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Cosette Mayfair

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2 Essence of Mermaid Scale
Hello Everyone! ^_^
So basically this post is for my lonely characters who need a love life/future. I really love them all but then I kind of hate myself for not making them happy in a way. I would really appreciate if you guys could help me with them. Just like the title itself I am looking for some Final or even love interest for my babies. :tut:</SIZE></FONT>


Mizelea Brooks
Currently Sixth Year in Beauxbatons (Play-by is Chloe Bridges)
She's really sweet and bubbly, likes to wander alone most of the time. Is also a fan Quidditch is currently one Quidditch Captain in her school, loves to annoy mean people though she regularly ignores them. One to define her is she's adorkable, she like a bouncing ball that never can be stopped bouncing. Oh and to spoil you some she's training for Legilimency. Mizzy is my main character and I just love using here so it would be awesome to have her love life a spark. She's pretty much interested in jerk as it gives her a challenge to change them, you k'now mean guys and all. All I want for her is a guy that will love her as her.


Yerik Rhys Price
Fourth Year Ravenclaw (Play-by is Nicholas Hoult, though I'll be changing him soon.)
I made him as I was inspired by my brother, explains the name too. He's your typical Ravenclaw smart and studious. Yerik doesn't socialize much nor does he have friends. He's really nice, kind and friendly once you get to know. Well he's just a bit serious about his grades and school works, other than that he like to bird watch. For him I'm looking for Purebloods, I mean I made him one so he'll be ending with one too. At the moment I'm not choosy about her house, age or what so ever. He can accept her as long as he loves her.


Milena La Fleur
Seventh Year Slytherin (Play-by is Bridgit Mendler)
My third character that I've made during 2010, she was really supposed to be a nice person but ended up in Slytherin. So I decided to twist her up a little, Milena here is somewhat vain. She loved Quidditch and her family, even though she was raised by only her mother and grandmother. She grew up to be a fine lady, oh and she's french. Fatherless, so she has some issues too. She's mean like any other Slytherins and is easily annoyed. Though once you meet her she can be nice to you, of course she's picky. I don't use her that much and I wish I could, so yeah. I see her with a guy who's either mean or nice, preferable a Slytherin.


Cosette Mayfair
Sixth Year Hufflepuff, Prefect (Play-by Bella Thorne)
I made her a year or years ago and instantly fell in love with her. She 1/3 of the Mayfair triplets, Cosette being the last one born. Unlike her brother and sister, she's not much vain and isn't snotty. She's a proud Hufflepuff and loves making friends. Always the trendsetter and adores music. Also she a Metamorphmagus and mostly depends on her feelings. At the moment she's torn as she's broken hearted and all but is trying to mend it by meeting a new boy. I really love Cosette and would love if someone would love her too.

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For more info just look up their Biographies and all or PM me (This account or Mizelea's). Also Feel Free to Ask questions, post, post and post. I'm really in need of help for them and it would amazing if some of you would be interested. With that said and posted,
Thank You! :wub:
Could Yerik just have a girlfriend for right now? I have Gwen who is a third year Gryffindor. She is mixed blood and I really want her to at least have a boyfriend for a little bit. Shes the baby in her family and even though she tries to be brave she is scared of her own shadow at times until you get her talking about her favorite subject than good luck getting her to shut up. Anyways I know she is not a pure blood but her and Yerik could have some fun until the right pure blood girl comes along or maybe she could lie and say she was pure blood and than Yerik finds out later than it is simply not true. Hmm I don't know let me know what you think.
Yerik isn't much bothered with non-purebloods to be her girlfriend (except for his final). So, there's no problem about that. They could hit it off, since he's protective and all. Of course it wouldn't last for long, sooo... Yeah I'm good about your idea, just give some deets on how the two will meet. ;)
Hey Mintzy,

I know this is a little late, but I recently got Mere Smith here, she's a fifth year Beauxbatons and is a pureblood (because her brother is one) and a thought that I would offer her up for Yerik. Her pb is Kesha (if you didn't realise :p ) and she is a nice girl, though she can be a little excitable, talkative and stereotyping, deep down she just wants to be happy. Her parents are pureblood supremists, and so she would probably end up marrying a pureblood because she doesn't have theguts to go against them. She is a different person when around her parents, she becomesthe perfect daughter. Even though her pb is Kesha, she can be rather down to earth,and isn't always a complete party animal :p

Umm, she can be a little protective of people she is dating and doesn't like other people (mostly girls) to hang around the guy she is dating. If you don't mind him dating someone that's a little bit older,and if you think they could work, I would be happy to help you out. ^_^

Hey Tenilee, :)
Sorry for the late response, I have no problem with Mere being older than him. Though I'm not sure if their Pb will blend in, (I'm going to change his PB by his fifth year) also I'm not that sure if her personality will match Yerik's. It's seems like their the exact opposite, but don't worry I'll keep Mere in mind and will update you. Since I decided to wait for more.
Thank You a lot! ^_^
Milena here is still final-less, also I'm removing Yerik out of the list. Not because he already has a final, but because I' m going to change his PB soon. So I'll have to think it all over. For the meantime, this two ladies needs finals. :r
Before this closes, I'm also gonna add Clea here.

Clea Everett-Price
Salem Graduate (Play-by is Britt Robertson)
I made Clea to have some bitterness among my characters, broken and is orphaned by both of her parents. She's currently staying with her uncle and aunt (Yerik's parents). Clea is really sarcastic and is a struggling writer. She's been a loner ever since and doesn't care what others may say about her. This blonde is also independent and smart, isn't easy to please as well. But over all she's just messed up and trying to face the real world. Also, she's quite afraid of the world as her parent's murdered is still outside there, perhaps she's going to be killed next, which means she has some trust issues with strangers. Other distinguished features of her, is her purple eyes. For Clea, I'm open for anything at all. I just want someone to love her and will help her to be happy again. Her final needs to be a male of course, and will accept her.​
What happened to Milena and James Woodlock?
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