Noel was sitting on the edge of his desk while he waited for the students to arrive. It was not an difficult lesson today, for him at least. There wasn't much to do for him with what he had planned for them today so he had brought some homework from the older students and a cup of coffee with him to enjoy while they were busy. He counted their heads as the students settled in and waited for the last few to arrive as well before starting the lesson. ''Rather than taking out your wands, I'd like all of you to take out your quills instead. In preparation for the exam, I've prepared a test for you.'' He pointed his wand at the pile of parchments on his desk and with a wave watched as it was handed out to the students. He heard some people who weren't that excited. But exams were already closer again than they thought. '' You may leave the classroom once you have finished the test and handed it in. Before you start, however, I would like to tell you that we'll be visiting the Duelling Chamber together next week, so don't forget to bring your wands along.'' And he than gave them a smile, since that seemed to be something they looked forward too. Most of them. As the student started he took an sip of his coffee and went on with the assignments of the older students. And sometimes checked if anyone was still doing what they should do.

DADA Mid-semester test
  • Why do we study Defense Against the Dark Arts?
  • Write a paragraph about Lord Voldemort OR Gormlaith Gaunt OR Gellert Grindelwald, explaining what they are famous for and why they are considered practitioners of the dark arts (Note: You may be asked questions about all three of these individuals during the end-of-semester exam).
  • List the three Unforgivable Curses
  • What is the punishment for casting an Unforgivable Curse?
  • What is the incantation for the Stunning Spell?
  • What does the Shield Charm do and what is its incantation?
  • What is a charm you can use to disarm your opponent? Write its name and incantation:

Roleplay the lesson! A paragraph is enough to get full marks but you'll be awarded extra points if you include your answers to the test in your post!
Kharon Styx entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, his expression as stoic as ever. He noted Professor Waldgrave sitting on the edge of his desk, looking relaxed with a cup of coffee and some papers. Taking his usual seat, Kharon arranged his quill and parchment neatly, ready for whatever task awaited them today. When Professor Waldgrave announced the test, Kharon's demeanor remained unchanged. While he heard some groans and sighs from his classmates, he simply nodded to himself, already mentally preparing for the exam. Kharon glanced up as Professor Waldgrave mentioned their upcoming visit to the Duelling Chamber. A slight glimmer of interest sparked in his eyes at the thought of practical dueling practice. It was a prospect he was genuinely looking forward to, but for now, he focused on the test in front of him.

As he worked through the test, Kharon occasionally glanced around the room. His classmates were in various stages of concentration, some scribbling furiously while others seemed to be struggling. Kharon remained focused, ensuring his answers were clear and comprehensive. When he finished the test, Kharon reviewed his answers meticulously before standing up quietly. He walked to Professor Waldgrave's desk and handed in his completed parchment with a nod. He packed his things and left the classroom.

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