Open First Time For Everything

Malik St. James

beaux 7th year + co-captain + 7'3"
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 17 1/2 Inch Sturdy Yew Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
2/2043 (17)
Malik had been to New Zealand before. Of course he had. It was the country his mother was originally from and her family still lived out there. But this was different. He had never really publically been to New Zealand. Whenever they would visit they would simply use a portkey to get to his aunt's house and that is where he would stay until they used a portkey to get back to France again. Never before had Mailk had the chance to wander around wizarding New Zealand and actually see it in person. Mostly because his parents wanted to shelter him from the rest of the world because of his heritage. It was why they had refused to let him attend school and he had been homeschooled for most of his life. His father constantly feared what other people might think, what they might say behind his back when they learned he was a quarter Giant. Just as people had done with his father when he was growing up.

But now, now things were different.

Malik almost felt free as he wandered down the streets of Obsidian Harbour. Of course, his father's warning rattled in the back of his brain, but Malik was trying not to think about it. Instead, he was trying very hard to remember the direction he had come from. He really didn't want to admit that he was lost, but it was turning out to be that way as he frowned at a shop he was quite sure he had passed already. "Sh*t," he muttered angrily to himself, easily looking over the tops of people's heads as he turned around to take stock of where he was. Nope, he was lost. No two ways about it. So, he turned to the first person who happened to walk past. "Excuse me," he slipped into perfect English, though the words still tinged with a French accent, "Would you happen to know the way back to Muggle New Zealand from here?"

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