Fiore di Prima

Kingwood 15 1/2" with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Full Name:
Fiore Cielo di Prima

Date of Birth:
August 5

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Fiore is a tall and slim girl with pale white skin and two bluish-green eyes. Her black hair is long and wavy, almost giving her the impression of a nymph. Her thin pink lips can make her look sexy or innocent depending on how Fiore wants to make it.

Fiore is a weird girl who talks less than any other girl. And when she talks, she says things that don't sound really logical. Because of this, other girls don't want to approach her. Fiore became more and more mysterious when she stopped approaching other people. But in reality, Fiore is a very understanding and kind girl. She sees the world in a different view.

Mother: Stella di Prima - Muggle - 40 - Stella almost lives by her namesake, meaning 'star'. She is beautiful and comfortable to be with. She's lively and always made Fiore happy. But sometimes she could be really bossy, and Fiore hated it.

Father: Sole di Prima - Pure blood - 41 - Sole works as an Auror in the Ministry of Magic. He is often away and Fiore didn't really get close with him. And when he's at home, he's often drunk.

Little Brother: Lama di Prima - Half Blood - supposed to be 10 - Lama died in a car accident some 3 years ago. He was a lively boy, just like his mother, and always makes Fiore happy. He was a young inventor, wanting to stay in the muggle world instead of studying in a wizard school. Fiore was a witness to his death. Lama was inside the car, waving his hand to say goodbye to his sister for school, when suddenly a truck cam crashing to the car.

A white raven named Rylai.

Area of Residence:
Somewhere in Italy

Blood Status:
Half Blood


Interests or Hobbies:
Fiore loves reading fiction books, especially books about girls dragged in a different world. She reads a lot of morbid books too, those with murders and blood. Fiore is not interested with anyone at the moment, but she finds boys more approachable than girls. Fiore loves gardening.

Her beauty


Describe your character in three words:
Weird, quiet, pretty

Favourite place to be:
The garden


Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

Beauxbatons Hopes and Ambitions:
To finish her studies and make good friends.

Best school subjects:
Transfiguration and Herbology

Worst school subjects:

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:
When Fiore's family was still complete.

Your Boggart:
Her brother's corpse.

Your Animagus:
White raven

Mirror of Erised:
Her whole family​

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