Finding Finals

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Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
First of all this is NOT A THRED ASKING FOR RP’s. I am pretty busy OOC however with all the talk of finals that has been sweeping the board recently I thought I would have a go at advertising for some here for my three girls.​

elvera is the one i am most looking for at the moment.
Name: Professor Elvera Le Fey
Age: 20 turning 21 next month (Class of ‘28, professor)
Age range:19-25 (willing to look outside this range thugh)
Hair: long down her back, raven black.
Eyes: one eye is green the other is violet
Skin tone: pale due to genetics and the lack of time she spends outside
Most distinguishing feature: he gift of seer
style: soft gothic/victorian sometimes of the time though somtimes she loves hoodies, and skirts as well
About her: Elvera is a quiet person, she spends most of her time in her divination tower, though she does like the north tower and being by the lake. When she isn’t in the school she is usually working in the inner eye or with her family which is growing pretty quickly as her mother has started to take in children. She is a seer like half of her family. Despite her quietness she seems to be well respected by the students maybe it is her cakes or maybe her reassuring words and motherly advice that have students coming to her for advice even though they are not in her class.

Looking for: final, male or possibly female, relationships once again either male or female.


Name: Briar Rowan
Age: 17 turning 18 at the cusp of January and February next year (seventh year)
Age range: 17-20 (though I am willing to look a little beond this
Hair: ginger will brobbly be the best wa to discribe it. Its very bushy and looks like it has either never been brushed or been dragged through a hedge backwards (usually one or both of the above are true)
Eyes: green
Skin tone: white but tanned due to the amount of time she spends outside running flying or even (albeit rarely) studying
Most distinguishing feature: the four scars on her right cheek, the wolf tattoo on her foot and her loud personality
Style: sporty, and quirky. she us usually seen sporting her red converse and a shirt that has some form of a wolf in it, never one for fashion she would she much rather dress for comfort than style.
Skills: although not a skill here would be the best place to say werewolf. Skill wise she is extreamly fit, often going fo a 2 hout rin before classes. She playe quidditch hard and hopes to go professional once she graduates, she also is pretty skilled spellcaster, she can also servive on her own in the wilderness quite happily.
about her: wild, loud, confident, sporty and boisterous are all words that could be used to describe this red head. She always seems to be going at something only coming to a stop at a full moon or when she is having a conversation with her sister. She had jus gone through a break up where the guy basically said that he never felt anything for her. So she is on a bit of a low (she often has these mood swings where something happens and she is on a low until she can relax and let go over the next holiday). She has a bit of a temper that is a little closer to the surface than it has been before, and it takes her a while to trust people (usually), which is getting worse now. She is often found running around the lake or in the forest or training hard on the quidditch pitch. She is rarely seen studying as she does mainly practical subjects where practising is more important than essays but when she dies study she try’s to get it done as quick as possible

Looking for: final either male or female. They either need to be as stronger personality as Briar is or willing to let her take the dominant role in the relationship. I cant see cuteness happening with her, more a sort of tough love relationship. but I am open to any sugestions

Name: Tara Sitara
Age: 15 turning 16 in march (fifth year)
Age range: 15-18 (am willing to look outside)
Hair: long and dark usually worn in a braid down her back that she can just about sit on the end of
Eyes: green
Skin tone: she is Indian so her skin is brown the sort of colour of mocha.
Style:indian/western. although after four years she is getting used to western fashions, he still swars them with an indian twist, colours fabrics and cuts, although not out of place are not your traditional everyday style
about her: Tara is very nice and would put anyone before herself. This means that sometimes she wont stand up for herself but thankfully her friends more than are willing to do that for her. She loves art and can be found on Saturday and Sunday afternoons under the willow tree by the lake or somewhere similar drawing away. She has just about managed to get out of an arranged marriage though it won’t be official until she goes back to India during the holiday.

Looking for: final, she wont be available officially until after Christmas. And probably wont start dating until about Easter as she hasn’t been single since the October of her second year. Cuteness work well with Tara so that would be nice if possible.

If you have any questions please feel free to comment here or PM me, I will probably answer quickest on this account
*colours in photo have no been photoshoped therefore the girls may not look exactly as pictured, their eyes are a different colour and Briars hair is and she has scars on her face​
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