Firstie friends?

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Rowley Cairns

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4", Essence of Raven Feather.

So here I have Rowley, I haven't played with her at all yet, and she's in need of friends. She's a friendly, happy, bubbly girl, loves a carry on, can be a little sarcastic and would talk to anyone. She's quite sporty, enjoys a bit of soccer and basketball and likes to be active. She reads a lot too and is quite in to writing, she keeps a book of stories which mostly come from her own 'adventures'. I'd like for her to have a friend she can go exploring with and could see her getting into trouble through her want for adventure. I really just want to get started with her as soon as possible so I can get used to her and develop her and some friendships more before the school year properly starts.
If you have a character you think would get on with her, please let me know :)
If Rowley is okay with a slightly strange/nerdy friend then I have first year HuffPuff Judd Ford. He'll be best known as the strange kid wearing a Fez. He's from Nebraska USA a small town and has spent most of his time watching sci-fi shows. However the things he may say can cause a person to look twice he can be a good laugh and a fun time.
Yeah Rowley's fine with strange and I'm sure she could make a friend of Judd ^_^ I could start off an rp for the two if you'd like?
Charles Martin, my first year Gryffindor, would get along with her famously. He's enthusiastic and outgoing, and a good natured, good sport of a guy. He loves sports in general so he'd be happy to play various sports with her (though I'm sure at first he'd be a bit weird because 'well, she's a girl, girls aren't so sporty, I'll have to go easy on her - I'm sure she'd be quick to prove him wrong). He'd be happy to go on adventures and get in trouble too and yeah I just think they'd get along really well haha. Let me know what you think! :)
Indianna: Here is the thread I've started for them, sorry about the cringey title, I'm bad with those xD

Elsa: I agree, it sounds like Charles and Rowley would get on like a house on fire ^_^ perhaps they could meet on the train?
Dorian is always willing to make friends so if you ever desire to meet a Slytherin boy he will be more than friendly and happily get in to trouble in all sorts of exciting adventures! xD

Ally :)
Brilliant, that's what I like to hear ^_^ as I said, Rowley will talk to anyone and isn't judgemental in the slightest, especially not about houses. If your up for it I could start something, they could run into each other in the dungeons :D ?
Yes by all means start a topic if you want, I have a free night haha :)
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