Felix Donovan

Felix Donovan

Active Member
OOC First Name
Mike G
Name: Felix Paxton Donovan
Born: 13th July 1968
Blood Status: Half- Blood

Felix: Lucky, Successful
Paxton: Peace
Donovan: Dark Brown

Key traits: Good listener, good problem solver, intelligent, hard-working

Mother: Abigail Donovan
Born: 1940
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Occupation: Healer


Father: Bernard Riley Donovan
Born: 1935
Blood Status: Muggle
Occupation: Politician

Brother: Riley Donovan
Blood Status: Mixed-Blood
Occupation: Hit-Wizard


Wife: Elizabeth Donovan
Born: 1970
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Occupation:International Magical Office of Law department


Born in Dundee, where his Mother grew up, Felix was proud to be a part of New Zealand. His Father, emigrated to New Zealand from the US where he met Abigail, when they eventually wed in 1960. Riley was born in '63 and Felix followed 5 years later. Both children were brought up strictly, under the phrase of : Children should be seen and not heard. Riley was home-schooled and continued to be home-schooled turning down attending a wizarding school. However, desperate to escape his boring childhood Felix chose otherwise, instead opting to attend Hogwarts in England.

He lived with his Grandparents who emigrated there and was sorted into Ravenclaw. He was smart and bright, where he learnt to become a good listener, and liked to please people, by helping them with their problems. He was quite skilled with a wand, and he loved to learn. His favourite lesson was Transfiguration, but he did well in most of his subjects. Felix visited his parents every summer, and his relationship with them wasn't the best, but he still visited them. After being successful in his N.E.W.T.s he applied for a job at the Ministry in the UK in the International Magical Office of Law department. After 3 years in the job, he got offered the chance to move to the United States to work in their Ministry in the same department. He accepted, and moved there immediately. Whilst in the US he met his soon to be wife- Elizabeth, when they wed three years later. She also worked in the same department as him. In 2003, Bernard Donovan died of a hear attack, followed by his wife; Abigail in 2004 in which Healers say she died of a "broken heart".

In 2020, Felix retired early and moved back to New Zealand, a place he was once proud to live. However he was shocked at how much it had changed. In 2023, a Death Eater murdered his remaining family ; his wife and brother. The Death Eater escaped charge, due to seemingly lack of evidence and Felix became obsessed with changing the way things ran. He became angry at how New Zealand had changed for worse, and it seemed that no-one would oppose Gellert Coote, standing to help New Zealand become prosperous as it once was. Under the rule of Gellert Coote, Felix thought his weaknesses could be improved on with his predecessor. However no option for election for this was presented until 8 years later, where Felix returned out of retirement and applied to run for Minister, hoping to make change.

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