a part of him was slightly disappointed it wasn't Lily. Not that he didn't like Eleanor, but he just preferred Lilyanna's company. "What is it?" he asked when she said she had something for him.
Eleanor was glad that it was Lennon she was giving a rose to. He was extremely kind and Ellie couldn't help but beam when he asked what it was she was there for. Digging around in her basket of roses, she eventually found the one addressed to Lennon and handed it over to him, hoping it would make him smile. "Do you like it?" she asked him eagerly.

Thanks for being a good friend to me all these years. I've really enjoyed spending time with you and watching us both achieve in school. I hope our friendship can continue for years to come
Lennon noticed after he had asked that she was delivering roses and figured he might've gotten one. He waited as she gave him a rose and expected it to be from his twin sister, but was rather surprised it was from Sianna. He had left her rather abruptly at the yule ball just to go talk to Aminia so he was afraid she would be upset with him. Instead this rose reaffirmed what a good friend she was and it felt so bittersweet to him. He'd have to let go of his feelings for her because she was such a great friend. Lennon looked up at Eleanor and smiled as he nodded to her question. "Did you and the Wild Patch plant these roses?" he asked, knowing she was in charge of the club now.
Lennon seemed a bit surprised as he read his note. Ellie wanted to ask him what was written on it but refrained from doing so. He had liked it and that was all that mattered. "Yes! The Wild Patch grows all of the flowers." The Hufflepuff replied, smiling. "We only really pick them for Valentine's Day, but there's the Rosebush that's there all year if you really wanted a rose any other month." Students were definitely not allowed to be picking roses from the Rosebush and sometimes Ellie wondered why. After all, it wasn't hard to plant them and they weren't rare or anything. "Did you know certain species of deer can eat roses? Just imagine that..." She chuckled. "Just imagine how horrible it would be to have to eat one of them. But I guess they're used to it." Ellie shrugged, wondering if Lennon thought the same thing.
Lennon smiled as Ellie talked about the Wild Patch. She seemed so excited and passionate about the club which was nice since she was the leader. He chuckled as she began to deviate from the subject and talk about deer, but he didn't mind. "Well I imagine it's not horrible for them, probably tastes good for them," he said with a laugh. "Aren't deers herbivores anyway?" he asked with a patient smile, roses wouldn't be that different to them probably. He quite liked deer so he was keen to see what else Eleanor knew about them but she was probably busy with her rose deliveries.

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