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Fiona Alison Thompson
You are always better of with a really good lie.
You are always better of with a really good lie.

Full Name:
Fiona Alison Thompson
Date of birth:
July 20th, 2023.
Current Age:
Twelve years old.
Hogwarts house:
Fiona is sorted into Slytherin, and that was what she wanted. If she would be not, her parents would be angry. It would be a shame, if she was not into Slytherin, just like her family.
Basic Appearance:
Fiona has blonde long hair and curls. Sometimes she wears it straight too. Fiona leaves her hair always down, because it is very long. She wants to show it, she loves her hair. Fiona has blue eyes. She looks very cold towards people, but that is her look, she can't help it. She's got long lashes, where she is proud off. She likes to spend time on her looks. Fiona has got a beautiful smile, but she does not smile a lot. When she smiles it is a broken or fake one. Fiona is very skinny, she wears the clothes who fit her well. Fiona has got a lot of dresses and nice tops. Most of the time she wears the slytherin schooluniform.
Fiona is a quiet girl, and also a strong girl. She can take care of her own, that is something what she has got to do, in her past. She can be mean and manipulative at people, but that is when people make her mad, it is not something she does every day. Fiona shows often emotions of how she feels, because she is damaged in it. Fiona does not like muggles, that is something what her parents teaches her, she is confident about herself, but in front of people. When she sleeps at night, she feels terrible about herself, and cries in her sleep. Fiona her family is very rich and are manipulative towards people who have it not so good as they. Fiona is always acting when they talk about parents, but she is a very secret girl. It seems from the outside that Fiona has got a perfect life, but that is not so. And that is something she and her family only knows.

Veronica Thompson Mother:
Veronica is the mother of Fiona. Veronica is a very mean woman and has a big attitude. She loves her husband and Jason a lot, but by Fiona it is the same story as by Russel. But Veronica wanted a daughter, she also thinks Fiona is weak, when she saw her always crying at her room. When Fiona was little, she has got love from her mother. But when she started to speak, that was just all away. Veronica works on the ministry just like her husband, but at another departement. Veronica told her daughter to never cry, because that would make the pain easier. She has been true the same as Fiona.

Russel Thompson Father:
Russel is the father of Fiona. He works just like his wife at the ministry. And has got his own departement. He is a very rich men and has got good connections in the world. He is very strict and hard in his way to raise his children. Jason is perfect in his eyes, because he looks like him. Fiona was just only beautiful, but weak in his eyes. He wanted another boy, in the family. So he was disappointed when it was a girl. Woman were weak, that was how he thought of it. So he didn't give Fiona much attention, but because of that Fiona was a crying baby. Russel was angry of that, so he never gived Fiona love, only just punishment, only because she was a girl. He destroyed her emotionally, and at that point he had it right that Fiona was weak, but because of all the pain her father caused her. He is a proud men, but loves his wife and son. His parents were also very strict and hard in the way to raise the children, so he never knew something else.

Jason Thompson Brother:
Jason is the brother older brother of Fiona. They have a good relationship with each other but sometimes they hate each other, just like every brother and sister. Fiona is jealous at the attention he gets from her parents, and the love he gets. He looks like his dad, and Fiona is sure, that he will become just like her father in the future. They have the same personality and looks.
Area of Residence:
New Zealand, Wellington
Interests or Hobbies:
- Shopping
- The ministry
- Dark arts
- Busy with her looks
- Defence against the dark arts
- Aurors
Her weakness is her situation at home. If someone knows about it they can have power over her, and she doesn't want to look scared. She want to be a strong person, and show not to much emotion but it is difficult, so when she is alone and goes to sleep, she has got nightmares. When she is alone, she is really herself. Always putting up an act, is something you become tired of.
Plans for your future:
Fiona is scared of the future, she doesn't know if she get a good one, and happy one. But her dream is to have a job at the ministry and be happy with a family.
Describe your character in three words:
Broken, Confident, Secret
She is proud of her looks, and can act very good. She can stand up for herself, so nobody can hurt her anymore. She is also smart and has got ambition.
Your Patronus:
A bird - Stands for her beauty and the feeling of being free. And make her own decisions.
Your Patronus memory:
When Fiona was sorted into slytherin, and was away from home.
Your Boggart:
Her boggart is seeing herself burried into the ground.. And never come out of it.
Mirror of Erised:
If Fiona looks into the mirror, she see's herself in her own departement in the ministry of magic, having a good future.
Your Animagus:
A Bird, just like the patronus.
- What colour is silence?
Fiona meets Tommy Hayes a first year Slytherin at the courtyard. They both have some problems in there life. Maybe they can help each other?