Flavio Juan Morales

Flavio Morales-Tipene

Newlywed | Father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
<COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="50">name
flavio: Italian and Spanish form of flavius, meaning "golden" or "yellow-haired" from Latin flavus "yellow, golden". Flavius was the family name of the 1st-century Roman emperors Vespasian, Titus and Domitian. It was used as a personal name by several later emperors, notably by Constantine.
juan: Spanish and Manx form of Iohannes/john. This name is borne by Don Juan, a character from Spanish legend who, after killing his lover's father, is dragged to hell by the father's ghost.
morales: The surname Morales appears to be patronymical and locational in origin and is believed to be associated with the Spanish and Portuguese meaning, "the son of Moral (right and proper); one who came from Morales (mulberry tree), the name of two towns in Spain; dweller near a mulberry or blackberry bush.

date of birth & age
Flavio was born in Santiago, Chile on June 21, 2030. He was born healthy without any complications and he is the fourth born sibling in his family, and has two older sisters, an older brother and a younger brother. Flavio is currently ten years old, and will turn 11 in this coming June.

basic appearance
Flavio took after his father in regards to appearance. He has dark brown wavy hair that he regularly forgets to brush, brown eyes, a rectangular shaped face, and he is quite lanky and fragile looking. He shares these traits with his brothers and his eldest sister. He shares the closest family resemblance to his older brother, and this is resemblance is only made more obvious with the fact that Flavio wears many of his brother's hand me downs. Flavio's favorite kinds of clothing to wear are sweaters, cardigans and anything with long sleeves and of course slacks and skinny jeans. Flavio prefers to wear brown and earthy colours but he has a limited choice of what he can wear and is not currently able to express himself through his appearance because his older brother has such a different clothing style.

Flavio is a very quiet, introverted kid. Spending time indoors or outside in solitude, feeding birds, walking through nature or reading a book is what Flavio enjoys the most apart from being around his family. He prefers to spend his time around his family instead of kids his own age and anyone outside his family circle, for that matter, and as a result of this does not have many friends and has also not been given many opportunities to come out of his shell. He is kind and is fully able to make friends but he unfortunately has a problem where he chooses not to venture outside of his comfort zone and instead clings to his family like glue. Hearing news of his father's death a few months before his tenth birthday has only worsened this habits. Flavio knows he needs to break this habit eventually and he also knows that attending school at Hogwarts New Zealand will help him with this, but he is also terrified of leaving Chile for the first time and plans to cling to his older sister, Pia, instead of making decisions to become an individual and make his own pathway in the world.

Flavio is the fourth born out of five children to his mother and father. He has an older brother, two older sisters, and a younger brother. He is very close to his mother, and was close to his father, and is just as close with all of his siblings. He is particularly close with his younger brother and eldest sister as he was home schooled by his eldest sister and alongside his younger brother and therefore who he spends the most time with. He is growing closer to his other older sister, Pia because he will be starting school with her in the upcoming school year and she is attempting to better his English speaking and writing skills.

Flavio does not own a pet, nor has his family ever had any pets. But he goes to a nearby park quite often to feed the birds with his sisters and his younger brother. The park he goes to has Ducks, Pigeons, Swans and Sparrows so he has fed many different kinds of birds throughout his life, though he is particularly fond of feeding ducks because it tickles when they eat the birdseed from his hands. He considers the birds in the park as pets in a way because of how much he enjoys feeding them.

Flavio currently lives with his family in Santiago, Chile. His home has three bedrooms and one bathroom and is rather cramped. He shares a bedroom with his two brothers and despite the lack of space finds his home rather cozy. The area where his house is situated is in one of the poorer suburbs which Flavio does not mind much because it is close to his favorite park and he only needs to walk for a few minutes to get there.

blood status
Flavio is mixed blood but he honestly could not care less about blood status. He has heard from his family that prejudice based on blood status exists around the world and he does not understand how such a thing is able to exist, and furthermore does not understand anything about blood status because all he really cares about is if someone is magical or non-magical so he knows who to avoid speaking to about magic.

Flavio's heritage is for the most part completely Chilean. His maternal grandmother was originally born in Peru and he has a few extended family members who were born in Mexico, but apart from that as far as Flavio knows the rest of his family were born and raised in Chile.

interests or hobbies
As Flavio is still very young and has not had much exposure to the world outside of his home town, his interests and hobbies are very limited. His hobbies for the most part include reading fiction novels and the old marine reports in his family's bookshelf and feeding the birds at the park. His current interests are anything to do with the subjects he is being home schooled on, learning English and of course anything to do with birds in New Zealand because he is nervous about leaving Chile for the first time and does not know what to expect. He wants to prepare himself as much as possible so the move and culture shock of being in a different country don't effect him too much.

Flavio's main strengths are that he is determined, reliable and loyal. When he puts his mind to something and sees an outcome as worthy of his time he will do his best to work towards it and he is reliable in the sense he is able to achieve the things he promises to himself and others. He is loyal to his family and anyone who he cares about to a fault and will happily follow them to the ends of the earth regardless if it is beneficial to himself. He is generally a kind person and is accepting of others at a face value and is willing to give strangers the benefit of the doubt.

