Noel sat down behind his desk, one that once had been from the person who had teached him this subject. But now it was his. As he had made things all ready to start he watched around the classroom, still empty seats who would be soon filled with first years. But as he heard some voices outside of the classroom he opened the door with an movement with his hand. And saw the classroom filling with students, the youngest ones. He went standing up and welcomed them with an friendly smile. Making sure he had an good look of the different faces. Who he would be teaching the upcoming four years. Some seemed excited, others less. But if there was one subject that they could get excited about it was this. And one that was very important. It had been Noel’s favorite back when he was an student here too. So he was excited to bring that to his students.

As he waited for everyone to sat down, and it seemed like everyone was inside he closed the door with an simple wave of his wand. And let his friendly brown eyes scan the room through the room. " Welcome first years, to Defence Against the Dark Arts.'' he than started, speaking loud and clear. '' My name is Noel Waldgrave, and I will be your professor for this class, for the next four years.'' He than paused for an moment and continued with an smile. '' You can address me as Noel or Professor Waldgrave. Choose what you are comfortable with.'' He than directly made clear. He had no problem with students using his first name, it was more personal and he wanted to be someone that students could turn to and build up an relationship. Since they would have to continue for an long time with eachother. As he noticed he got the attention, he continued. Looking an bit more strict and making sure this was clear. " I want you to remember well, that this is an subject which you should not be taken lightly. I will not tolerate any fooling around in this class. In this world, the dark arts are mostly used to cause harm to others, so I want you to pay attention to everything you are taught.'' He than paused to let that sink in. "If you won’t follow this and fail to do so, you will find yourself in this classroom writing lines until the messenge is very clear.'' He than looked around to see if there was anyone who would want to try that out.

With an flick of his wand the rules appeared behind him on the blackboard and he went standing aside so they could read them for themselves. If it was necessary he would remember them to it. But he was sure they would have an great time together. Being strict was necessary in this important parts. But he would do his best to make sure the lessons were enjoyable too. As he had given some time to read them over he than let the rules disappear. And walked through the classroom. '' Now, who can give me a brief description of the Dark Arts?'' he than asked and looked at people raising their hands. And would see who would have done some reading before the year would begin. He than pointed at an student and smiled and gave an approving nod as they answered the question right. '' That’s right. Good job.'' He said with an smile. And walked back to the front of the class. '' We will spend the majority of this semester on theory as it will prove useful for your future studies.'' He than said, and figured it was perhaps not what the eager first years were wanting to hear. But you needed to know the basics before moving on. And some seemed to understand that better than others in the room. " But don’t worry, we will also practice wandwork this semester.'' He than added, and seeing some smile and sighing out of relief. He than sat down at his desk and continued. '' We will practice curses, hexes, jinxes and counter-spells for each of these as you advance through the years.'' Noel would tell them what they could expect. '' Magic is something beautiful. But not all magic is good and not all magic is used to do good in this world unfortunately... Therefore it’s very important to learn how to defend yourself from it. It is a fundamental part of any witch or wizards education.'' He than spoke, and felt confident about how it went so far. He would not want to talk too fast, for the people who took notes.

He than went standing again and would finish his talk. '' To succeed in my class. I recommend that you turn in your assignments on time, and participate in the exercices. Put in some serious effort and that will be noticed.'' Noel than wanted to motivated his students. And watched different faces. He than looked at the time and figured it was well timed. ''We have twenty minutes left. For homework I want you to write down one question that you may have about this class, within reason. I will do my best to answer them. When you are done with this, you can turn it in on my desk and you may leave.'' When he finished he walked back to his desk and sat down on the chair.

- Please review the DADA Class Policy for first through fourth years.
- Roleplay the lesson and do the homework assignment for extra credit. I will do my best to answer your character's question before the next class!
- The first student to give a somewhat accurate description of the Dark Arts will also receive extra credit!
Lilith entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom with somewhat of a mixed feelings. She was excited to learn how to protect herself sure, but the thought of actually needing it was kind of terrifying. What sort of situation would she ever find herself that she would need to use these skills, she didn't want to even go that far. Lilith took a seat somewhere in the front so that she could get a good look at the front of the class, if there were any notes written on the board she wouldn't have to bother her eyes by squinting just to see it.

