First Boyfriend

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Corey Lovre

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
About Corey: Corey is 14 now and really needs to have her first boyfriend. She hasn't really talked to a lot of people in school besides her many family members, but now that she is older she is realizing she needs more relationships. A little about Corey, the big thing is she's deaf. She can hear small amounts, but she can read lips and knows sign language. But if you just talk normally she can understand you. She is very athletic and has tried out for quidditch. The weird thing about flying is it amplifies her hearing. She can hear a lot better when flying and that's why she loves it so much.

What I need: I need a boy that is going to be very sweet to Corey. That doesn't mind her disability and loves her anyway. I preferably want him to attend Beauxbatons and be either the same age or a little older. Those are my only preferences.
If your interested please post here or PM me on any account.
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