Flavio's weaknesses directly oppose his strengths because on one side he is loyal to who he cares about, but this is at a fault because he follows his loved ones blindly regardless of how it might affect him. He is willing to consider his own needs above the needs of strangers and can be considered selfish by that viewpoint but he always thinks of the ones he loves before himself and puts them on a pedestal. And while he is accepting of others at a face value, he clings to his family like a leech and relies on them for many things and refuses to open up and be close to anyone outside of his family circle. Flavio refuses to venture outside his comfort zone and make friends as well as explore new interests and opportunities thrown his way and this is also a very prominent weakness of his.

favourite place to be
His favorite place to be would either be his home with his family or by the lakeside in his neighborhood park feeding the birds. These places are equally loved by Flavio for different reasons but he loves both places for the most part because he is able to be alone with his thoughts and they are where he is able to feel calm and peaceful no matter the situation he is in or the feelings he is experiencing.

hogwarts house
Flavio has been sorted into Ravenclaw house. He is very happy with his placement because it means he is able to be closer to his sister, so he can rely on her more than he would be able to if he was in another house. Ravenclaw was the house that Flavio wanted to be in and he has not thought about the other houses.

sorting post

Flavio wasn't shaking from nerves but he may as well have been as he stepped into the hall with the group of his future classmates. The new and exciting scenery of the New Zealand country side that he was eagerly watching through the window while sitting next to Pia on the train suddenly seemed secondary to the size and atmosphere of the great hall as he walked with the group and it made Flavio feel insignificant. Like he was a small fish that somehow found its way into a much bigger pond, and he had no idea how he got there or what to do now that he was there and in a way it fed his curiosity but it alternately fed the nerves already coursing through his body.

He figured that feeling insignificant was the point of it all, though. Because Flavio and the group he was walking down the hall with were about to embark on a seven year long journey that started with the sorting ceremony that evening and ended with graduation. They were at the beginning so it made sense he felt small and vulnerable with the prospect of the next seven years of life ahead of him and not knowing what to expect from those years. It all seemed too overwhelming as he pondered it so he distracted himself by staring at the ceiling that loomed above him, which he could only describe as magical. As he watched it and wondered how on earth any charm or spell, or whatever on earth made it look identical to the sky or even more from a fairy tale than he could ever dream the sky to be like. He then moved his eyes to the students sitting at the tables, staring the group down and eventually noticed the familiar red colour of his sister's hair. He smiled and waved to Pia, though not too enthusiastically to draw attention to himself and it was after waving that his steps halted to a stop with the rest of his future peers and the sorting was due to begin.

He crossed his arms over his chest defensively and watched with curious eyes as the students were sorted alphabetically, growing more nervous as the letter of his last name grew closer and when his name was finally spoken he wished he was last in the alphabet because though he was in the middle of the alphabet it was still not enough time to prepare. Flavio tried not to seem too scared as he hesitantly stepped forward and sat on the stool, waiting for the hat to be placed on his head and whispering, worried, almost inaudible words when the hat covered his eyes. It was the first sentence he had uttered since leaving Pia's side and he wanted it to count. "Please, hat, sort me with my sister. This is so scary and I won't know what to do in this school if she doesn't help me."


hogwarts hopes and ambitions
While at Hogwarts, Flavio's long term goal is to only really achieve good grades so he can find a decent job after school to help fund his family. As a short term goal Flavio intends to better his English speaking and writing skills and make lifelong friends, however.

best school subjects
To be added.

worst school subjects
To be added.

extracurricular activities
To be added.

To be added.

plans for the future
Flavio has no idea what he wants to do with his life when he grows up, so his current plans for the future involve attending school and figuring out what he does want to do with his life and what pathway he wants to take. Plans for his future within the next two years involve adjusting to attending school in a different country and hopefully making a few friends that will help him out of his antisocial habits.

patronus & memory
Flavio cannot conjure a patronus at this point in time so he does not know what his patronus would be, but one of the happy memories he would try and use to conjure a patronus would be the memory he has of the last Christmas he had with his father because although Flavio was four years old at the time, he does remember it well and it is the only memory he has of his entire family together and happy before his father went missing. He would also draw on memories of spending time with his siblings at the park and feeding the birds if he needs to.

Flavio's biggest fear is being alone, losing his family and having no one to rely on or any support in his life. This has always been a fear in the back of his mind because of his father's disappearance and not knowing where his dad went, though it has only become prominent since the discovery that his father had passed away. He is scared about what will happen if he loses more of his family members, and is scared of his family becoming divided although that is not likely to happen. He relies on his family for so much and loves them with his whole heart and he wants it to stay that way forever so he is scared of what would happen to him if this was not the case.

mirror of erised
Flavio is too young to know exactly what would make him happy in the future but he would currently see his family happily together like they were before his father went missing. The picture would be almost identical to the memory he has of his family together at Christmas six years ago.

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