Open First Light on the Very First Morning

Magne Kleos

thalassophile | overwhelmed
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
02/2050 (11)
Magne had not slept well in the slightest. It was admittedly understandable, until that night had never slept in a house. He'd always slept on a boat, there was always a little movement on a boat. The castle didn't rock or move. The noises were just of other sleepers, not that of birds, of the water or anything else that Magne was used to. but he didn't mind. Instead he welcomed it, had used the time to try to practice numbers in english, and then knew exactly when to go outside. The morning was fresh and cold, it was dark, with only the first tendrils of light. He'd put on a thick jumper his mother had made him for the new school, and a pair of loose fitting trousers. He made his way outside, it had rained at one point during the night, the grounds were still wet from it. Magne moved to the water. He slipped off his shoes and rolled up his trousers and stepped into the water tentatively. It was cold but refreshing. It felt good. He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly, as he noted those first rays of sunlight hitting the horizon.
Camille hadn't slept very well at her first night. Although it was nice to be sorted in Hufflepuff and having her dad as her head of house was comforting, she had so many thoughts and emotions running through her body which made her not fall asleep easily. So she had stepped out of bed quickly and decided to go outside, she liked the fresh air and taking a walk perhaps calmed her mind a bit more. Although Hogwarts was an scary and big place, some part of her was curious as well to what the outside of the castle had to offer. She had read about an large lake and figured it was an nice walk past it. So as she arrived she noticed it was quiet and peacefull, the silence was nice and she took an deep breath to take the fresh air all in. The first night at Landon's house she felt nervous too and all overwhelmed about what happend, so perhaps with some time she would feel more at ease here too. As she came closer to the water she noticed someone standing in the water. She blinked with her eyes and rubbed them to make sure she saw it well. Wasn't that very cold? Or dangerous? Camille walked past him and watched it. '' Are- are you alright?'' She said softly like an whisper and watched with concern.
Magne loved the fresh air, the coolness of the water. It was so easy to just feel entirely at peace. He glanced over as he heard a soft voice speak, just about hearing what was said, and after a moment seemed to mostly understand. "Yes?" he did unfortunately phrase the answer as a question, hoping he'd answered right. "νερό," he then paused. "Water," Magne had a heavy accent, and he was speaking slowly, having to think over every word. "It peaceful,"
As Camille stayed at an distance but well enough to look at the boy in the water, she heard him answering. And gave an short smile. But frowned as he said something which he liked, but she didn't understand. But than he added it and she understood. He seemed to not come from around here, since he had an accent. Camille couldn't really tell which it was so quickly. But she understood what he was explaining. She could tell he liked water, since he stood in it. She slowly came an bit closer.
'' Isn't... it.. too.. cold?'' She said an bit more slower this time. But not louder.
Magne smiled a little as she stepped closer and then nodded at the question, it was cold and he knew he wouldn't stay in it too long, but it felt impossibly nice on his feet. Relaxing him in a way that only doing this would. "It is..cold," he said slowly. "But I...αρέσει..." he paused, trying to think of the word. He couldn't and sighed a little. "Good, it good," he settled on even if that wasn't exactly what he'd wanted to say.
Camille didn't really felt the urge to step into the water as well, but if he would ask her to do so she would. If someone would like her something to do, she would easily follow. She sat down in the grass and put her bag down, so she could watch the sunlight further. And the boy didn't seemed like someone unkind. Camille tried to listen what he said, but it was hard to catch. She didn't want to insult him, so doubted to ask where he came from. But she didn't got the courage yet. So she just gave him an small smile. '' Okay.. Good.. uh - good yes...'' The blonde replied. And took her drawing book so she could make an drawing of the beautiful and peacefull view. And hoped that the boy wouldn't bother her sitting here. Camille felt an bit shy, and didn't knew what to say anymore.
Magne glanced as she sat down on the grass. He wondered why she sat down and didn't join him. Perhaps she was more worried than he was about it being too cold. "Like, join me?" he asked a little disjointedly, not sure if that was the right phrasing to invite someone to join him in the water. He wasn't sure how else to say it though, and his translation book was with the rest of his stuff on the water's bank.
As Camille made the first stripes on the paper and wondered if she would picture the boy in her drawing as well, she heard the boy speaking again. And watched at him as he did. Camille stayed silent for an moment to think of what he ment by what he said. But it seemed he asked her to join him in the water. It would not be nice if she would tell him no, and perhaps it was an nice thing. Although she wondered how to act when she was in the water beside him. The blonde gave him an shy smile and nodded. '' Uhm - Yes.'' She answered him and layed down her sketch and removed her shoes and socks. And after that walked slowly towards the boy in the water. The first step was very cold, she felt an shiver through her body, but she would continue with it. The boy had asked her. And as she came closer to him she stared at the beautiful view in front of her.
'' Good.. it is.''
She said and smiled shortly.
Magne watched as the girl agreed and joined him in the water. He gave her a little space, but smile saily as she did it. He nodded in agreement and let out a long breath, since it was good, and this was nice. Even if the cold was beginning to numb his feet. "Not stay long," he said a little disjointedly, speaking quietly, though he really didn't need to. "Too long, cold bad," he tried to explain. Though he liked it and the cold didn't super bother him, he wasn't going to stick too long around in it.
Camille wondered how long she would like to stand in the water. But she didn't want to dissapoint the boy. She could hear him breath out. The only thing she now felt was cold toes, and it wasn't so nice anymore. As he spoke again, she had to focus well to listen what he said. But nodded thankfully as he said not too long. Camille nodded even more. '' Yes.. yess.'' She said as she shivered an bit from the cold. '' Camille.. uh me.. you?'' The blonde than said, as she figured it was friendly to ask his name.
Magne could've lingered in the water longer, but given the girl beside him, he thought it was time to leave. Especially when he noticed her shiver. "Magne," he introduced back and he motioned for them to move out of the water. He pulled off his jumper as he walked back out of the water and offered it to her. "You cold," he said, though it was phrased like it could be a question Magne was just stating fact.
The blonde shivered from the cold an bit but tried not too get too much attention to that. He than introduced himself too and she gave him an shy smile. '' Pretty... uh.. name.'' Camille said friendly. She still had no clue where he was from, but she could wait with that curiousity. He than moved out of the water, and Camille followed him like a mirror. When he pulled of his jumper Camille was afraid what would happen, he wouldn't get naked now right?! But he offered it to her and that made her kind of calm in an instant. It was very nice of him. Camille figured she could lie, but there was no point in that. He saw it. So she shook her head in agreement. And walked slowly to him and before taking his jumper waited an moment. '' Thank you..'' Camille said to him. '' Aren't you?'' She spoke an bit more comfertable than the start of their conversation but slowly so he could hopefully understand him good enough.
Magne gave a little shrug in reply, not necessarily believing his name to be pretty. "Thank you," he replied though, still aiming to be polite. Mage watched as she took the jumper and slipped it on. He shook his head lightly. He seemed to be trying to put a sentence together in his head. "Live on boat, use to cold," he said by way of explanation. Greece had ridiculously warm as a place to be, but he had experience the cold when they'd sailed about, and even just being on a boat for long hours, especially with the cold water and wind could make it colder.

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