Lilith looked at the Professor once he started talking, he seemed very comfortable in his surroundings and overall she felt comfortable right away. The Ravenclaw nodded in understanding to the things he was saying, of course they shouldn't mess around. School should be a place of learning not to mention magic could be dangerous were you foolish enough to not take it seriously and just fool around without any sense of reason. She swallowed at the implication of detention and made a mental note to be extra careful not to mess around and find out just how very clear the message could be.

When Professor Waldgrave asked someone to tell him what the subject was Lilith looked around nervously before raising her hand and once she was pointed towards she spoke a little quieter at the start but eventually growing more comfortable. "Defence Against the Dark Arts sir, is the subject where we learn how to defend ourselves from the darker side of magic these include such as jinxes, hexes and curses. To my understanding it is also the subject where we learn about the darker creatures of the magical world?" The last bit was more of a question rather than a statement, she had read about it but she was scared she might be wrong and gotten things mixed up.

Lilith smiled as the Professor told them their homework and dismissed the class, she thought for a second a question she could ask before eventually writing one down and left the class. She felt somewhat optimistic about the first class, it hadn't been bad at all.

Have you ever encountered anyone who fell in with the dark arts or have you ever had to use these skills?
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Maggie was excited to learn more about defensive magic. Her cousin had told them about it over the break, and while Bea didn't seem up to the task, Maggie was ready to embrace it. She'd always wanted to play a contact sport growing up, but her parents were firm in that not being an option due to the injury risk.. even though they let her ride horses and let Bea fly through the air with knives on her feet. Maggie took a seat near some of her classmates, Bea sitting next to her on the end. She started to whisper something to her sister when the professor started speaking. Maggie's jaw dropped.

She'd never noticed the man before at meal times, but he was dreamy, like a movie star. So many of their professors were older and stuffy, but he was one of the few that was nice to look at. Maggie leaned into her hand as he started to speak, entranced by every word and even missing the chance to answer a question. She came slightly less interested when he said they would mostly focus on theory, as she really wanted to do practical things but knew this seemed to be the path for most of the first year. Except for flying, maybe. Maggie tried really hard to think of a good question to ask Professor Waldgrave at the end of class before reluctantly following Bea out of the room.

What do you think is the best defensive spell to know?
It almost feels like he had been waiting for this class for the entirety of his first year. Since sort of gaining a little understanding on what he can expect from the class with the SDA club, he has wanted to get a bit of a taste of it. At least Rose has spoken somewhat highly of the professor and honestly that really is a rousing endorsement since she hates all of her classes and would rather not do any of them, not that he can really blame her for that, since he honestly finds most of them simply too easy. He's read so many books already that he almost has all of the theory already, it seems almost unfair to require him to work alongside students that hadn't a hope. Not that he was complaining, an easy O is better than not getting any O. As the professor opens, he is kind of impressed with he calmness about the man, some of his teachers have been slightly manic and he feels like this might bode well. It's a crucial class, he knows, and the weight of the lessons aren't lost on him, despite what some might thing given his penchant to blow most people off. He jots down several key points, already planning how he might approach his studies.

He raises his hand as there is a question, but looks over to see that his friend Lilith is way ahead of him, he smiles at her, good for her. It's nice to know he might have a bit of competition in the class, like he has in Astronomy, which isn't surprising, all of his conversations with Lily lead him to consider her to be a very intelligent person and he certainly values that in a friend, if nothing else. There's certainly more to her under the surface that he knows he has barely scratched, but he's also not really a digger, so he will have to wait for it to come out on it's own. However, he does prefer his theory, and he hopes he can get all of that sorted first before they have to worry about anything else in the lesson. If there is too much activity, he can't say for sure whether or not he will enjoy the class outside of the theoretical applications, which he would be only too happy to debate ad nauseam. Still, no harm in seeing how it all goes, right?

How do we know if a spell we're defending against is truly Dark Magic, or if it’s simply dangerous but not classified as dark?

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