First Years Needing Love

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Cynthia Coleman

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 18 Inch Flexible Mahogany Wand with Boomslang venom Core


My first one is Kurtis, my Irish, youngest son, mixed blood, complete Ravenclaw at heart and general quiet and solitary boy. The only thing he really does with his time is studying or practicing his Quidditch and these are two things he could really use to connect with someone. I'm up for anything with him, but I think he really would need some friends as he's normally too quiet to even talk to someone at the best of times so it might be hard, but I don't want him to be alone. All he really needs is someone to open up to and be close to. I'm also open for enemy plots or maybe future romance when he's a little older.


Cynthia is my quarter French, eldest child, sweetheart and is normally a very soft spoken and kind girl who is normally a very trustworthy person. She is never really mean to anyone, but even she is not above getting back and people who are horrible to her. Cynthia is a Half-Blood and will take no nasty words from people about her father being a Muggle and will not hesitate to hex you if you even mention the muggle blood in her. There is nothing she loves more than getting lost in a good book or going out in search of adventure. She also has the Quidditch vibe, but is not trying out for the team until she gets a little older and more experienced. Again, I am open for anything with her. Friends/Enemies/Future Romance or even family plots if you can come up with anything seeing as she has a large family with magical blood running all the way through it.

And that's it! I am really up for anything with this lot so tell me if you have any ideas for them!
Hi Raff!

I have Parker Greystone here who is in serious need of a friends circle.

11 / 1st Year Gryffindor
Parker was an only child, growing up with his mother after his father passed away in a tragic accident when he was 3. His mother threw herself under a mountain of work after his father died, so Parker became a very spoilt boy, always being given everything he asked for. He has a courageous heart, but can sometimes be arrogant and slightly pompous, though he is very loyal to those he holds close. Im up for anything, whether it be a friendship, a rivalry, a future crush or whatever you're after!
Okay, so do you just want to throw him together with one of ly two or do you want to do something a little more specific? I really don'y mind.
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