Fenton Gregory Longestine

Fenton Longestine

Well-Known Member
12 1/2" ash and willow mix with thestral hair core

Character's Name: Fenton Longestine
Character's Birthdate: July 18th 2006
Hometown: Suressfeld, Huddersfield, Yorkshire
Blood Status: half blood
<SIZE size="150">Appearance
Hair: Dark Blond
Eyes: hazel
Height: 6ft 4"
Other distinguishing marks: small scar on left side of face.
Tattoo on his right upper arm.
Style: Comfortable clothing, casual with a touch of preppy.


12 1/2" ash and willow mix with thestral hair core:
Ash Aids in communication and learning. Removes blockages that prevent the flow of words and knowledge. It is the wood of the poet and the scholar while Willow is know as the tree of enchantment. It is famous for its unique healing properties and is used to generate great psychic energy as an aid in divination. The hair symbolizes regeneration and is also beneficial in times of transformation and change


Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

A Little Deeper

Fenton is unbelievably loyal. Himself and his two bestfriends have known each other a long time now. He respects his parents greatly and his grandparents. A playful, mischievous person he also knows when to tow the line. Honest but will lie if it means helping his friends out. Likes to think he's sporty but would rather watch a game than play it.

History: Fenton grew up in Suressfeld, a small wizarding community just outside the town of Huddersfield in Yorkshire. His childhood was an idealic one as both his grandparents and his uncle lived in Suressfeld as well. He always found it easy to make friends, preferring to play with boys as he found girls simply a nuisance. At the age of 11 he received his letter from Durmstrang much to his parents delight. Though his mother had been a student at Hogwarts it was tradition in his fathers family to attend Durmstrang. He met his two bestfriends in his first few days there and they have been pretty much inseperable since. In his fourth year he met a girl who was good friends with Harrison and dispite her being a tomboy he found her intriguing and nothing like any of the girls he was used to. He soon found out that she was a werewolf yet it didn't detract from how he thought he felt about her. After the awful treatment she was subjected too the three boys wrote to their parents to complain. Harrison's moved him immediately from the school, while Aries took him out to transfer him to HNZ. It was Fenton's who simply thought he was being irrational and refused to believe any of the stories he told them. Eventually in his 6th year he managed to persuade them to transfer him to HNZ where he now attends, having been kept back a year for his poor grades.

He was reunited here with Aries of course, though the boys often spent the vacations together anyhow. He was also reunited with Andromeda who he was still convinced he loved. This myth was soon dispelled and in time he found himself captivated by the first real love of his life, Trista Paramore.


Longestine Family:


Father: Gregory Charles Longestine;
D.O.B: August 5th 1981
Occupation: Wizarding Attache for Muggle British Prime Minister
Blood status: Half Blood


Uncle: Ralph James Longestine
D.O.B: June 21st 1986
Occupation: Department of Magical Law Enforcement
Blood status: Half- Blood


Grandfather: Ralph Fenton Longestine
D.O.B: December 14th 1953
Occupation: Retired Professor of Potions
Blood status: Half Blood


Grandmother: Charlotte Astrid Asher
D.O.B: September 12th 1955
Occupation: Herbologist
Blood status: Half-blood

Keating Family:


Mother: Dervla Elizabeth Keating
D.O.B: August 17th 1983
Blood status:


Grandfather: Paul Richard Keating
Blood status:


Grandmother: Melanie Michelle Richardson
Blood status:

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