Finding what keeps me

Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
It had been a while since Zazuka had seen storm clouds. They came early one spring afternoon and stayed. The sky seemed uncommonly for this time of the year like it was fit to split in two. It was here under a fork of lightning that Zazuka waited for the rain to fall. She was in a blue sundress and a bell anklet. That was all. She let the stormy wind nip at her exposed skin as she put her hands up to the sky.

As if it had been waiting for her invetation to start the rain came down over her head. It was as if someone had turned on a focet full blast because next thing Zazuka knew she was nearly soaked to the bone. She pointed her bare feet and started to dance. It had been a while she she had been compelled to dance to Evanessence but for what was in her heart it seemed apropret. The lake seemed to spay around her as she danced to 'Haunted' all the while she wished for the rain to take all her sorrows away if only for a moment.
Cloudy days were one of Galileo's favorite kinds of days and when he noticed the clouds in the sky he couldn't resist going out for a walk. As he neared the lake his heart began to jump at the idea of rain. He was reminded of the days he spent playing in the rain back home when he was younger. His mother would always be angry at him for this but he still considered his fun to be worth it.

Suddenly, rain began pouring from the sky. Galileo raised his hands to feel the rain hit his palms and continued to walk by the lake. He began remembering the best part about playing in the rain which was going back inside and getting warm under the covers with hot chocolate. With his clothes soaked now and the thought of some nice hot chocolate, he began to make his way back to the castle. As he turned, he noticed someone else by the lake as well. The pouring rain blurred his vision and made it impossible to see who it was. He walked towards the figure who appeared to be dancing. "Hey!" he yelled as he approached the person.
Zazuka was not waring her glasses so she could not really see that there was anyone coming. "Haunting you I can smell you arrive, your heart pounding in my heeeeeeeead." She sang along with the soft music that was coming out of the magical music device. A voice hit her ears as the one she had ran out on not too long ago. "Galileo." She said turning on to face where the voice had come from.

Zazuka had thought about that day whenever she had seen him in class and was imberessed that her emotions had gotten the better of her at the time. She could just never find just how to apologies without sounding like a total overemotional nut. She put her hands down though. She knew that she looked more than weird dancing like a gypsy outside in the rain. Oh how she loved it though.
Although he was closer now, Galileo still could not fully recognize the person in the rain. He wiped as much rain as he could from his face with his hand to try and improve his vision. Only a few feet away from the person he could now identify as a girl, he called out "Hey!" again, and before he could continue to ask the girl to accompany him inside he heard a familiar voice say his name.

"Zazuka?" he said wondering if it really were her. They hadn't spoken to each since their last encounter which hadn't ended ideally. Galileo still found himself going over the conversation in his head wondering if he had said something wrong to make her leave so suddenly. He stood there, puzzled and soaked, before asking, "What are you doing?" with a chuckle.
Galileo didn't seem to be angry at her so Zazuka put on a bright smile. "I'm dancing. The rain invites me to dance before it. The falling water soothes me in a way that all the sage in the world could not compare." She said putting her hands up again. The rain was much more important to Zazuka than what another would think of her really. She spun on pointed toe then brought her hands down to flatten her hair.

"What brings you out in this weather?" She asked Galileo. It was odd for her to encounter someone else outside in the rain. Her friends knew of habits but didn't come out to watch or join her. She was a bit happy for this. She could dance alone and however she wanted. Still it was also nice to have someone out here with her. The clouds seemed to crash into each other sending a bold taring though the already braking sky.
Galileo was slightly confused. He didn't come across people who danced in the rain often. Not knowing what to say Galileo stood there nodding as though he understood although he didn't really. Watching her continue to dance in front of him he was reminded of the last time they talked, which had indeed been the first time they'd met. His eyes began wander and follow the outlines of her body, easily visible through her soaked clothes, as she moved gracefully in the rain.

Caught by surprise, he almost didn't hear her ask him what he was doing out. "I was out for a walk when I got caught in the rain." he answered straightforwardly with a small shrug, the rain still pouring. "You're pretty good at that." he added with a smile as she continued to dance in front of him. "I'd join you but I'm not very good." he laughed.
Her eyes sparkled making it seem like she had the universe in them. She smiled wide though it was a half blind smile. "Oh I see. Oh well it's best for those who can not gain anything from the rain to hide from it. My hearts bleeds and shifts ever changing with a speed that could make the head spin. The rain leads me down a given path as if to take me with it on it's journey into the lake." She said. Zazuka without her glasses was a Zazuka that talked in riddles.

"My apologies. I seem to want to confuse as I am confused." She said wiving all of what she had just said away with one hand. She gave Galileo another warm smile. "It doesn't matter to the rain if you are good at dancing or not. All that matters is that you intentions are pure and you heart as a child's." She said laughing as she tossed her hands up again.
Even more confused than before, Galileo raised one eyebrow as he stood by Zazuka who continued to dance. It was hard for him to decide when he should just go inside an let her continue by herself. After all, she did suddenly leave him the last time they spoke. He remembered how it felt though and didn't want to do that to someone else, no matter how mysterious their actions were.

He knew he was not doing a very good job at hiding his feelings at the moment. Thinking quickly he asked, "So what does dancing in the rain do for you exactly?" hoping she hadn't already answered his question in one of her "riddles". Galileo was slightly embarrassed that it was all he could think of.
Zazuka gave him another wide smile. "It clears all the junk out of my head and makes it so I can think without the worry that it may go too far. Along with the rain and movement my thoughts find a clear path." She said as she took another spin and dropped to the ground. She looked up at the weather torn sky and smiled as if she where reseving a blessing.

