Flying and Sickness Don't Go Well Together

Justin Cliffeton

Well-Known Member
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Half Blood
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Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Veela Hair Core
Professor Justin Cliffeton had a lot to do at the school. Even though he only taught once a week, he had an entire house to look after, and then he had to assist the Headmistress in looking after the school. However, he would never turn a blind eye on student who found herself getting sick every time that she kicked off on a broom. He'd asked Elizabeth Chatwin to come back with him to his office, and, in preparation for this lesson, he'd had Professor Pendleton prepare a quick potion that would help her with her motion sickness. He had, however, been in a rush when he'd left for todays lesson and completely forgotten about the problem and bringing the potion. He opened the door to his office as she walked past, flicking his wand to bring a tray of biscuits & tea/coffee/hot chocolate to come to his table. "Take a seat." He said, calmly. She wasn't in trouble by any means, and he'd have to be an awful person to yell at her for something she couldn't control. "Are you feeling any better?" He asked, a smile on his face. When she had answered, he continued, "How come you didn't say anything about your motion sickness?" He asked, a concerned look on her face.
The Professor and not to forget Head of House had asked her to stay after class. She was summoned to his office, which made things even more scary. What if she got expelled, because she had ruined school property. Elly sighed, she had to enter his office sometime today. Slowly dragging her feet behind her she entered his office. One quick look around, this could be the last time she was going to see Hogwarts. She walked past the professor and with a flick of his wand a tray of biscuits and beverages flew to his table. Elly nodded and sat down ''Am I in trouble Professor?''Elly muttered while biting her lip. The Professor wasn't as scary as Elly had thought. He had actually cared about her. ''Yes'' Elly paused ''As soon as it is out and I am on both of my feet on the ground it gets better'' Telling the truth was the best way in this situation. Lying to a superior could only get her into more problems. ''Well, I had never flown a broom before'' Elly obviously knew it would happen on a broom, she just didn't want to believe it before she tried. ''I knew I had it, I get sick in cars, trains and planes as well'' She spoke matter of factly. ''Am I still allowed to fly?'' Elly muttered with tears in her eye, she hated the feeling of getting sick, but loved flying.
Justin noticed just how nervous Elizabeth really was, and he paused before he proceeded speaking. He wasn't meaning to make her nervous, because she was in no way in trouble for her actions. He'd have to be a terrible person in order to punish her for being sick. He understood why she hadn't said anything, it'd be hard for him to do the same in fair of being banned from participating in something that he wanted to do. He just gave her a smile, and reassured her. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble." He told her, and gestured towards the drinks and food, "Help yourself." He said, and before answering her next question he went and retrieved the potion he'd had made for her and placed it in front of her. "You can fly, but you'll need to take this every time you do." He said, "Not the whole thing, just a couple of spoonfuls should be enough for the average length of a lesson. Maybe a little bit more if you plan to play Quidditch." He finished. "If you need more, I can get you some, and eventually you can be taught how to make it as it can be difficult." He told her.
When the professor said she wasn't in trouble, she was relieved. She quickly wiped her eyes dry and felt more safe sitting here. She was glad that she wasn't going to be expelled or get lots of minus points for Ravenclaw. She worked hard in classes to get a nice amount of them. Elly took a cup of chocolate milk and a biscuit. She gnawed one the sides of the biscuits and listened to her head of house. When the professor spoke about a solution for her little problem she was over the moon. She even smiled excitingly and was extremely happy. She took the potion and looked at it. ''Are you sure this will work?'' Elly muttered, it didn't look special or anything. When the Professor told that he could make more, she knew her dreams weren't over. She hoped that in her later years the professor could teach her how to brew it. It was also nice to use in planes when she would go on vacation. ''Thank you Professor, you are the best'' Elly smiled broadly,
she was just so happy at the moment.
Justin chuckled when she asked him if it would work or not. Did she really think that he would lie to her? He'd never lie to one of his Ravenclaw's, especially about something like this. He could tell that it was her dream to fly on the Quidditch Pitch, and if she stuck too it she'd be more than likely able to do so. "Yeah, I'm sure." He said to her. He smiled at her when she thanked him, he was really enjoying his new position as Head of Ravenclaw House, it was rewarding and he enjoyed these moments with his students. "I'm glad you're feeling better, I'm sure you're looking forward to your next flying lesson now. "He said with a chuckle. Next lesson would be a good lesson, and he was sure she'd enjoy it now that she would be able to fly properly.

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