Flowers and Sunshine

Charlotte Owens

holyhead harpies chaser | mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Dan ♡
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Charlotte was quite excited for her fifth year. After finding out that she managed to get prefect she felt that it was her responsibility to do even better at school so she could be a role model to the new faces. The Slytherin found herself wandering out into the grounds during her first week back. She had previously been trying her hardest to find a hidden room, but to no avail. The girl decided that she eventually needed a break from that, and walked all the way to the lakefront where it was nice and quiet. She hadn't been to the lakefront for a while but it still looked the same nonetheless. Sitting cross-legged in front of the water, Charlotte looked out at it for a while before grabbing a stick and drawing pictures on the mud in front of her. She was definitely not an artist, but she just continued to draw, not knowing what she was doing with it.
Asier was a relaxed, but quiet lad with little more on his plate than his classes and the small patch of plants he had been tending to for a cople years. He'd moved seeds to a patch on the lake front and watched the ones that could grow do so, and picked at the ones that couldn't. They were just seeds from dead plants around the yard of the school, mainly flowers. However he found as he grew older certain flowers were just more beautiful. Asier glanced in the direction of a blonde Slytherin - a flower prettier than the ones in front of him. Being kind and often a bit less than sociable, he thought to just give her a flower and leave, however when he began walking toward her, he felt a bit of courage in him spring forth. "For... you?" He said, with an earnest smile, holding out the flower to this girl.
After a while of drawing in the mud, the mud had somehow gone all over Charlotte's fingers and the picture she drew that soon turned into a horrible drawing of a dog just looked like scribbles on the ground. Sighing, Charlotte put the stick down and reached forward to wash her fingers in the lake. She jumped when she heard the sound of someone else's voice, and was just able to steady herself enough so she didn't fall in. Turning around, a hufflepuff boy was holding out a flower to her and she smiled at him before speaking. "Oh, thank you!" she exclaimed, wondering where it was that she had seen the boy before. She carefully took it from him before realising that he was a boy in her year. She had seen him in classes but he was quiet and kept to himself. "What brings you out here picking flowers?" she asked. "I mean, other than the fact that it's such a wonderful day!"

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