"He will come back to me." She said then started to giggle. "I'm sorry Galileo. For running out on you. The pain of silence had gotten to me. Your voice and actions reminded me what it was like to talk about simple nothings." She said still giggling a bit. She looked up at where Galileo's shape was. "You did nothing but be a kind person to me." She said hoping to ease the unsettled energy that she got from him
(So sorry I took so long!)

Galileo nodded as Zazuka had explained to him what dancing in the rain had done for her. Returning a smile, he finally felt as though he understood what she had been saying. As she dropped to the ground, he took a couple of steps towards her to make sure she was okay but was assured she was when she looked up at the sky and smile.

Closer to her now, he heard he say something but before he could as her what it was, she apologized to him for leaving so suddenly the last time they had spoken. "Don't worry about it." he said with a chuckle. He smiled at her as she looked up at him. "Let me help you up." he said holding out his hand.
Zazuka felt so happy now. The rain had knew. It always knew where the right way was. She had been told to wait and that's what she was going to do. She was alright, she really was. She wanted to say outside though. She wanted to thank the rain now for guiding her. She smiled again when she saw the outline of Galileo's hand. "Let me help you down." She said taking his hand in both of her's and pulling him down on the muddy banks. Zazuka felt playful now. Everything felt right with the world.
As Zazuka took his hand, Galileo felt warm, unlike the pouring rain they'd been conversing in. He found himself confused for a moment when Zazuka told him she'd help him down. Before he could register what she had meant, he felt her pull him down to the ground.

Hitting the ground, he could feel the mud begin to stick to his body which would have bothered him on any other day. He turned and sat up facing Zazuka now. "I was definitely not expecting that!" he said as he laughed, wiping some mud from his face and arms. Wanting to get her back, Galileo thought quickly and flung a small amount mud at Zazuka. "Take that!" he said with a chuckle. He knew the amount of mud he'd thrown was miniscule compared to the amount he could have thrown but he decided to take it easy on her for now.
Zazuka got sprayed with mud as she laughed. She scooped up some of the rain water and tossed it back to him. "Come with me." She said her voice whispery. Zazuka seemed no longer all herself but she was truly happy for the first time in months. She started to get up without any concern because the thin blue material of the dress was sticking to her because of the rain.

Zazuka started to run across the muddy banks of the lake, leaving footprints that would soon wash away. The only proof that this day every happened would be the memories that they made. She looked back at Galileo wondering if he would chase after her to make her running the game she meant it to be.
Galileo continued to laugh as Zazuka splashed some water at him, covering his face to keep it from getting it into his eyes. Looking back at Zazuka, he heard her whisper to go with her. As she got up from the floor, he wanted to ask her where she was going but was distracted by the outlines of her body which were visible through her soaked clothes.

Following her, Galileo got up and began to chase her. She had a headstart on him but he was certain he could catch up. Drops of water splashed across his face as he picked up speed and he was again reminded of the days he spent playing in the rain when he was a younger boy. He was determined to make this day something he'd remember as well.
Zazuka ran as fast as she could when she saw that Galileo was coming after her. She looked back only every so often to see if he could keep up with a girl that felt as if she had wings. She reached the end of a cliff that rose only a few feet over the lake. She pointed her toes and spread her arms looking like she was going to jump into the churning water. After a minute she came back and stepped away. She turned back and smiled at Galileo. "Children, children we are all children in the eyes of fate so let's play like children int the blessings of the sky." She said with a wide smile and reached for his hands.
Keeping up with Zazuka was more difficult than Galileo thought it would be. He had to pick up speed several times to make sure she didn't get too far ahead of him. With his eye fixed on her, he was relieved to see her come to a stop at what looked like a small cliff in the pouring rain. Catching up with her he was startled when she neared the edge, making it appear as though she was going to jump. He stood a couple of feet behind her, catching his breath, before she stepped back towards him. She faced him with a smile and began speaking. Again, Galileo had no idea what she meant by what she said but smiled anyway. She reached for his hands and he took each of hers in his.
Zazuka looked up though rain soaked hair and beamed as the sky began to clear. "It begunes to slow. Thank you for being with me here." She said then enveloped Galileo in a hug. "I believe that you will turn out to be a good friend." She added with a bright smile. She started to walk back to the castle as the rain got slower and slower. This would be the last until next fall so Zazuka relished it. She picked up the bag she had left near the door then took a towel from it. She offered it to Galileo.
Galileo continued to stand with Zazuka in the rain. With her hands in his, he kept his eyes on her as she looked up at the sky. She thanked him for being there with her and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her and smiled. When she told him she thought he would turn out to be a good friend he replied, "I would like that very much." He then followed her back to the castle without saying much. He began to shiver a bit on their way yet still found himself becoming more and more disappointed at the fact that the rain was beginning to stop. Finally getting back to the castle, Zazuka had picked up a bag that was by the door and handed Galileo a towel. He immediately began to dry his hair with it and then wrapped it around himself when he was done. "Good thing you were prepared!" he said, chuckling to try and cover his shivers.
Zazuka beamed making the stars in her eyes seem to turn them silver. "I knew that I was going to come out here and dance. I love the rain and it seems to love me. It told me that my heart will come back to me." She said. She only had one towel but nothing seemed to be registering of the cold except that her skin was whiter than usual. "I had my music player in there too but then I wondered to far take it with me." She said then looked up the stares. She wanted to keep dancing under the drops or keep sort of playing with Galileo but neither where possible now. The rain had gone and so had the feeling of utter bliss. She reached in her back again this time taking out her glasses and placed them on her face. "We should get back up to the tower before we both get colds." She said as she placed her fingers over her lips in a laugh.
With a smile on his face as well, Galileo nodded in agreement and began heading up the stairs. He wrapped that towel around himself a little tighter to warm himself. "This was fun." he said to Zazuka trying to think of something more to say.

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